Status: Semi-perminant Hiatus. Doing re-write.

Blinded in Chains


Cab? Can? Cat? I sighed in frustration and put the book down in my lap. Maybe if I learned the damn alphabet first, I would be able to figure out what the hell the first damn word is.

It was one week after Brian first gave me the book, and I had yet to figure out what the first work was. I loved the fact that he thought about me enought to buy me a book in brail, but hated the idiot for not getting me the alphabet first.


I groaned and sat up, placing the book on the bottom of the bed instead of on my legs. "Hello, Doctor Jekyll," I said with fake enthusiasm.

He chuckled. "Hello to you too. Did I ever mention that your my favorite patient?"

I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he would see it. "And your my second most favorite doctor."

"Hey now," he said, acting hurt. "Who could you possibly like more than good ole me?"

I smirked at him. "Dr. Suess of course. Duh!" I said, clicking my tongue at him.

"Ah ha!" he said. "Well, I guess I'll just have to do something about that then, now don't I?"

I laughed. "So what's new today?"

I felt him pat my leg, so I sat up and swung my legs off the bed for him to sit down. The bed dipped down as he spoke. "Mr. Haner stopped by here before, but you were sleeping. He didn't want to wake you so he dropped this off with me until you woke up. He says to send you his regards since he can't come back tonight, but he'll see you on the weekend."

I smiled. "Another gift?"

"Another gift," he confirmed.

I held my hand open but nothing was placed in it. "Uh, where is it?"

I heard him chuckle before I felt him brush my hair back and tuck it behind my ears. He placed something in both of my ears and I dropped my hand to my lap. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see," he said. "I'm only doing what Mr. Haner asked me to do. Don't get impatient with me."

I gave a small huff of fake irritation, but waited to see what he was doing. I gave a squeal of delight as soft music started to play through my head. "A cd player?"

The plugs were removed from my ears. "Something better," he said. "It's an ipod for blind people. All you need to do is spell the title of the song outloud and it will surf the internet, retrieve the song, and play it for you."

I smiled and reached out slowly to give him a hug. "Thank you so much. This is awsome!"

He gave me a hug back. "Don't thank me, thank your young fellow. He seems to think of everything he can to make you happy, doesn't he?"

I smiled. "Well, almost everything. He brought me a book in brail, but seemed to forget that I can't read brail," I gave a laugh. "I've been stuck on the first word for three days."

I heard him reach over and pick up the book from the table before flipping it open. "Call me Ishmael."

I raised my eyebrow. "He gave me moby dick to read in brail? Do you know how damn long that will take me? It took my three days to read it when I could actually see the words."

I heard the book close. "Copper, be thankful he got you any book at all. He wants to make you happy, but you really don't give him anything to go on. You didn't even tell him your name until yesterday. How can he possibly know what you want to read if you don't tell him?"

I frowned. "Why do you sound so hostile? Did I do something wrong?"

I heard him sigh before he stood up. "You still haven't figured it out yet, have you Copper?"

"Figured what out?"

"He likes you."

I felt myself blink rapidly, almost as if I could still see. "Very funny doctor. I don't appreciate jokes like that."

The bed sank back down and he took my hand. "Copper, I'm not joking. Think about it. He saved you from death. You were laying in a huge conduct of water with live wires running over 5000 volts. He walked into the water, against his friends telling him not to, knowing he might get electricuted to. You were a comlete stranger at the time, and you technically still are.

"He went on the ambulence with you to make sure you were ok through the ride, even though you were passed out from all that voltage going through your body. He waited here three days until you woke up and he was the first one in to see you, even though his friends came in with him. He's here almost every day like religion, and he buys you gifts to make you more comfortable. He makes you laugh by any means he can, always sits with you and holds your hand, or touchs you so you will always know where he is in the room.

"Now you answer me. Do you really think a complete stranger would do this for you if they didn't like you? He doesn't have to come see you Copper. He never had to ride in the ambulence with you. He didn't have to pull you out of the water and save your life, nor did he have to stay and make sure you were ok. He could have simply called 911 and waited until they took you away, then went on with his normal life."

I sat still, thinking over everything he said. He's right. "Doctor, I didn't even think of any of that. I was just so damn happy to have someone here to talk to that I completely forgot that I did-"

He cut my rambling off. "Copper, you don't have to appoligize to me. I didn't tell you all of that for my sake. I did it for you. Don't take him for granted. He's a really great guy underneath his appearance."

I could tell he was grinning. "Well I really wouldn't know that, now would I?" I asked quietly. "I don't know what he looks like."

I heard the doctor breathing, but that was it. No movement to be heard. After a few minutes, his voice startled me. "What type of music do you listen to Copper?"

I bit my lip as I thought about it. "Everything but Jazz really. I listen to rock, rap, opera, heavy metal, emo, punk... just everything really."

"Hum. Do you listen to stuff like Aiden, Pantera, Saosin,.. stuff like that?" he asked.

"Yep." I confirmed. "Why the sudden interest in my kind of music?"

He chuckled. "Do you listen to a band called A7X?"

I arched my brow. "Avenged sevenfold? Hell yeah doc. They are in my top five favorites."

I could tell he had the biggest, cheesiest grin plastered on his face. "Well, your Brian looks like the young guitar player in that band. Synsyter Gates I do believe he is called."

"He does? Long hair and all?" I asked, thinking back to what everyone in that band looked like. I used to have a major crush on Syn and Zacky.

"Long hair and all. He even wears eyeliner like that," the doctor said. "And now I leave you to yourself. The ipod is on the table on top of your book. Press the button on the side and hold it in while you spell the song out. Let the button go and just wait till the music plays."

"Thank you doctor."

"And Copper?"


"Your young fellow said no more than 1,000 songs downloaded a day. They're a bit expensive at 99.c a song."

My jaw almost hit the floor as I heard the door close. One thousand dollars A DAY?

After I got over my shock, I reched over and picked up the tiny ipod. I put the earbuds in my ears and felt around the edge of it until I found the button. Pressing it in, I spelled out the first song I thought of. " I. w-o-n-t. s-e-e. y-o-u. t-o-n-i-g-h-t. p-a-r-t. o-n-e."

I waited a few minutes, and suddenly a guitar started to play through my head. I smiled happily as I held the opposite button in and turned the volume up as far as it would go.

Somehow, I fell asleep listening to music blaring through my ears.


"I'm Brian. Brian Haner," the voice said.


Someone coughed and he suddenly let go of my hand. Another hand took mine, but this time they shook it. "I'm Zacky Vengence."


"Sorry. I'm Matt Shadows."


"Ok then. Don't I deserve real names atleast? I obviously can't tell the doctor that I had fun talking to the Rev, someone with a Vengeance, and a shadow now can I?" I asked with a laugh.

"Not unless you want to be moved to the fifth floor," someone said.

I laughed. " Pysch ward, here I come!" I said with a laugh. "But really guys, what are your first names atleast, and why are all of you here?"

I heard someone laugh before speaking. "Rev is actually James. Zacky is really Zack. Shadows is Matt. Johnny is Jonathan."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's only four names."


"That's because I was the only one to tell you my real name," the same voice said.

"Brian right?"


"So what's your fake name then? And for that matter, why all the fake names?" I asked confused.

I heard his sigh. "Synyster is my fake name. And they're our stage names."


I bolted upright in the bed and winced as I somehow managed to pull the earbuds out of my ears. "Holy fuck! I know A7X."

**********************************Brian's POV*******************************

"So Syn, have you told the lovely lady who you are yet?" Matt said with a drunken laugh.

"Yeah Bri, and your not drinking either. What the hell man?" Zacky said, slurring his speech.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the couch I was half laying on. "I wasn't planning on ever telling her who I really am besides my real name."

"But dude, you soo like her. You know she's going to find out sooner or later," Rev said.

"Not unless one of you four idiots tell her," I shot back.

"Don't delude yourself Syn. All of us told her our stage names, plus our real names. She knows we wear makeup and have a ton of tattoo's, plus that are names are stage names," Matt said.

Zacky picked up his speech. "You just gave her access to any damn song ever made and she already said that she listens to our type of music. Do you honestly think she won't put two and two together?"

I groaned and burried my face in my hands. "Don't say that guys. If she realizes who we are, she'll probably turn all fangirl on me."

"Or maybe she'll admit that she likes you too and act the same around you. After all, she did get to know you before she found out who you really are," Johnny said smugly.

"If only," I sighed out.

"I bet you a thousand dollars that she figures it out and she's cool with it," Zacky said.

"I want in on this bet," Matt agreed with a laugh. "I think she'll be cool with it too."

I groaned. "And what am I getting out of this bet if I win? Or lose for that fact?"

I sat up and put my elbows between my knees while I stared at the four drunk idiots across from me. And why the hell am I staying sober? I always party harder then they do.

"If you somehow manage to win, all four of us will split the cost of paying for your new car," Zacky said.

"And if I lose?" I asked warily.

"If you lose," Matt said with a gleam in his eyes, "You need to confess to her that you are in love with her."

I groaned, knowing I had no way out of the bet. 'I'll get you back for this Matt. I swear to god I'm going to get payback on you with the first girl you happen to like."

Matt and Zacky gave each other hi-fives. "Deal!" the both said together.

♠ ♠ ♠
So..... 13 subscribers, and over 130 readers of the last chapter. Can we say "messed up"? Come on guys, the story isn't that damn bad. Comment! Subscribe! Yell. Smash the screen. Do something.

Well, it might not help if you smash your screens, but still. I want some feedback, guys. I'm working really hard to bring these chapters up to standard, and I've been writing like mad crazy the past few days. Show some love, will ya?
