Status: Semi-perminant Hiatus. Doing re-write.

Blinded in Chains


"Five of us." the same voice replied.

Chills ran down my spine at the sound of it. What the hell was that about Red? I asked myself. His voice isn't all that good.

I bit my lip. "Where are all of you standing? And who are all of you?"

I was met with silence. "Hello?" I asked again after a few seconds.

I heard someone walking towards me and I shrank back further into the bed. Did Chris send someone here to kill me this time?

I was about to hit the call button and alert the nurses desk, but a hand taking mine stopped me.

"I'm Brian. Brian Haner," the voice said.

Another chill ran down my spine and I shivered. "Hi Brian."

Someone coughed and he suddenly let go of my hand. Another hand took mine, but this time they shook it. "I'm Zacky Vengence."

His hand left mine, only to be immediatly replaced with another hand. Atleast this time it didn't seem like my arm would be ripped out of the socket with the shaking.

"Who has my hand?" I asked with a smile. They hadn't said anything since taking it.

"Sorry. I'm Matt Shadows," he said.

On and on it went with two more people. The rev, and Johnny Christ. I smirked as the last one introduced himself. "Why do I get the feeling that they aren't your real names?"

"Because they aren't," Brian's voice said.

How did I know that was Brian? I wondered.

"Okay then. Don't I deserve real names atleast? I obviously can't tell the doctor that I had fun talking to the Rev, someone with a Vengeance, and a shadow, now can I?" I asked with a laugh.

"Not unless you want to be moved to the fifth floor," someone said.

I laughed. " Pysch ward, here I come!" I said with a laugh. "But really guys, what are your first names atleast, and why are all of you here?"

I heard someone laugh before speaking. "Rev is actually James. Zacky is really Zack. Shadows is Matt. Johnny is Jonathan."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's only four names."

"That's because I was the only one to tell you my real name," the same voice said.

"Brian right?"


"So what's your fake name then? And for that matter, why all the fake names?" I asked confused.

I heard his sigh. "Synyster is my fake name. And they are stage names."

I nodded more to myself then at them. "Stage names huh? I guess that's why the nurse sounded worried and told the doctor that there was five guys looking for me with tattoo's and eyeliner on."

"Eyeliner?" I think it was Matt that said it.

"Eyeliner," I confirmed. "Do all of you really look like that?"

"Pretty much," this from Zack.

The conversation faded away to nothing for a good ten minutes before I finally cracked. "It's to damn quiet. Are any of you still here?"

"Yeah. We're still here," a tired voice said.

I frowned. "Brian? What's wrong?" Atleast I hope it was Brian that said it.

"Nothing's wrong girl. We uh.. We need to go. I'll come back later to see you. Okay?" he asked.

I could tell he was trying to force himself to sound normal, but he wasn't managing it very well. "Alright. Bye guys. Thank you for comming to see me."

I heard alot of shuffling around before the door opened and closed. And now I'm alone yet again.

"I'm back Copper," a voice said as the door opened.

I groaned outloud. And now I get my eye poked and prodded at again.

*******Brian's POV***************

The conversation faded away. I was wondering what to say or do, but none of the other guys were much help. I looked around at them with pleading eyes, but all I recieved were shrugs.

"It's to damn quiet. Are any of you still here?"

I looked up sadly at the girl lying in the bed. Her arms and legs were wrapped up in gauze, but some of the bruises were still visible. Her hair was all flat, matted with blood still. Her lip was all purple, but atleast it was healing. What hurt the worst was seeing her talking with her eyes closed all this time.

"Yeah. We're still here," I managed to croak out.

I watched as she frowned. "Brian? What's wrong?"

How did she know it was me? "Nothing's wrong girl. We uh.. We need to go. I'll come back later to see you. Okay?" I said, trying to sound upbeat. I guess I didn't sound to convincing as she frowned again before bitting her lip..

"Alright. Bye guys. Thank you for comming to see me," she whispered.

I stood up and pushed the door open, holding it open for the rest of the guys to walk out. As it closed, I turned to face them. "I think we need to make a visit to a certain someone."

Zacky looked at me oddly. "I agree Syn, but we don't even know his name."

Someone cleared his throat and I turned to look at the doctor that was sitting patiently in a chair beside the door.

"I didn't even see you there Doc," I said, pissed at myself for not realizing he was there.

He stood up and clasped me on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it," he smiled sadly. "Chris Payne, 616 north weshire street. But you didn't hear that from me gentlemen."

I watched stunned as the doctor turned around and walked into the room we just left.

"Did he just..." Matt asked.

"I think so," James said in awe.

I felt myself smirk as I cracked my knuckles. "Let's go on a small roadtrip guys. I think our dear Chris would look good in purple. Let's see how he lives up to his last name."
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Like I said, bare with this story for the first 17 chapters. I was too lazy to re-write them from a few years ago. lol. It WILL get better. I promise.