Status: Semi-perminant Hiatus. Doing re-write.

Blinded in Chains


****************Brian's POV********************************8

I watched the doctors and nurses work frantically to get her heart working again. I stood outside of the room for over a good two hours before the other four came back, looking at me with frowns.

"Brian, what are you doing standing out here? Did she kick you out of something?" Matt asked, walking up to me.

I shook my head. "She flatlined."

"She what?" Zacky half shouted. "What the fuck happened?"

Johnny walked over and clasped me on the shoulder. "Let's go sit down Syn, and you can fill us in."

I reluctantly let them drag me away from the room and followed them into the waiting room. The other people in the room gave us weird looks because of our appearance, but I didn't care. I sat down in the middle chair and waited for the others to take seats. Zacky sat on my left and Matt on my right. Johnny sat next to Matt and Rev on Zacky's side.

"So what happened?" Johnny asked.

I rubbed my face before looking up at him. "The doctor came in and interrupted us. He took her blood pressure and it didn't seem right to him, so he hooked her up to the heart monitor. As soon as he put the clip on her finger, she flatlined." I paused and took a shaky breath. "He thinks that someone messed around with the machine to cause it to shock her."

"But who could have messed with it Syn? You were there with her the whole time." Matt asked.

I shook my head, feeling like shit. "We fell asleep, Matt. She woke up and went to the bathroom and I fell back asleep again. She woke me up and asked if someone came in cause she heard the door, but I didn't hear anything. I should have stayed awake."

"It isn't your fault Syn. You were tired and so was she," Zacky said.

I shook my head and clenched my fists. "When I find out who the fuck did this, I swear to god they won't breath again."

Noone had a chance to respond. Doctor Parker walked out and I immediatly stood up. "Is she ok now?"

The doctor rubbed his neck tiredly. "She's stable again but she hasn't woken up. If you want to go back in you can. All of you can," he sighed. "Just don't get her too excited if she wakes up. Her heart isn't extreamely stable yet."

I nodded my head. "Thank's Doc."

I didn't bother to wait for the others. I walked straight past the doctor and down the hall, straight into her room. I took the chair that was against the wall and pushed it right up against the side of the bed before taking a seat and holding her hand.

I stared down at her, so fraile laying in th bed. Her hair was half covering her face and she had burn marks on her body. her hand was the worst. Her finger was almost pure black from the current of electricity running through her. Her eyes were swelled behind her lashes and her lips were so dry, they were cracking.

I'll kill whoever did this to her.

I looked up as the door opened to reveal the four other guys.

"You alright Syn?" Zacky asked, taking a seat in one of the other chairs.

I gave a dry laugh. "No. No I'm not alright. She was getting better Zacky, and now she's right back to where she was."

*******************************Normal POV***************************************8

I groaned and tried to roll over. My neck and shoulders were hurting so bad I wanted to cry. What the hell happened to me?

I tried again to move, but realized I wasn't getting anywhere because of the arm wrapped around my waist. Now who the hell is behind me?

I sighed and patted the arm that was wrapped around me. "Hey, wake up."

He groaned and wrapped his arm tighter around me.

"Hey, come on. I really need to move dude," I said, raising my voice higher.

"What's matter?" he asked, letting me go.

I smiled at his voice and rolled over to face him. "Nothing's wrong Brian. I had to roll over. My shoulder was killing me laying that way."

"Oh," he replied groggily. "Do you want me to get out of the bed?"

I smiled and snuggled myself into his chest. He wrapped his arm around my back and layed on his back so I could lay down on his chest. "Nope. I want you right where I have you."

He laughed. "Then I guess I better not move then."

"She might kill you if you do, Syn."

I opened my eyes quickly and blinked. "Zacky?"

"Yeah," he said smiling. "We're all here again."

I leaned my body upwards to look at him, trying not to squish Brian. "Hey guys."

"How are you girl?" Matt asked with a frown. "Feeling better?"

How was I feeling really? I was electricuted yet again, but I'm still alive. How should I feel about that?

I blkinked again and closed my eyes. The darkness, mixed with bluriness was really starting to get to me, and my eyes were burning like hell. My eyes started to water from holding them open without blinking for so long, so I rubbed at them. "I'm good I guess. How are you guys?"

"Better, now that your all good again," Zacky said grinning.

I smiled and snuggled back into Brian's chest. "Your comfy Syn."

I felt his chest rise and fall quickly while he chuckled in my ear. "So are you."

He wrapped his arm around me again and I sighed.

"Copper, we need to leave soon. The concert is two hours away tonight and we only have five hours left."

I pouted in Matt's direction. "No fair."

He laughed. "Sorry for stealing your teddy bear, but that's how life is."

I groaned and pushed myself into a sitting position, letting Brian get off the bed. I opened my eyes again and blinked rapidly. My eyes were still burning like hell. I wiped the water out of them again and looked up.

"You okay, Red?" Brian asked with worry.

I looked up at his worried face and suddenly smiled. "I'm great Brian. Why did you call me Red?"

He smiled and reached out, brushing my hair away from my face. "Because your name is copper, you have red hair, and the name Red just suits you. You don't mind me calling you that, do you?"

I smiled. "Only if you'll be the big bad wolf, Syn."

He hugged me before pulling back and walking to the door with the others. "I'll be anything you want me to be love."

I grinned and blinked. I couldn't help myself from smiling like an idiot once I realized what had happened. "Have fun at the concert guys. Sing a good song for me."

"Will do," Zacky said before following Rev and Johnny out the door.

"See ya later girl," Matt said walking out.

"Bye, Red," Brian said, preparing to leave.

"Bye Brian. Oh, hey, before you leave," I said quickly.

He turned back and looked at me with a smile. "Yeah?"

"Nice shirt. It goes good with your eyes," I said, laying back down.

"Thanks. See you later."

I watched as he walked out the door, smirking and laughing to myself. Wonder how long it will take him to figure out what I just said.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...there's still 7 more chapters that i have had writen for some odd years. I know they're still pretty shitty, but once i get those out, it will be like my normal writing from then on.

Comments= <3