Status: Semi-perminant Hiatus. Doing re-write.

Blinded in Chains


"You awake girl?"

I groaned and rolled over, pissed at whoever it was that just woke me up. "Not exactly."

"I'm sorry," Brian said. I could tell he wasn't really sorry at all. "I brought you something. I thought it would cheer you up."

I sat up in the bed and pulled the blankets up over me. I must have kicked them off when I was sleeping. "A present? What is it?"

I felt the bed shift beside me and a bag rustle. "You only get it under one condition."

I smiled at his antics. "And what would that condition be?"

I felt and heard him suck in a breath. Was he afraid to say it now?

"I want to see your eyes."

I almost laughed. "Why do you want to see my eyes?" I asked confused. "I can't see anything anyways."

He laughed lightly. "I want to see your eyes. Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean I can't see you."

That made me really paranoid. Up until that point, I almost forgot that he could see me.

It's funny really, thinking he couldn't see me just because I couldn't see him. It's like a little kid hidding under the covers with a nightlight on, trying to escape from the boogieman. If I can't see the monster, then the monster can't see me.

God, I must look a right sight, I thought to myself. I've been laying here in a hospital gown, my hair still has dried blood in it, I haven't gotten anything but a spounge bath in four days, and my my whole body is wrapped up. Plus I have no makeup. I suddenly started hidding my face, trying to make myself harder to see.

"What are you doing?" he asked bemused.

"I must look horrible, Brian," I said sheepishly. "I forgot that you could still see what I looked like."

"Nah," he said. "You look great."

I blushed and ducked my head. "So what's the present?"

"Nuh uh," he said with a chuckle. "Not until I see your eyes. I want you to have an entire conversation with me with your eyes opened. Once I leave, you'll get the present."

I groaned. "But Brian," I whinned, "I can't even see anything. What's the difference if I talk with them open or closed?"

I felt him put a hand on my cheek, turning my face towards him. Instinctively I opened my eyes.

"The difference is, I can see you," he said softly. "You have gorgeous eyes girl."

I tried to duck my head again, but he kept his hand under my chin. "Brian, I-"

"No argument girl. If you want the gift, you talk with your eyes opened. You talk TO me, not to the bed."

"But why?" I complained. "Do you know how hard it is to try and look at you, only to see black no matter where I put my eyes?" I sighed and leaned back away from his hand. "You just couldn't understand Brian. You could literally walk in the room and stand right beside me and I wouldn't know it. If I don't hear you, I wouldn't know you were even in the room. I can't look in your direction if I can't see you to know where that direction is."

I felt him shift on the bed before he took my hand into both of his. "I'm sitting right in front of you. All I'm asking you to do is leave your eyes open while I'm here. Stop putting your head down to the floor and atleast pretend that you can see me."

I smiled. "I think I can do that."

I lifted my head and took a guess at what would be eye level to him. I opened my eyes and moved them around. "Am I looking at you?"

He chuckled. "I'm a bit to the left."

I moved my eyes to the left.

"The other left."

I sighed and looked to my right.


I smiled. "Now don't move or we'll have to do this all over again," I said with a smile. "So what do you want to talk about?"

I waited for his reply, but none came. I waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Finally I started to get nervous. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah," he squeeked out. I heard him clear his throat as he shifted his body. "Yeah I'm still here. Sorry."

"What were you doing?" I asked, slightly nervous. "Did you doze off or something?"

Instead of laughing or something like I expected him to, I felt his hand rest on my cheek. "Your eyes are so pretty."

I bit my lip. "What do they look like?"

I felt his fingertips brush across my cheek right below my left eye. "They look....lovely."

I laughed. "That was really cheesy Brian."

"I know," He agreed with chuckle.

"But seriously, what do they look like?" I asked again.

He dragged his fingertips right under my eye, stopping right before he reached my nose. Then he went the opposite way until he was cupping my cheek in his palm. I couldn't help but to lean into his hand.

"They look grey."

That shocked me. "Grey?"

It sounded like he had to force his words out. "Yeah girl. they look green, but a really faded color. Almost at the point of being a light grey."

I moved my head and shifted my body so my legs were up on the bed. My feet were on the blankets, knees drawn up to my chin while I attempted to wrap my arms around my legs.

"Girl, what's wrong?" he asked. "Don't be getting all sad on me here. What's it matter what color your eyes are anyways?"

I wanted to cry, but I tried to hold it back. "Brian, could you please get the doctor for me. I need to talk to him."

I felt him move, but he didn't stand up. "What's wrong?" he asked.

I closed my eyes and felt a tear inch along my jawline. "Brian, if my eyes are loosing their color, it means I'm going blind perminantly."

*************Brian's POV**************************

"Damn it Syn, what the fuck were you doing out there?"

I hunched my shoulders as I leaned on my knees, sitting on the couch in the dressing room. "I'm just a bit off today. Stop fucking freaking out M."

"Syn, you really need to get some fucking sleep or something. Stop worrying about that chick you helped already and get your mind on the music." Zacky half shouted at me. "Tonight's concert fucking sucked. Do you have any idea how hard it was to try and play with you through the last few songs? You messed up so fucking much I stopped playing."

"I know!" I shouted. "Would you just lay the fuck off of me already?!"

I stood up and stormed out of the room, not caring where I was going to. I kept walking and walking, turning left here, right there, getting lost in the building.

My cellphone rang and startled the shit out of me. I almost dropped it as I pulled it out of my pocket. "Hello?"

"Mr. Haner?" A man's voices asked.


"Mr. Haner, this is Doctor Parker," he said.

"Hey doc. What's wrong?" I asked nervously. Why would he be calling me at 3am?

"I was wondering if you could come in and see me before you saw her tomorrow. Or, I assume tomorrow," he said hesitantly.

"Why? Is there something wrong? Did something happen?" I asked, panicked now.

"Nothing's wrong Mr. Haner. I would just like to speak to you before you have a chance to talk to her. I have some importaint things to discuss with you reguarding my patient."

I stopped walking and leaned up against the wall. "Dr., if it's just something that you feel like I can't handle over the phone, just tell me now. I really don't want to drive all the way down there if you just believe it would be better to do it in person."

I listened to silence on the line for a good fourty seconds before he spoke. "As you wish Mr. Haner. I wanted to tell you that it appears she is blind."

I laughed. "So is that what your calling it now? The ability to only see the darkness is now called being blind. Thanks for the update doctor," I said sarcastically.

I heard him sigh into the phone. "No Mr. Haner. I was refering to the ability to only see darkness for the rest of her life."

The phone dropped out of my hand as I leaned my head against the wall. I closed my eyes against the tears I wanted to let out. She would never see again. I could only think of one reply to sum up all the things I was feeling. "Fuck."