Status: Active <3

The Spotlight

Nothing Has Changed, Except for Everything

I opened my eyes groggily. My vision was blurred for a second or so and then it cleared up. And then the pain hit. My head was pounding and I groaned in pain. Then I realized the presence sitting on the edge of the bed. They seemed to be giggling, and the sound just made my head hurt more. I finally looked up to see Maddie sitting there with a smile on her face. I put the pillow over my head trying to drown out the noise she was making.

“Go away!” I groaned.

“What if I told you I had something to help?” I heard her gentle voice said.

“Why didn’t you say that five minutes ago? Hand it over woman!” I said, sitting up. My head was spinning from sitting up so quickly and I felt abnormally dizzy. She giggled slightly, and my head pounded again. I reached out one of my hands towards her, placing the other on my forehead. I took the pills from her hand not even bothering to see what they were, and chugged them down with a glass filled with water. I blinked my eyes a few times and then looked around finally taking in my surroundings. I was in the Jonas house, more specifically, Nick’s room.

Everything rushed back to me at that moment. What happened last night? Fighting. Then I was at some sort of party. I could vaguely remember Kevin walking over to me, freaking out, and then he picked me up and took me out. He saved me. It all went black and then I saw Nick, we were kissing. And then he shoved me. Straight into his bed. The pain had sobered me for a few moments. And then everything blurred again, except for him lying next to me. Saving me from the most horrible nightmare I had ever had. I shuddered just thinking about it.

I saw a guy come over to a woman, her face blurred, but she seemed scared. Her feelings were radiating off of her like waves from the ocean. I felt scared as well, the man was wearing all black, the whole alley was empty and dark. It had an eerie feeling to it. I couldn’t make his face out no matter how hard I tried. I stepped forward to get a closer look as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was shiny, and in the shape of a gun. I screamed and ran towards the woman, waving my hands. Trying to make her run away. But it was too late. The gun had already fired. The man suddenly disappeared and I saw the woman collapse to the floor, her hand clutching her chest. I walked up to the woman looking at her figure on the floor. Suddenly her face became clear, and I knew who it was.

My mother had been the one laying on the floor, covered in blood, a pool of it. She was gasping for air. It was obvious that these were her final breaths. I watched as she choked, and then became still, and there was nothing I could do. I felt helpless, and alone.

I shouted over and over again trying to get help. But there was no one there, the dark alley was empty. I could hear the echoing of laughter, the man. The one who had killed her. I knew that it was him who was laughing. I looked around frantically for someone to help me, but no one was there. And then my eyes popped open, with tears pouring down my face, and Nick was there to comfort me. Taking care of me. I looked at Maddie, tears threatening to fall, just thinking about everything. But I immediately hardened once Nick poked his head through the door to look at the two of us. The tears disappeared from my eyes the second I saw his face.

“Uh, hi. I just wanted to make sure things were okay.” He said, quietly.

“Things are fine. Here are your clothes Chloe, I’ll be downstairs when you’re finished.” Maddie said, standing up and leaving. That left me and Nick alone. He stepped inside, closing the door lightly behind him as he walked in.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, stepping closer to me. I stood up, feeling better, and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

“Fine.” I said, guardedly. “Tell Kevin I said thank you.”

“You could tell him yourself you know. He’s downstairs, probably with Joe talking to Maddie. My parents just went out to go do a few things.”

“I’ll tell him myself then, you can leave now.”

“What is wrong with you? You do realize that I took care of you last night too. And when you woke up from that nightmare, freaking out, I held you and promised that I would be there for you. Well guess what, I’m here! And I’m trying to help, but you’re making it so damn hard!”

“You do realize that what happened last night was completely and totally you’re fault. And anyways you took advantage of me last night! I was drunk for crying out loud! You wrapped you’re slimy hands all over me, and kissed me! Was cheating on someone once not enough for you? It didn’t make you feel good enough? I have to be totally destroyed on the inside for you to feel satisfied?”

“Oh please! You’re the one who got on top of me! Trying to seduce me! I had enough sense in my brain. Personally I think I like you better drunk. You took my apology then, and allowed me to help you. God, what was even in that dream anyway? You’re such a freaking baby, it couldn’t have been that bad.”

“I watched my mother right before my eyes and there was nothing I could to.” I said. “Is that bad enough for you?”

“Oh Chloe. I’m sorry. I di-”

“I’m done with your shit. Just remember that nothing has changed between us. Everything that happened last night means nothing. I still hate you.” I said to him. “Leave, now.”

“That’s not true. Everything has changed. And we both know that it meant something, I’m going to keep my promise to you Chloe. I am going to take care of you. It’s all going to be alright.” He said and sighed. I watched him walk out, shutting the door behind him. My knees went weak, and I collapsed onto the floor crying. Why did he have to do this to me? Why did I have to have feelings for him? It just wasn’t fair! Once I pulled myself back together, I slipped on the change of clothes that Maddie had brought me.

Before I walked downstairs again I thought. I was lying. Nick was right. Things were different now. Everything has changed. I took a final deep breath and walked down stairs to see everyone in the kitchen. I walked straight up to Kevin, and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. He hugged back and then I whispered into his ear. “Thank you so much.”

“It’s okay, just please, please don’t scare me like that again.” He said once we let go of each other. I just smiled at him, because at this point, I was in no position to be making any promises. I looked at Maddie who was talking to Joe, smiling. I could see Nick in the corner, just watching, not daring to say a single word. I looked at Joe and gave him a hug hello.

“Alright Maddie, let’s go.” I said and Maddie said goodbye to Kevin and Joe. I couldn’t help to notice a glint in her eye as she said goodbye to Joe, giving him a long hug. Then the two of us walked out, completely ignoring Nick as he followed us to the door. We got into our car, and I watched as he stared at the car as we drove away. Nothing was the same. The car ride was silent and I just stared at the road. Finally, I decided to break the silence.

“Did you tell Jenna and Nellie?”

“Just Nellie. She deserves to know, you and I both know that.” She said, looking at me quickly.

“I know.” I said and sighed. “Was she upset? She’s probably so disappointed in me!”

“Actually, I think she was just worried. And I don’t think she’s going to rat you out to Jenna and Jack. She’s scared for you.” Maddie said.

“Oh.” I said and there was that silence again. I knew why it was there. Even though Maddie loved me and was my best friend, I knew she was disappointed in me. Severely disappointed. And to be honest, I felt terrible about it. But it just makes all the pain disappear, and you feel so happy. It’s something you can’t really explain unless you’ve experienced it. I thought for a while, and then I broke the silence really just wanting to talk to my best friend.

“Do you like Joe?” I said, staring at the road ahead of us.

“No.” She said flatly, still staring at the road. And then I could see my house in view, and she parked outside of it. Although, I didn’t get out yet. I knew she had something to say to me, and I knew it. “Chloe, I love you. And you are my best friend, and I want to help you so badly! But I can’t help me if you don’t tell me what is going on.”

“You know what’s going on. I just need time.” I sighed.

“Okay.” She said and sighed, unlocking the doors for me to get out. I stepped outside of the car with my stuff and opened the door to my house. Nellie was sitting on the living room couch with a lit cigarette in her hand, biting her nails. It had always been a nervous habit of hers. To bite her nails.

“What are you doing?!” I shouted running into the living room, ripping the cigarette out of her hand, dropping the clothes on the floor, and throwing that cancer stick into the sink. I let the water pour onto it, and I heard Nellie’s footsteps walk into the kitchen furiously behind me. “Are you insane?! I thought we were done with all of this!”

“We have been! I wasn’t smoking, just holding it. Do you understand how I felt now, when I heard that my baby sister had gone out drinking?! Are you insane?! I thought that we went through this! This was supposed to be done with now! You weren’t going to let Nick and Claire get to you anymore.”

“I wasn’t until Mom was brought into it.” I said, calming down. And then I burst into tears, collapsing onto the floor. Nellie got down on the floor next to me and wrapped me in a hug. I inhaled heavily and realized she wasn’t lying. She didn’t smell of smoke, just the perfume she uses almost everyday. I cried into her chest until I calmed down. We talked for a while on the floor, and then we decided to go up to my room for a little while so I could get cleaned up. I didn’t want to wreak of smoke and alcohol when Jenna and Jack got home. We weren’t going to tell them what had gone on. Currently they were out getting food for the house.

After my shower, Nellie picked out clothes for me, and then did my hair. We bonded for a while and then went downstairs after we both could hear our stomachs growling. I went downstairs and could hear Jenna and Jacks voices talking, so we both walked into the kitchen where they were sitting. The table was filled with papers. I picked one up, and noticed it was a bill. I looked at the rest of them. They were all bills. Jack looked at the two of us and then spoke quietly.

“We have to talk girls.” Jack said and looked at us. “I think I’m going to have to leave back for Florida.”
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Sorry it's taken so long to update, but I'm trying! I hope you sort of liked this part. Well, please subscribe and comment. I'd like to get maybe 5 more comments? Is that too much? I mean there are 20 of you subscribed! Thanks!!
