Mary's Song (Oh My My My)

The Day Before You

9 Years Later

“Mary!” My best friend, Gabriella came running up behind me, “Can you believe we’re officially Juniors! Next year we get to go to Junior Prom! Isn’t that exciting?”
“Yeah.” I muttered. I tripped on my untied converse shoelace and ended up on the ground.
“Hey look, klutzy girl strikes again!” Cadence yelled, laughing. Cadence was the popular girl that everyone secretly hated and was afraid of.
“Shut up, Cadence.” Brie snapped at her, leaning down to help me up.
“I’m sorry.” I muttered as Brie brushed me off. She rolled her eyes, “Please, Mare. It’s not a big deal. Cadence is just being…. Cadence.”
I smiled, “Thanks Brie.”
“I think we should go to Starbucks and get one of their yummy chocolate coffee blended icee drink things.”
I grinned at Brie’s description, “Surely. Let us.”
We linked our arms and went over to the Starbucks across the street from school.
“Hi. I’ll have a chocolate coffee blended icee thing, please?” Brie said as she pulled out her wallet.
The man behind the counter raised his eyebrows, “Scary to say, I’m pretty sure I knew what you’re talking about.”
“Sweet!” Brie squealed, “Mare you’re up!”
“Uh, I’ll just have the same thing.” I muttered, not looking up. I was looking at my cell, noticing that my boyfriend George hadn’t texted me back.
“Mary?” The guy behind the counter asked, his jaw dropping.
I looked up and stared into the eyes of the most gorgeous man I had seen, “Um, yeah.”
He grinned, “Mary, it’s Ian!”
I furrowed my brow, “Ummm….”
He laughed, “Wow, you’re definitely not a little girl anymore!”
I stared at him.
“Ian?” I gasped, “Ian Jackson?”
“The one and only.” He grinned.
“Oh, my gosh!” I squealed and hugged him, “Ian! How are you! I haven’t seen you in forever.”
He laughed, “I’m fine. Gisele just got married.”
My jaw dropped open, “Honestly? Wow. That’s…”
“Crazy, I know right?” He said rolling his eyes.
During our conversation, Brie was staring at the two of us, “Um, sorry to interrupt, but how do you know my Mary?” Brie asked.
“Your Mary?” I said, kicking her in the shin.
“Ouch!” Brie gulped and rubbed her shin, glaring at me.
“I’ve known Mary for a long time. I haven’t seen her in a while, though.”
“Mary. We. Have. To. Go.” Brie snapped grabbing my elbow, pulling me away.
“Oh, um. Bye, Ian! It was great to see you!” I said, trying to wave.
“Can I see you again?” Brie and I froze and stared at eachother.
“Um. Yeah.” I stammered, I quickly scribbled my cell number on a napkin and handed it to him, “Give me call. Maybe we could see a movie… or something…”
He grinned, “Yeah. I’d like that. See you, Mary.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.
“Um, bye.” I stammered, walking back to Brie, whose mouth was still agape in shock
“What was that?” Brie asked.
I shrugged, “I’m not completely sure. He could’ve been asking me out.”
“Mary, you can’t DATE him! You have a boyfriend, remember? My cousin? George.”
I ran my finger along the edge of my cup, “George never called me back.” I muttered.
“There’s some reason!” Brie said.
I shrugged and took a sip out of the straw, “I don’t know. The chemistry isn’t right between us, Brie.”
“Chemistry, shchemistry!” Brie wailed, “You can’t break my cousin’s heart!”
I sighed, “I highly doubt I’d do that, Gabriella. I think I’m going to break up with him tonight. I’ll call him and… well… I’m not sure.” I confessed.
Brie glared at me, “And go out with that Ian guy you don’t even know.”
I laughed, “Me? Not know Ian? I know Ian! He’s a family friend.”
“I guess I should go home.” I said, trying to stop our awkward conversation.
“Yeah, I guess I should too.” She muttered.
“Later, Brie.” I said, waving as I tossed my cup in a garbage can.
“Byes, Mare!”
And we walked off our separate ways.

I had all but given up on finding
The one that I could fall into
On the day before you
I was ready settled for
Less than love and not much more
There was no such thing as a dream come true
Oh, but that was all the day before you

Now you're here and everything changes
Suddenly life means so much
I can't wait to wake up tomorrow
And find out this promise is true
I would never have to go back to
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
The day before you

In your eyes I see forever
Makes me wish that my life never knew
The day before you

The Heaven knows those years without you
Shaping my heart for the that day I found you
You're the reason for all that I've been through
Then I'm thankful for the day before you

Now you're here and everything changes
Suddenly life means so much
I can't wait to wake up tomorrow
And find out this promise is true
I would never have to go back to
The day before you
♠ ♠ ♠
So. I finished Belong With Me.


Sad, right??

Anyways, If you haven't read it, go. shoo. I've heard it's my best :)