Status: Semi-perminant Hiatus. Doing re-write.

Blinded in Chains


Beep. Whirl. Whirl. Beep. Beep.

My heart started to race as I regained consciousness, my body aching all over as I tried to sit up.

Where was I? Hopefully Chris didn't drug me again, or anything worse than that. Last time he left me on the side of the road, I wound up almost being raped.

My pulse became erratic as I opened my eyes, not seeing anything around me. My hands flew to my face, feeling around to see what was over my eyes. I barely had the chance to feel nothing was in front of my eyes before my body collapsed, head hitting the pillow as my breath escaped my lungs.

"She's crashing again! Grab the paddles!"


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

What the fuck is that sound?

I tried once again to open my eyes, but this time I managed it.

Well, atleast it felt like I did.

"Miss? Miss, are you awake?"

Who the hell is that?

I tried to turn my head towards the sound but I couldn't. I blinked rappidly but I couldn't see anything.

"Miss, are you awake. Please, say something or move in some way. Your at the hospital. I need you to show some sign of being awake."

I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was a deep breath. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Miss, I need you to say something. Anything."

I tried as hard as I could to move my head towards the voice, and only stopped when I felt my cheek resting on the pillow. I blinked again, I think, but it didn't do anything.


I felt a tear run down my cheek as I closed my mouth. I opened it again and slowely ran my tounge across my lip.

"Miss, are you thirsty? I need you to talk to me."

I tried to smile as I ran my tounge across my lip again. I felt something rest against my lip.

"There's a straw between your lips miss. Take a small sip and try to speak."

I managed to suck in a small taste of the most vial water imaginable before the straw was taken away from me. I licked my lips again and tried to speak. "W-whhh." I closed my mouth and took another deep breath. "W-why ca-an''t I se-see?"

I heard the man suck in a breath before speaking. "Look at me ma'am. Do you know what your name is?"

I felt my face close down as I thought. "My n-name is Copper. And I a-am look-king at you. A-aren't I-I?"

His voice changed to an almost sad tone. "Yes Copper, you are looking at me. Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

"Only if you answer my question." I replied sadly.

"What's your question?" he asked concerned.

I felt a small tear make it's way down the side of my face. "If I'm looking at you, then w-why c-can't I see anything?"


"I have your eye held open Copper. I need you to look left, right, up, and down for me."

I sighed silently and tried to do as the doctor asked me.

"Copper, are you even trying?" he asked bemused.

"Uh, yeah?" I said confused. "Aren't I moving them?"

"No," he said with a slight chuckle.

"Damn," was all I could say. "How am I supposed to move my eyes if I don't have anything to look at?"

"You could try looking at me miss. Copper," he replied with a soft laugh.

I rolled my eyes. Well, atleast I hope I did. "I can't see you to look at you. I can't see anything at all."

I felt him move his hand away from my face. "Tell me what you see."

"Huh?" Yeah, real intelligent Red, I scolded myself.

"I mean, do you see anything at all? Like, do you see shadows, blurry images, light? Anything at all?"

I leaned back against the pillows to rest my neck. "I see nothing. Absolute, complete, total darkness. Nothing at all."

He was silent, and I liked him better that way. He was so irritating to me. Every hour or so, he came in, asked me if he could look at my eyes, then left again. What the hell was up with him anyways? He never asked me anything exept to move my eyes around, now he asked what I can or can't see. Was he losing his mind?

"Copper, I think you have lost your sight," he finally stated.

I groaned inwards as I felt myself smile. "No. really? And to think I was going to ask you why you kept the lights off all this time," I replied sarcastically.

"Doctor," a new voice interuppted us.

"Yes?" he asked.

"There are five young men here to see her," she said hesitantly. To me, she sounded a bit afraid.

"Who are they Emily?" the doctor asked, his hand going tense on my shoulder.

"I don't know Doctor. All of them have eyeliner on and a ton of tattoo's. They look a bit frightening actually," she practically whispered.

I felt more than heard the doctor shift beside me. "Copper, do you know anyone wh-"

"Who have a shit load of tattoo's and wear makeup?" I finished. "Not that I recall," I said with a shrug. "Are you sure they are here for me?"

"Positive," came a different man's voice.

"Sir, I must protest. I told you, you and your friends have to wait in the waiting room until I come to get you," the nurse shrieked.

"Lady, I wouldn't wait in that tiny room if you paid me," another male voice said. "We saved this girl's life, and we want to see her. Is that such a big crime?"

"Well.." the doctor trailed off.

"I know them," I said suddenly. It was such an odd remark in the silence that I almost laughed.

"You know them?" the doctor asked skeptically.

"Yep," I remarked. "Let them in please, and shut the door behind you. Or the curtain. Wherever the hell we are," I finished, quite unsure as to what exactly my surroundings were.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" the doctor asked yet again.

"I'm positive."

I heard the doctor stand up and walk away, then I heard the door shut.

"Hello?" I asked, turning my head slightly sideways.

I heard a sharp intake of breath from across the room. "Your blind, aren't you?" a completely different voice said.

"Geez, took long enough to figure that one out," I mumbled. "Who are you? And how many of you are here?"

I sudenly realized upon asking this, that in all honesty, I didn't have a clue who any of them were. Great. She said all five were covered in tattoo's and she sounded scared shitless. I asked the doctor to leave me trapped in a room with all of them and I just insult them. Smart fucking move, Red.