Status: Active <3

The Spotlight

Click, Click, Click

My high heels clicked along the floor as I walked towards my sister’s hospital room. Heads turned to look at me, the girl in the black dress and heels, probably wondering where in the world she was going. Well, I for one was heading towards my sister’s room to check on her once before I headed out for my first interview since the accident. It’s been a few days, I had already been released from the hospital.

The four of us, Jack, Jenna, Nellie, and I had sat down as a family to discuss further planning concerning the tour. Nellie wouldn’t be able to tour for at least another 2 weeks. Nothing too serious or troublesome, but we would have to either post-pone the tour or cancel it all together. As a family we decided to post-pone it, and to get the word out we’ve sent emails from our fan sites, and now we’re beginning to each go on our own to have interviews helping to spread the word as well.

“Oh hey, Chloe.” Nellie whispered in a hoarse tone, as I walked into the room.

“Hey Nellie. How are you feeling?” I said, leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Fine, but the food sucks.” She replied, and I laughed. Only Nellie would make a joke like that, even though she knew I was a complete and total wreck. “Chill out Chloe, I’m seriously fine. Even the doctors say so. Just go do the interview and be sure to kick butt.”

“I don’t care what the doctors say, they weren’t that car. They didn’t see you like that.” I said, and shivers went up and down my spine.

“I thought you said the nightmares had stopped.” She said, with a stern expression, Nellie reach her hand out and rubbed it lightly against my cheek and I looked away. “You need to stop worrying yourself, everything is over. There is nothing left to traumatize yourself over. Quit torturing yourself, it’s not healthy.”

“Look, Nellie, I will never be able forget it. And I can’t get that picture out of my mind, but I’ll be fine.” I said, standing up and smoothing out my dress. “Jack, should be here in a few minutes. I’ll see you later.”

“Stop shutting us out Chloe! We only want to help!” Nellie yelled at me as I walked out of the hospital room.

I headed down the hall and back out the main door to the hospital. I could see the black SUV in front of me and I quickened my pace, while slipping on my sunglasses. I opened the door to the van and shut it behind me after I got in. I nodded for the driver to begin driving, and after a minute or so my phone began ringing with Jenna’s ringtone. I picked it up begrudgingly.

“Where are you?! And where is the SUV?! You know you were supposed to wait for me!” Jenna shouted, frustrated.

“Look, you’re smothering me. I can handle a stupid interview on my own okay? I don’t need a babysitter.” I said and heard Jenna sigh angrily on the other end of the phone.

“Chloe, we’re not smothering you, you’re pushing everyone away again. You can’t keep doing this. I know you’re still having these nightmares, and I think it might be time for you to start getting some professional help.” She said, helplessly.

“Look, I’m not pushing anyone away, I am an independent person. And if anything you’re the one who needs professional help. God. I’ll see you when I get home.” I said, and hung up the phone.

Where in the world did she come off saying that I was pushing people away? I am perfectly fine on my own, they’ve been treating me like I’m some sort of mentally unstable child. I’m aware of the fact that things haven’t been going well for me, I don’t need them to point it out for me. I put my iPod into my ears and blared the music, trying to drown out my thoughts. Who are they to tell me when I need help?

The trees and street sped by me as the driver brought me to my interview. The car began to slow down gradually, and I could see the hungry paparazzi already running after the SUV. All looking for the best shot. It was sickening. I slid my sunglasses over my eyes again, and raised the volume to my iPod, right before someone opened the door. I threw the cameras a few quick smiles, listening to the click, click, click, of pictures being taken. I stepped through the door to the studio and the sounds were instantly drowned out by the screams of fans. I smiled and waved enthusiastically.

“Ms. Johnson, right this way.” One of the official assistants said to me, while walking towards one of the back doors.

“Chloe, please.” I said, politely and let the make-up and hair people fix me up quickly.

After a few more minutes of fixing up and debriefing they left me alone to calm myself. I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. I could do this. I didn’t need my family to help me. I can do this all by myself. If I’m strong enough to do everything I have, I can most certainly do this on my own. This is just like every other interview I’ve done. Nothing different. Nothing out of the norm.

“Why do you always insist on doing everything on your own? Although I should have expected it. This is you we’re talking about.” Nick said, and I turned around. “Quit trying to say your fine and accept some help. You’re just starting to piss me off now.”

“Nick.” I whispered, and then they announced my name to go on stage.

“Go. I’ll still be here when you’re done. I promise I’m not going anywhere this time.”

I nodded my head at him and walked onto the stage with a new sense of empowerment. I knew that in what he said he was going to be there. But that was only a small sense of security, there was still a bit of fear. What did this mean? What could it mean? And most importantly, could I handle it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chloe’s outfit for the interview. Alright, well I hope your enjoying this story so far. And if we all don’t mind I’d like it if you all commented on this story! I also would like to thank those of you who do and did comment! It means a ton! Oh and I am extremely sorry for how long it took me to update this!
