It Hurts In The Worst Way

Chapter Twelve

"Well boys you will be happy to know that Ayden is fine, she can have visitors now." The doctor said with a smile and opened the door to her room. I watched the boys walk in and stood up to do the same, the doctor stopped me and his smile faded. "She's going to end up in the phyc program here, she said you were the one I needed to talk to about this. Also if you want to press charges on the guy that hit you that needs to be done with in the next 24 hours." He said motioning for me to sit back down.

I took a seat across from him, a confused expression pasted to my face, "Why are you talking to me about this, shouldn't her parents handle this/' I asked fidgeting in the uncomfortable chair.

His brow furrowed, "They passed away yesterday in a car accident down in Florida, I'm surprised she didn't tell you. You're the only person she wanted to talk to while we were administering her treatment." He said seeming as confused as I had been moments before. "Since she's 18 she can legally check herself into the program here but once she does she can't sign for her medical treatment. She appointed you to make those decisions for her. Are you comfortable with that?" He asked handing me a piece of paper.

I looked over all the legal and medical jargon, slowly I started to feel better. A weight had been lifted off of my shoulders as I started to realize maybe this wasn't my fault. Just maybe she was upset over her parents passing away. I took the pen and signed my name on the line, handing back the pen and paper I stood up. "Can I go see her now?" I asked looking down at the doctor. He nodded freeing me up and letting me make my way towards her room.

I walked in stopping to observe how she was holding up, I smiled as her bright blue eyes sparkled. Zack was sitting on the bed beside her his arm around her shoulders, Jack and Rian were attempting to hook up the DVD player. I could see the thick white bandages that were wrapped around her wrists to stop the bleeding. She looked up at me her smile not seeming to reach her eyes now that she focused on me. "You guys can I talk to Alex alone?" She asked.

I watched the guys leave the room, "Before you say anything I need you to know I was planning on breaking up with Dexter. I don't want you to think that I was just using you, I wasn't. I didn’t know he was coming down." I said looking away from me. "I fell for you Alex. I fell for you hard. But when you said those things to me I felt like no one wanted me around. Not to mention the fact that my parents died yesterday." She said rather quickly. I could see the tears in her eyes even with her head turned away from me.

I sat down beside her on the bed and wrapped and arm around her, "I want you around Ayden. Zack, Jack, and Rian want you around. All of us love you, I'm sure that your aunt and uncle do as well. I'm sorry to hear about your parents." I said softly. She looked up at me those eyes seeming to hold so much pain as she leaned against me and cried.

There wasn't much I could do to comfort her aside from keeping her close and rubbing her back. Eventually she pulled away and dried her eyes, "I hope you don't hate me for putting you through all of this." She whispered trying to push all of her hair back from her face.

I smirked and pushed her hair back for her, "I couldn't ever hate you. Actually I think I'm love you." I said realizing that as I said it out loud it was true. I was in love wit this girl that was sitting beside me. There was nothing I could do about it either, and now unfortunately she was going to be spending the next couple of months in in a correctional facility.

She stared up at me with those pretty eyes the sparkle coming back into them, "I love you too Alex." She smiled leaning up and kissing me.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to wait for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't really like this one.

I can't do anything more with this.

So this is the end.

Sorry kids.