Status: Semi-perminant Hiatus. Doing re-write.

Blinded in Chains


My bladder felt like it was going to exlode the very minute I woke up. But, I was just so damn comfortable and warm wrapped up

against Brian's chest. I actually had to convince myself that pissing the bed wouldn't be a good idea.


I groaned in frustration when he didn't wake up. "Brian!"

His arm moved from around my shoulder, only to return a moment later to wrap tightly around my waist. "BRIAN! You fucking ass, wake


He let me go and sat up sluggishly. "Whazzong?" he asked groggily.

"Nothings wrong, Brian. I need to get up and use the bathroom. I couldn't move from under your arm," I said. I could feel my cheeks

burning from embarrasment.

"Oh, uh," he cleared his throat. "Do you need help getting in there?"

I couldn't help but laugh as I pictured him trying to help me walk across the floor. "No, I can get there all by my little ole self

darling. I've been doing it for two months now."

"Ok then. Have fu-fun," he ended in a yawn.

I laughed as I felt him lay back down on the bed and immediatly start to snore softly. I stood up and made my way across the room,

praying to god that I could make my bladder wait another minute till I got in there.

I finally made it in there and did what I had to do. I washed my hands and felt along the wall in front of me. For what exactly? I

wasn't sure.

However, I was sure when my fingers ran over the cool surface of the mirror. I pressed my palm flat against it and opened my eyes.

Blinked. Closed my eyes. Opened them again.

Nothing. Not even a shadow or a source of light.

I felt a hot tear streak down my face before I hastily wiped it away. Such a silly thing to cry over really. I could have died

there and I'm crying over my sight.

I turned around quickly to where the door was, listening as hard as I could. Did I just hear the door?

I ran my hand along the wall until I found the doorknob. Pulling it open slowely, I listened for any sound that shouldn't have been



I took a deep breath to calm myself. "Brian?" I whispered.

"Yeah girl?" he said with a yawn.

"Did someone just come in here? Or leave here?" I asked hesitantly.

I could tell he was frowning from his voice. "Not that I saw."

***************Brian's POV**********************************8


I opened my eyes groggily and sat up stretching. "Yeah girl?" I can't believe I fell back asleep.

"Did someone just come in here? Or leave here?" she asked, biting her lip nervously.

I frowned. "Not that I saw." Of course you didn't see anything idiot. You fell back asleep. I rubbed my eyes, trying to

wake up. "What's wrong Copper?"

She shook her head and gave me a small smile. "I just thought I heard the door is all. Sorry for waking you. Again," she added.

I smiled. "You can wake me up anytime girl. Now get back over here."

I watched in awe as she walked confidently across the room towards me. She has this blindness down to an art.

She sat down right next to me, first feeling the bed to make sure what part she as at. She sat down and turned her grey gaze on me.

I melted. I reached over and pulled her down on the bed, pinning her body under mine. "Copper, can I ask you something?"

She reached up and ran her fingers back and forth through my hair, causing a wonderful tingle to run down my spine. "You just did,

but you can ask another one."

I smiled and bent down, resting my forehead against hers. "Can I kiss you?"

Her hands stopped moving, causing me to pull back. I looked down at her face frowning. She was biting her lip again, a habit I've

come to realize wasn't a good sign.

I pushed myself up and went to get off the bed. "I'm sorry girl. I shouldn't have asked you that."

She reached out and placed her hand on my shoulder. I stopped moving and looked at her hesitantly. "Copper?"

She didn't say anything. Instead, she ran her hand slowely from my shoulder, up my neck, finally coming to a rest on my cheek. She

leaned forward slowely and I held my breath, reaching up to run my hand through her hair. Her lips were a mere centimeter from

mine. Finally.

"How's my favorite patient toda- oh. Sorry guys. I uh, I'll give you two a minute here, shall I?"

She pulled back blushing and I groaned. I was soo fucking close!.

"It's okay Parker. Come on in," She said with a smile.

"Are you sure? You don't need a minute or anything?" he asked with a grin.

I flipped him off before climbing off the bed, leaving the spot open for the doctor to have a seat. He smirked at me before sitting

down next to her. "If you try to kiss me Copper, I might get roughed up," he said jokingly to her.

She laughed. "Kiss you? You must be joking! I wouldn't have any blood left if I was with you, Dr. Acula. Plus, even if you did get

the hell bet out of you, I know this really good doctor. He'll fix you right up."

I couldn't hold on to my anger when she said that. I smiled. She was always so goofy and carefree, even though she went through so

much shit. It really made me re-think my life.

"Good one Copper. Now, has your eysight come back at all?"

Her smile disappeared from her face and instantly I wanted to kill him. She shook her head slowly. "Not at all."

Doctor Parker made a note in his clipboard before turning back to her. "Is there anything you need to tell me? Any odd pains or

flashes of light? Anxiety?" he suddenly laughed. "Well, the bad kind of anxiety I should say. Your five young gentlemen don't


She suddenly smiled again. "Nothing at all Doctor. My hearing is like, 20x what it used to be, but that's about all."

He made another note before reching up to the wall and pulling down a blood pressure cuff. "I'm going to take your bp and pulsocks

rate Copper. Pulsocks is your h-"

"Pulse per beat over total heartrate," she said quickly. "I know all of ths crap Doc. I even know the proper name for a bp cuff."

He put the cuff around her arm while looking intently at her. "Oh really? Do tell me Copper. I was never good at instrument names."
He gave a laugh. "You can teach me what it is for once."

She smirked. "It's called a Sphygmomanometer."

"Well that's a funny name for a cuff," he said.

He recorded the numbers in his clipboard before taking it off her arm. He replaced it on the wall and reached around to the heart

machine. He flipped the switch on and pulled out the metal clip that was to go on her finger. "I'm checking again with the monitor

Copper. Those numbers don't seem right to me."

She shrugged. "Go for it, Doc. Left hand, right?"

"Left hand," he agreed.

She put her left hand out towards him and he slipped it on her finger. As soon as he turned the machine on, she gasped and fell

back on the bed while the monitor started beeping frantically.

"What's going on?" I shouted.

He jumped up and looked at the monitor, then back down at her stiff body. "I think the monitor just shocked her. She's

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry the updates are so few and far between girlies. I had my shift changed at the bar, so now my days/nights are really mixed up.
