There's No Competetion in Love


I make my way to St. Anders school for boys. My crew next to me. Our hips swinging seductivily. All the others know to stay behind us. We make our way into their grounds. I stop and smirk.

"Come on Amber" I nod and start walking next to Gemma again. We make our way to the guys and we walk even more gracefully our heels clicking at the same time.

"Sanders" I say while walking up to his crew. They all turn their heads.

"Davison" He holds his hand out as do the others. We get onto they help us onto the bleachers and we sit next to each guy. Sanders and myself at the top.

"Swimming season starts tommorow, is your girl ready?" I turn to him and grin.

"Only if Haner is ready to lose" He smiles and laughs lightly. I turn my head from him and look at the new transfer guy. I wink seductivly at him and he smiles back.

"Amber?" I look down at Dee.

"Ya babe?"

"I'm bored, lets bounce?" All the girls eyes are pleading with me to say yes. They won't do anything like that without me. Shit they won't do anything without me.

"Ya lets ho I am sick of this shit." I go to stand up, but of corse Sanders can't just not be an irrogant asshole.

"Mr. Carnell?"

"Yes Matthew?"

"Are the girls allowed to head back yet?"

"Of corse not"

"Then were is Ms. Davison and the others going?" On cue all the teachers and students look at us. I glare and Sanders then smirk.

"I am having girl problems and they were helping me. We were just going to the bathroom" I put on my best innocent face as well as the girls, and besides 'Carnell' can be turned in for sex with a minior. I'm not stupid I cover my bases, I don't have my reputation for nothing.

"All right hurry back" I smile and nod. I grab Ashley and Trish's hands as they grab Gemma
and Dee's and we head off. We get up to the guys school and walk in like we own the place.

"What the hell was that faggot thinking?" I snarl once we get there. They shrug and then I get a brillant idea.

"Follow me" Since we have been going to the school so long we know our way around the guys with ease. We head to the guys dorms. I step infront of Sanders and his crew's room and smile slyly.

"Do it" I open the door and I walk in the girls hot on my trail.

"Close the door" On command Ashley shuts it. I look out the window and see both schools inside for dinner. I walk back and
look at the girls.

"Do it" They smirk and go through their clothes to find what they are looking for.

"Found mine" Gemma almost laughs holding up Haner's swimming trunks.

Soon they all have their sports gear. I smile and we go to leave and disspose of the evidence. I open the door and there is a glaring Shadows and his crew.

"Why am I not surprised to find you five here" I shrugg and try to walk past, but he grabs my arm and pulls my back in. The girls drop the stuff and go to pull him off. But are caught by the others.

He gently yet indemidently walks me backwards. My knees hit the bed and I fall gracefully backwards. He smirks and comes down straddling my waist. I can't help but be turned on. He knows this and leans down kissing my neck. I let out a little wimper and he just a bit harder sucking and nipping here and there. The guys snicker somwhere within the room and you hear the girls shiffting trying to break from them. let out a shallow moan, He smirks againist my skin knowing he found my spot. I hear the guys laugh louder and I am brought out of my trance.

I bring my knee up and hit his groin hard. He rolls off immidently. I hit him across his face and he looks at me.I get off the bed and the guys let go of the girls. They scamper with me towards the door. Once we get there and I turn around to face him,. he has his head in his hand leaning on his elbow on the side facing me smirking.

"See you at the swim met in the morning" I spit before slamming the door closed behind me.

This isn't our first accounter like this, and it certiantly won't be the last.