Run Over

Chapter 3: Hello There

After that little rehearsal, I went back to my room to shower, I just felt like I needed one. The hot water just seemed to wash all thought from my mind, it was a little sanctuary that I needed—no thoughts required.

When I stepped to the door of the bathroom I braced myself in case anyone was sitting on my bed. I took a deep breath and clutched the towel around me tighter. Two steps out of the bathroom, I looked up. No one was there. Hey, once a girl's read enough horror novels she can kind of guess what's going to happen next. You can’t blame me for being overly cautious in a manor full of vampires. Many of whom I haven’t seen yet.

I shuffled into the closet; towel still secured around my body, and pulled out some comfortable looking pajamas from a dresser underneath a mirror. I changed as soon as I made sure that the closet door was shut and locked tight. I had been awake for quite a while—probably from the constant drills Nate would fire at me randomly. I let out a wide yawn as I pulled the long-sleeved grey shirt over my head and finished tying the drawstring on the grey flannel bottoms.

I opened the door and rubbed one of my eyes, trying to stay awake until I flopped my body onto the bed. A very lumpy bed, I discovered. A lumpy, moving bed...

One of my tired eyes opened and looked over to see Nate looking down, smiling at me on the bed.

I should have seen that one coming...

"Ah, but you didn't and you know you want me to stay here tonight." His voice had dropped to a huskier octave with the last comment and I rolled off of him, giving him a view of my back. This was the last thing I needed after a day deprived of sleep. Because of him I had the covers off of my nice, warm, comfortable body at about four in the morning, so that he could start the training early. I had been clinging to the sheets on the bed, but that hadn’t stopped him from slinging me over his shoulder unceremoniously and walking down into the parlor to see Syd sitting there shaking with silent laughter at my annoyed (and slightly scared) face. I made a face at the memory and turned my head so that I looked at the ceiling.

"Tired. Leave." That was all I was going to say. I tended to get very lazy when I'm tired. I turned my head to face away from him.

"Nope." His amused word made me groan in a helpless manner. I knew that he wouldn’t leave me alone until he had done what he had come to do. That and the fact I was trapped in the mansion until they didn’t have a need for me anymore, but then they might just kill me. "You still need to see the three potential targets and get some information on them so that it can be all the easier for you." I zoned back from my thoughts.

Sighing deeply, I flipped over to find his face close to mine for the fourth time since I had arrived here in the manor. I squealed in surprise and backed away swiftly, only to fall to the floor with a “thump” and “oomph”.

He laughed at that point, not a chuckle and a smirk, a full out laugh. It had started as a noise of disbelief, but continued. It suited him, made him even more angelic—

I shook my head. No more of those thoughts.

I grumbled and pulled myself back up to the bed. A manila folder was thrown onto my lap with a light slap and my tired hands fumbled with the edge until I opened it. Inside were a few pictures and a few papers with basic information written.

The first one was a guy about my age, nineteen years old, with blonde hair and green eyes that were a lot brighter than Nate's, almost crystal-like in the way that they seemed see-through. The next was a twenty-one year old with black hair and blue eyes—midnight blue with flecks of silver—exactly like the night sky. The last was another 21 year-old with flaming red hair and gray eyes. All of them seemed to have a lean build of muscle, similar to the "hidden weapon" concept. They didn't look strong, but I was pretty sure they could kick ass.

“This one,” he pointed at the blue-eyed werewolf, “is the one you will aim for. Avoid the others if you can. They are a close-knit bunch, but this is the one you want.”

I stared at the pictures, but found my eyes drifting to the last one. “Cian” was what the paper told me.

Cian…“Distant” Seemed like an ironic name for someone in a close-knit group.

After much yelling about what I would wear, I was sitting in an unmarked black sedan that was heading for the club. I had laughed out loud when he had told me! A club. I had barely been to my high school’s dances and now a vampire was driving me to a club where I would try to get a werewolf to take me into their coven so that I could spy on them. I scoffed shakily at the closed window; I had never used those words in a same sentence before. The reflection in the window stared back at me looking frailer than I had thought before; I stared past it.

Nate had wanted me to wear a micro-mini pink and black plaid skirt and a black camisole! That was it. I mean, I would wear that, but it's like "throwing the lamb to the wolves" as Syd put it. Which wasn't funny because it was literal. I settled for the skirt but I put black leggings underneath it and I wore the black camisole, over a long sleeve grey shirt.

So, I was now sitting in the passenger seat, jiggling my leg, which I do when I’m nervous. Nate’s eyes flicked from the dark road to my knee every few minutes before he sighed.
"Don't worry about it. They like humans. They like to fit in with them whenever they can. So, don't worry, they'll accept you."

I nodded wearily, too busy thinking of all of the things that could go wrong, it's only natural to think that when you're going into a life-or-death situation for people you only met the day before, but were pretty sure they could mess you up if you didn't do as they said.
The trees whipped past the window at an alarming rate, but I was distracted by the fact that every tree that passed the window drew me closer to a place where I could possibly die.
The manor had been comfortable and the people I had seen had been very courteous, so now I was going to have to start all over again with people who I didn’t know and have to try and win them over because I wasn’t stuck with them as a prisoner. I had to be invited as a guest. Nate rolled his eyes as my leg jiggled a little faster.

"Just be confident. Remember what we went over yesterday.” He thought for a moment and I looked over at him. He was never silent for long. “Oh! And don't be a klutz." He smiled at me and faced me for a moment, the road temporarily forgotten.

I scowled and turned back to the trees with a huff. Damn him! I'd always been a klutz. No matter what, I would always seem to mess up at the most inopportune time.

The trees slowed as the car came to a stop and Nate looked at me, his expression unreadable when I faced him. He gave one curt nod. Sighing, I opened the door and stepped outside bringing myself a step closer to the unknown. I knew I had to do this alone, they could have instantly told what Nate was, just from looking at him or smelling him. So I stood there in the lot in front of the warehouse alone, wondering what could happen to me.

I shivered slightly; a breeze had blown by as I headed for the door to the warehouse. It had to be heaved it open, and all the while I was aware of Nate's eyes on my back. It must have been a pathetic sight to see: a human girl facing enormous danger for strangers that threaten her if she does otherwise. I turned back to Nate, gave him a little wave, and a weak smile before I stepped inside.

Warmth flooded around my body as the door closed with a slam. Not that it would be noticed over the music that vibrated the concrete floor. It was exactly like any other rave.

I've seen these places on TV...I'm not drinking anything in here...

After glancing around, I made my way to the bar in the back, squeezing through some grinding bodies as I passed. I do not recommend that by the way. Really sweaty.

The bartender looked up from pouring someone else a drink, but I shook my head slightly as I slid onto a stool, fiddling with a napkin that someone had left behind. The man’s eyes flashed a different color before he turned his attention back to the drink he was pouring.

Did his eyes just flash silver? I thought, a little disturbed

That's what happens to werewolves... came as Nate’s nonchalant reply.

Thanks... I replied sarcastically. He couldn’t be at least a little concerned for how panicked I was feeling at that moment?

The music seemed so loud. I mean, I couldn't think straight sometimes, and Nate seemed a little entertained when random thoughts of him appeared in my mind. I swear it was like he could see the pictures I was thinking about in my head.

That’s exactly what I see, an unnecessary reply came back to me.

I did what I could with what little I had to go on. I scanned the crowd for a sign of any of the guy I was targeting.

Sometimes I couldn't help, but smile. "Targeting." Ha! I had never thought I was going to be "targeting" anyone, ever. It gave me a little rush, but not enough to forget how dangerous a situation I was in. Any false move could mean my head. Literally. I went back to looking over the crowd.

Do you know that feeling when you've been looking for something for a long time then you think you see it? But then it's not it and you get that completely disappointed, empty feeling. Yeah, that happened about ten times and then I remembered that I was a little bit luckier that I hadn’t seen the person.

Though, it was interesting to see how the others’ appearance in the club. It wasn’t like a Halloween party like I thought it would be. There was one guy who had dyed his hair silver and his eyes were the same color, it seemed like he was wearing contacts, but I knew better than that by now. I prepared myself to tell Nate that we were going to have to try searching for them another day.

A cool breeze on my neck made me jump and turn around, knocking all thought from my mind. The only reminder that I did have a brain was a slight tensing of Nate’s essence in his—¬thoughts. I was staring right into a pair of midnight blue eyes with silver flecks. Just like the night sky.

Ethan... I remembered as I started to breathe again.

"Hey." His voice fit him perfectly, a little coarse, but the way he said things made you forget about that. "I've never seen you here before..."

I smiled and shrugged coyly. What do I say? I thought frantically. Now that I was face to face with this gorgeous guy, I couldn't think straight. I had to consciously make the decision to breathe.

Just act innocent... Nate’s tone seemed like he was fighting back a growl.

Easy enough... I tried to think brightly, attempting to ease Nate’s tension.

"I heard about this place from a friend and they're going to meet me here," I smiled wider.

"Ah...” He motioned to the bartender and he placed a drink in front of him instantly.

"About an hour ago..." I continued in a whisper. I looked over the crowd of people on the dance floor; I wanted him to turn his attention back to me. I sighed heavily and let my shoulders drop, turning back to him, I “managed" a weak smile. And it worked. His entire body was facing me, a look of surprise apparent on his face.

He shook his head in disbelief and leaned towards me, sincerity written all over him. "Who would ever want to disappoint you?" I didn't even have to try to blush. My eyes widened before I turned away to hide a smile caused by his words.

It's going better than I thought...I was surprised to hear my thoughts sounded breathless. I realized my heart was pounding

He pulled my chin back towards him, his eyes holding my awed gaze, and he began to lean in—

"Don't tell me that you are going to lead on another innocent girl, Ethan..." came a voice from behind me.

"Ugh...Cian, why don't you ruin someone else's night?" He had paused to roll his eyes and adopt an arrogant attitude that made me want to squirm away. This was the kind of sudden change in attitude that made me uneasy. It made him seem unstable in a way.

Nate’s deafening growl in my mind went unheard as I whipped around and nearly toppled off of my stool in my haste to get away from those blue eyes. Once I managed to gather my thoughts and realize whom I was now facing I came to the conclusion that he looked ever better in person.

His red bangs fell in front of both his eyes so I could only catch glimpses of his astounding grey eyes, but he smiled at me and shook his head in a cute, disbelieving way that made every muscle in my body tense, in a good way.

"You need to be more careful...uh...?" He looked down at me through his hair with a kind smile and waited for me to fill in the verbal blank. I had to struggle to think of words.

What's my name? I thought frozen, hoping Nate would reply.

Use your real one. They'll know if you lie... His voice sounded strained, but I was too preoccupied to ask why.

"Winry," I smiled. I hoped that I didn’t seem like a deer
He grinned at me in a wolfish (no pun intended) way and it took all I had not to melt right then and there. He seemed to ooze confidence and kindness.

"Well, Winry. You need to be careful. This one," he gestured to Ethan, who was still fuming a little at his friend’s sudden appearance, "likes to prey on the innocent ones. He'll lead you on and then leave you when he gets bored."

I nodded in agreement, or maybe it was in understanding. I can’t remember which really.

That was all I could do at the time, just nod. I was completely stunned by his complete attention on me and he seemed to know this.

"Here, let me show you who to avoid..." He offered me his arm and I took it with a little hesitation. I wasn’t supposed to target him, but he seemed more interested and kinder than Ethan was and I wanted to get away from Mr. Schizophrenic.

He walked with me around the entire club, leaning down every now and then to point out people who were ruthless and those who were entirely harmless, just to be sure that no one would take advantage of my human gullibility. Every time his lips barely grazed my ear, but it was enough to send my heart into a frenzy of haphazard beats. We soon sat back at the bar where Ethan was talking up another girl, his façade back on.

Guy knows how to bounce back...I thought bitterly.

I glanced at Cian who was shaking his head slightly as the bartender placed a drink in front of him.

"He just doesn't know when to quit..." he whispered as he brought the glass to his lips. I chuckled a little and he smiled at me, putting the glass back down. He let his eyes take in my appearance and the way I held myself.

"You're not pissed that he got over you so fast?" he ventured, a little surprised.

I shrugged, "I'm used to it..." He stared at me blankly for a few more minutes before,


I looked up in shock. No one had ever asked how, it just seemed like I always got passed over for another girl. In fact, it happened so much that it didn't bother me anymore. I expected it to happen, seemed like the natural order of things to me now. Hey, I'm no supermodel.

When I didn't answer right away, he must have figured out the answer because he pulled his hand away from the drink and slid the arm around my waist. The unexpected motion made me jump about a foot in the air and knocked the stool out from under me, thus, sending me into Cian's arms. Chuckling slightly, Cian tightened his grip around my waist and led me to the dance floor.

Even though the music was deafening, the people in the dance floor still immediately noticed our presence. All of them moved out of our way as if they would get burned if we bumped into them. We were untouchable and it was intimidating. I looked up at Cian, his expression was calm and serene. The only sign that he had actually noticed the Red Sea parting was the constant stroking his thumb on my hip as he held me close to his side.

Great, I have the dangerous one, I thought dryly.

Yeah...I forgot to tell you...Cian is their leader…kinda... It was a hesitant thought.



Don't screw up... Nate laughed.

Oh, just wait until I see you again...

I knew you couldn't resist me... He sounded a little cocky.

Shut up... I growled.

You didn't deny it... Nate pointed out in a singsong voice.

I pulled away from the connection before I made the fact that I was annoyed at that stupid vampire apparent on my face. That path only brought my attention to how close Cian was holding me to himself. Damn. My. Redness.

Cian let out a laugh at my sudden nervousness and I relaxed a little. I looked up at him and saw his intense preoccupation with me. His eyes only looked at me, no other girl that tried to flaunt herself at him brought his attention away. The grey was all I saw for a while before I searched his face and found a small smirk on his lips as he held me closer to himself. I felt a thrill travel down my spine and for some odd reason I felt some normalcy return to my life. Minus the fact that I was on a mission for vampires to get information on the werewolves' plans for the war between them and now I was dancing very closely to the leader of the clan.

Yeah, just a little bit of normalcy. It probably had to do with the laugh he let out. It just reminded me that right now he was carefree like I should have been. That he had met me and held me because he wanted to and not because he had to, that sent a wave of heat to my neck and face
What the hell? I was still young. And I wasn't going anywhere for a while so...I should just let loose. A little.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello again.

My friend Linda is amazing, I must say. She can read me so well. She caught me in a lie denying that I like the guy I mentioned in the last chapter (let's call him Kevin...cause that's his name).

Right now she is prying into her younger brother's life (he's a sophmore and we're both seniors) and she was looking at his facebook convo between him and a girl. She was IMing me about how she hopes he doesn't get hurt or rejected.

I thought it was cute. She told me it wasn't like that. She just didn't want to be connected to the "tool". I laughed.

As for the guy...well... it's a long story, but I'll try and shorten it. Basically, it's Girl likes Guy, Guy realizes and likes Girl, Guy acts more outgoing with Girl and slightly freaks her out, Girl's reaction causes Guy to be awkward with her for next month, Girl still likes Guy, Guy might like Girl, and Girl tries to get rid of feelings for Guy (but has the suspicion that Guy is trying to make her jealous but can't tell)

Should I keep trying or just give up and try at college?
