Status: Active <3

The Spotlight

A Sinking Feeling

Just sitting around wasn’t doing anything for my health, even if there wasn’t anything I could do. I looked out the window to my left, seeing the hospital parking lot. You’d think with the money it costs to be treated here they could give you at least a decent view. But everything just leads to the same conclusion. I hate hospitals. And I don’t like sitting around here, I’ve only got a few cuts and bruises, nothing that could kill me. Unfortunately my doctor, who might I add wasn’t even cute, insists that they keep me trapped here to keep an eye on me. I’ll show him something to keep an eye on alright!

You know, the thing that just makes this all worse, is that I can only picture the same thing in my head. Over, and over, and over again. All I could see is Nellie lying there motionlessly with blood on her. It was haunting me, and no one would tell me if she was alright. My doctor kept claiming that he just didn’t know, but I just had the sinking feeling that things weren’t okay. Suddenly the clicking of heels made me refocus on what was actually going on.

“Chloe! Oh thank goodness.” Jenna said, with tears streaked down her face.

She ran over to me and embraced me in a hug, careful not to tug on the wires attached to me. I could hear her sniffles and thanking the lord quietly for my safety. Over my sister’s shoulder I could see Jack his hands over his face, most likely covering the tears I could tell that were pouring out. He walked over to me and pulled Jenna off of me because she had begun fussing over me.

“I’m so glad that you’re okay.” He whispered as he kissed the top of my head gently. He moved a piece of my hair out of my face and smiled at me. And these were the times when I really loved my brother.

“I’m fine guys, but do either of you know how Nellie is? You have to tell me!” I said, becoming upset. Both of them just shook their heads, tears began coming out of Jenna’s eyes again.

“Babe, we just don’t know yet.” Jack said, looking very pale. “It’s barely been a half-hour since the accident, they’re not done checking her out yet. But I promise the second we know, I’ll tell you.”

I just nodded and turned my head towards the window once again. Jenna’s sniffling slowly came to a stop, and I could hear Jack making himself comfortable in one of the chairs next to my hospital bed. I watched people pull in and out of the hospital, and I even watched as an ambulance pulled up, bringing in an injured person. I couldn’t help but to wonder if that’s what Nellie and I looked like being brought it. Although, I really didn’t want to think about it that much, especially since that sinking feeling just kept getting worse and worse.

After a few minutes of lying there on the bed, I felt my eyes slowly becoming heavy. I was getting tired, I had been through a lot today. I fell into a restless sleep with pictures and replays of the accident going on and on in my mind. I could see Nellie lying there with her eyes shut, blood dripping down. I shot up out of my sleep, breathing heavily. I felt a calming hand stroke my head, and lay me back down.

“Shh. It’s going to be okay.” A familiar voice whispered.

I sat there, closing my eyes trying to calm down. I gripped the person’s hand tightly, and the tears that were bottled up came streaming out. I felt the person kiss my head and rub their thumb gently across my fingers, quickly ending the flow of tears. I opened my eyes to see Nick standing there, looking distraught. My heart rate sped up and I quickly became nervous. Just my luck that he’s here.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, wiping the tears of my face.

“To make sure that you’re okay.” He said, looking me directly in the eyes sincerely.

“Where are Jenna and Jack?” I asked, looking around for my missing older brother and sister. How could they have left me alone with him? Are they psychotic?

“Going to see what they can find out about your sister.” His voice said quietly, and the tears began welling up in my eyes again. He tried to wipe them away, but I slapped his hand away. I didn’t need his compassion, I didn’t need him in general. “Look, okay. I know that you’re pissed at me, but you have to understand that I really do care about you Chloe. I’m here because I want to help, I want to be here for you when you need me. I know I screwed things up, but I really think that I can do better. I really think you should give me a second chance.”

“I don’t know if I can.” I whispered, looking down at the ground.

“I know that I messed up okay, Chloe! Do you understand how terrible I’ve been feeling? I want to make things right again! I really do care about you!” Nick screamed frustrated, at me. “I took care of you the other night, when you were drunk, and I realized that I gave ruined one of the best people I know. You deserve better, and I promise that I will be better. You just have to let me try.”

“I really don’t know Nick! Okay?” I screamed at him, the tears bawling out. “Especially not now! You broke me Nick, and I don’t think it’s possible for that hurt to go away. And I have enough to worry about right now, and you’re not helping me!”

At that Nick’s anger suddenly vanished, he wrapped me in a hug, holding me tightly as I cried. He rubbed my back soothingly, causing the sobs to slowly disappear until only a few tears were still dripping down. I looked up into his eyes and all I could see was worry. He really did want me to be okay, and so did I. But what if Nellie wasn’t okay? How would things ever be okay again?

“Nick,” I whispered, looking into his eyes. “Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is her lying there with blood all over. What if she isn’t okay?”

“She’s going to be fine. I promise.” He said, and wrapped me in his arms again.

I scooted over on the hospital bed so Nick could sit there beside me. I placed my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. The sobs came out once again as we laid there together. He rubbed my arm gently as I let him comfort me. It was nice feeling his touch again, but something inside was nagging at me. Something about this just wasn’t right. And her name was Claire Freeman. I tried to shove these thoughts out of my mind. The future didn’t matter right now. I just needed him right now.

I heard some shuffling outside of the door and then the door to my hospital room swung open. Jenna walked in with Jack behind her and immediately the room went from peaceful to very tense. Jack looked at Nick as if he could kill him and I could almost imagine that actually happening. Jenna gave both of us a look of extreme disapproval. Neither of them wanted Nick this close to me.

“Get out of my sister’s bed. Get out of this room. And leave this hospital right now.” Jack said, with an extremely clipped tone.

“Of course sir,” Nick said, kissing my head, and hopping off of the bed. “Bye Chloe, I’ll see you around.”

I just nodded and turned my gaze towards the window again. He’d definitely be seeing me around, but not in the way he meant. I don’t think we’d ever be that close again, I don’t know if I’d be able to let him. I heard Nick leave the room and shut the door behind him, and then Jack cough to get my attention. I turned back to look at my two older siblings. They were unhappy, I could tell.

“Why was he in the bed with you? He told me he was just coming to see if you were okay and he would leave directly after.” Jack asked.

“He was comforting me and that was all. I swear.” I said, running my hand through my hair. “He asked me if there was a way we could be an us again.”

“What did you say?” Jenna asked, quietly. “I know that I can’t trust him again, and I don’t like the thought of you two together again, but if that’s what you want I’m going to be with you every step of the way. And so will Jack.”

“I told him I didn’t know. I still don’t know. And, thanks Jenna.” I said looking down, no longer wanting to talk about my run in with Nick. “So, did you hear news about Nellie yet.”

“No, she’s still being checked out by a doctor.” Jack said, looking down.

After a few seconds of silence I heard a knock on the door and it swung open again. This time I saw Maddie and Soph come in, accompanied by Kevin and Joe who were each holding balloons, teddy bears, and flowers. I smiled at the sight of them and they all rushed over to me except for Joe who had gone over to talk with Jack and Jenna in a serious manner. Kevin and the girls tied some balloons to my hospital bed, handed me a teddy bear, and placed a vase of flowers on the table next to me.

“How are you feeling?” Kevin asked, after each of them had given me a hug and Joe had joined us.

“I’m feeling alright. I wasn’t too banged up, but they want to keep me for the night just to keep an eye on me. I think I’m fine though.” I said, with a bright smile on my face. I was so glad they had all come to visit me. It had definitely lightened up the tension that had been in the room before.

After talking with everyone for a little bit I noticed Maddie giving me a questioning look. It was one of those ones that make you wonder if you did something wrong, but didn’t notice. I looked around at everyone and during a break in the conversation I decided to speak. “Hey guys, would you mind leaving me and Maddie alone to talk for a few seconds.”

“I saw Nick leaving the hospital before we walked in, no one else noticed him.” Maddie said, once everyone had left the room. “Did he come to see you?”

“Yes.” I said, and sighed. “Look I—“

“Chloe, whatever you decide, I just want you to know that I’m here for you. If you decide to get back together with him, that’s your choice, I’ll be behind you even if I don’t like it.” She said, hopping onto the bed, so I moved over to make room.

“Maddie, honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that. I’m not even sure if I could be able to handle being friends.” I said, being honest. “But thanks. I know you really wouldn’t want us to get back together.”

“I’m only watching out for you.” She said, and then Jenna walked into the room hurriedly.

“Nellie’s fine! Well….not perfect, but alive.” Jenna said, and I cried out for joy. Thank goodness. I could finally shut my eyes in peace now. But the only thing was, I still felt that sinking feeling. And I had a feeling it wasn’t going away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know you’re all probably really really mad at me and I don’t blame you. I’m really sorry for how long this update took, but I really wanted this part to be perfect so I’ve re-written it like a 100 times. So, I hope you enjoyed it! I’d love it if you guys would comment! It definitely would make these updates come faster! Love you all!
