Status: Semi-perminant Hiatus. Doing re-write.

Blinded in Chains


"You told him what?" Doctor Parker asked me, holding his sides from laughing so hard.

"I told him his shirt matched his eyes, and all he said was "thanks", before walking out," I said smirking like an idiot. "He didn't even notice."

Doctor Parker wiped a tear from his eye before giving me a one-armed hug from beside me. "I knew there was a reason you were my favorite patient. I'm going to hate it when you leave."

My face fell instantly. I have nowhere to go exept back to Chris.

Dr. Parker must have realized that something was wrong when I stopped smiling. "What's wrong Copper?"

I sighed and opened my eyes, taking my first real glimps at him. He had long shaggy brown hair, dressed in all white clothes that hugged him nicely, and blue eyes to die for. He's so fucking hot. I couldn't help but think. "You know what Parker? Your really good looking for a slightly older guy."

I watched as he blushed. "That wasn't the answer to my question Copper. What got you so down all of a sudden?"

I bit my lip nervously again. "Parker, I realy, raelly don't want to leave here."

He frowned at me. "Why would you want to stay in this dingy old hosp- oh!" he said, sudden realization etching his face. "You only have Chris to go back to. Is that it?"

I blushed and nodded. "I don't want to go back there Parker. Anywhere would be better than there. Even having to stay here."

"That's why your comming with us," Zacky said from the doorway.

I looked up startled as all five of them walked in, their eyes drooping from tiredness.

"Hey guys."

"Hey girl," Matt said.

I smiled at the doctor as he winked at me and stood up off the bed. Matt, Zacky and Brian walked over and sat on the bed on opposite sides of me, Brian sitting behind me while wrapping his arms around me. Johnny walked over and sat next to Zacky at the end of the bed while Rev sat at the foot of the bed.

The doctor nodded at me before walking out of the room.

"How was the concert guys?" I asked, leaning back into Brian.

"It was alright. Tiring as hell since we had to drive here right after the signing was over," Rev said.

"Aww, you guys could have went to bed. You didn't have to come back here," I said, blushing slightly.

"We wanted to," Zacky said, nudging me with his shoulder. "We needed our daily does of sarcsam ya know."

"Well take your fill, Zacky boy. There's plenty to go around," I said with a laugh.

I looked around at all of them, smirking. They still don't realize it yet.

Brian yawned behind me, causing the other four to yawn too.

"Contagious?" I asked laughing. "All of you need sleep."

"Nah girl. We can go a bit longer yet," Matt said.

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh really? You might get put to the test if you say something like that to me Matt."

He laughed. "I don't doubt it Copper, but I'll leave that to Syn."

I smiled. "Who says I want him? Maybe I want to SEE how long YOU can last."

Before I knew what was happening, I was pulled backwards so my head was resting in Brian's lap. "I said so, Red," he said smirking.

"Ooh, so tempting," I replied.

He yawned again before lifting me back up into a sitting position. He wrapped his arms around me again and leaned his chin on my shoulder.

"So why don't all of you pick one of the two beds to lay down on and we'll talk when you get up?" I asked.

"Because we want to talk to you," Johnny said.

"Johnny, if all of you stay up any longer, the bags under your eyes will be long enough to carry shit."

He frowned at me. "Hey! That wasn't nice Copper."

"I'm not supposed to be nice. Sarcasm is the only service I offer."

I felt Brian frown into my neck. "Copper?"

"Yeah Syn?"

"Did you just sa-"

"Yes!" I said yelped quickly. I moved my head slightly until I could see his eyes and winked at him, praying to god he wouldn't say anything until the others figured it out.

"Alright," he said smiling. "But you owe me big time for this."

I nodded and went back to smiling at the others.

"I think we missed something," Rev said to Zacky.

Zacky never took his eyes off of me while he answered him. "You missed it. Me and Syn didn't."

"What did we miss?" Johnny asked.

"Alot, apparently," Matt said.

I finally decided to be nice to them since they were really tired. I leaned back into Brian once again and took his hand into mine. I studied his arm, smirking as I thought of what to say. "Hey Syn, this is a really cool tattoo. But why the hell is there so much green in it?"

"Because I liked green at the time," he said, smirking into my neck.

I shivered as his breath caressed my neck. "Oh."

Zacky smirked at me and I grinned back. I almost laughed at the other three guys expressions, but managed to keep a straight face.

Matt rubbed his eyes before looking back at me. "There's something I'm missing here, but I'm too tired to realize it. What the hell am I missing?"

I laughed. "Matt, you look like your about to pass out. Get some sleep and think on it later."

He nodded. "Good id- hey." he frowned. "Repeat that again."

I smirked at him before looking at Johnny. "You look about ready to pass out too. I think all five of you need sleep."

Johnny nodded and stood up, walking over to the other bed. I rolled my eyes as Syn chuckled into my shoulder.

"Copper?" Matt said in a warning tone. "Is there someting you want to fill us in on?"

I grinned. "Nothing importaint really. I'll SEE you all when you get up," I said, adding extra emphasis on the 'see' part.

He suddenly reached over and hugged me. "No way girl. You can really see?"

"Yeah," I said, hugging him back.

He pulled back and gave me an odd look. "Prove it."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "How do you want me to prove it?"

He shrugged before making a kissy face. "What am I doing?"

Instead of answering, I reached out and pinched his cheeks together, making his kissy face into more of a fishy face. "Nice try Matt, but I'm not kissing you."

**********************Brian's POV*****************************************************

I smirked as I watched Matt get a shocked look on his face as she let his face go.

"You can see. Holy shit!"

I groaned and layed back on the bed as Matt jumped up and grabbed Copper off the bed. I already missed the feel of her in my arms and she hasn't even been gone a second.

Your whipped.
No I'm not. I'm never attached to a chick.
Yes you are. Your in love.
How the hell can I be in love if I've never even kissed her?
Never kissed her, and you love it.
More like going nuts from it.
So stop thinking with your head and start thinking with your brain.

I smiled as she curled into the crook of my arm once Matt let her go.

"I think all of you need sleep. We'll all talk when you wake up," she said.

"Definantly girl," Zacky said grinning. He jumped into bed with both of us, curling up to her back while she snuggled into my chest.

"I guess it's the other bed," Matt said with a laugh.

Matt and Jimmy took the other bed, and Christ took the chair by the door. I rolled my eyes to myself. Homophobic prick, I thought to myself.

I fell asleep staring at Copper curled up next to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...sorry it took 2 days longer then i planned to put this one out. My shift at work got changed yet again, so I was dead to the world for a few hours that I would normally be on here.

Comments = <3