There's No Competetion in Love

No more tomorrow

I wake up the next moring to Gemma having a hystircal fit and girls following suit.

"Amber!" Gemma screams running into my arms and crying even more.

"What are you doing? You have to get ready for your swim match today"

"Amber its been canclled!" I blink,

"Ok so when is the re-match"

"There isn't going to be one"

"What the hell do you mean?"

"Amber, they're closing our school. There is a notice all over. They owe on taxes or somthing, and unless three million is paid by next Friday, our school is closed. And
they already said there is no way they can come up with that money"

My heart pounds and I stare blanklessly. "This can't be happing Dee whines, tears going down her always smiling cheeks.

"We have to do somthing" Trish yells

"What can we do, face it in a week and a half we all will be going to diffrent schools. Away from one anothor for the first time in six years. Away from all the other girls, and
the guys" I finally let tears fall down my face.

We all lay there mopping and feeling sorry for ourselves for about an hour, before
I have had enough of it. "Get up, everyone get up. Get dreesed and sexyful if we are going to go out, we are going out the same way we came in. The shit. So get ready, time to go fuck with some boys head while we still can."

Everyone seems to perk up and we all get dreesed. Helping one anothor with clothes, make-up and our hair. Just like a real life slumber party. Only this isn't somthing that we can do agian next weekend. Because for us there litteraly is no next weekend.

We all finsh getting ready and put out pumps on before heading outside of our dorm and down the stiars. We hear murmores from the girls, because no amount of make-up can hide our blood-shot eyes and damp cheeks. We walk outside and make our way over to the guys school.

"Wait" I say softly before we walk into the school.

"Huh?" Ashley asks.

"Lets go to Sanders spot, it may be one of the last times we get to bother them" Everyone laughs and we make our way to the blechers.

"How can they just forfit!?!? I promise Davison has somthing up her miniskirt!" I chuckle and sniffle at the same time walking up the guys.

"For the first time ever Sanders I wish you were right" All their heads turn and look at us.

"Amber? Holy shit whats wrong?" This is one of the few times we get along like normal people. I don't say anything nor do the others, we just let the guys walk over to us.

After a few minutes of collecting myself I finally talk. "Sanders this is the end"

"What do you mean?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"They're closing our school babe. The girls and I are going home. The school owe three million dollars for somthing and they don't have it to pay so by this time next Friday I will never see you again." All their jaws drop.

"This, this is a bluf right?" I give him a half smile.

"Sorry Sanders guess your not going to get in my pants after all" I lightly laugh and he frowns.

"This is bull shit!" He snarls.

"Matt" I say shakingly and try to touch his shoulder, but he bats my hand away like I have somthing.

"No don't you touch me! Don't you fucking touch me!" He snaps and I jump back.

"Shit, Amber i'm sorry, but this sucks for us too! Why the fuck does your school have to be so regected? God this is so fucking gay!" He yells.

"Well at least you'll still have your boys to comfort you, mine will be across the fucking world!!" I snap back and storm off my girls hot on my trail as well as the
hot tears burning my ivory cheeks.

Fuck you Sanders! You will be in anothor place from me too!