Sex Hair


The crazy ones are always the sex kittens. The weirder they are, the kinkier they get. And the more they turn me on. I always get the lunatics. Every girl who I've ever been interested in has turned out to be a complete and total nut job. No matter how normal they look, underneath all that makeup and lip gloss is a handcuff loving, hair pulling horn-ball. From a distance they look like a typical girl. Nice, normal even. Once you get personal with them, though, all hell breaks loose. I've been with wiccan girls, who are convinced I like them because of their love potion. My first date with this particular one, she bought me a coffee. Now, there's a turn off. Creep factor is switched to on. The next girlfriend was a pathological liar. She made up stories about how she got raped, and how her parents beat her. She came out with the truth when I was trying to call the police. She also informed me she wasn't even a lesbian. Oh, well alright. There's six months of my life wasted.

You see, all I really want is a nice girl .Someone who's going to take care of me. I want someone who will be honest with me, and not slip things into my drinks. I want to give my time and love to someone who will appreciate it, and do the same.

But it seems like I'm just not attracted to sane girls.