The Death Cronicles: Book 1 Demon Dead

Chapter 1

I feel it. I feel it in the bones of my body. I feel it within the dark depths of my heart. It's like bad alcohol, pulsing through my brain. The screaming. The blood. The innocent lives that have been taken. I can taste it. The squirming of flesh under my fingertips. I threw back my head, letting the hot sensation of blood run down my throat. Traceing the wet crimson down my body like a hungry lover. I tear back into her throat, slurping the nerves and tendons like fine spagettii. I cackled into the blood and shiver, as a raw sense of pleasure flows over my body. I sniff the air searching...I woke up from my nightmarish slumber, bedsheets soaked in a cold sweat. I try to clear my thoughts as I crane my head to see my alarm clock. 2 am. Great, I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep. I slid reluctantly out of bed, not wanting to fall back to sleep. I grab some clothes and undergarments and dragged myself to the shower. I cranked on the cold water and braced myself for the cold rush. I woke up fully as freezing icicle droplets ran down my back. Clear your mind, I thought to myself, Remember who you are. I do remember. I am Rayne Hoffman. I work at Depressed Dead Inc. I'm 24 years old, and I control my own life. I opened my eyes and turned of the water. I stepped out and quickly dressed. Time flys when your taking a shower. I had wasted 4 hours and now I was going to be late to work...again. I grabed a gronola bar and my weapons bag. I ran to my car and opened the door. I ramed my key into the ignition and nearly floored it. I'm so glad that I live in St.Louis. The traffic here isn't that bad. I finally arive at my parking space. I take my bag, lock my car and walked to the front door. I stop just inside by the reception desk. I waved to Josie and walked to the elevator. I came to my floor and got out. I walked briskly to my office hearing faint yells made by my boss Ben in the distance. Depressed Dead Inc is where the dead come to talk about their problems. I'm the head physiciatrist on my floor. Downstairs is Calms, that's where most of the talking goes on. But if something goes wrong that's where my unit comes in. I'm head of Killings. Whatever problem you have u can call us. I really dont care that much for the dead, but some of my best friends are dead. Alot of the dead come to me saying that i'm one of them. That is how I got my nickname Demon Dead. My office is pretty big and clean considering what I do. Sitting in one of my black plush leather chairs was Jimmy Devato. He was a real vampire and a true friend, but a big pain in the ass. I eased myself into a chair oppisite him and set down my bag. I unzipped it and got out my weapons. " Hey Jimmy." I said with a smile as I slipped my knives on. "Hey Rayne." he cooed playfully. I rolled my eyes. I was not in the mood for games today." What do you want Jimmy. You know that your not soppose to me out in sunlight." I said irritated. Actually he could go out in the sunlight, but he doesn't like it." Gosh. What crawled up your butt? Can't I just come so I can see you?" he said with a grin. " Not on bussiness hours. I told you that." I raised an eyebrow, "What have you gotten yourself into this time Jimmy. I'm tired of cleaning up your messes." "Nothing yet, but I was wondering if I could borrow you for the evening. See I am just a humble vampire, but you are the infamous Demon Dead, and if I had you at my side when I meet the new master of the city then I might get noticed more than I already do." I wasn't listening untill he said new master of the city. He knew that it would get my attention. I let out of a harsh sigh. Haveing a new master vamp meant more bad vamps I had to kill.Which just added on to my overwhelming problems; but haveing a new master intersted me . I leaned in to hear him better. I looked him square in the eye," What makes you think that the new master will pay any attention to Demon Dead?" I asked slyly." I don't know," said Jimmy looking into my eyes," I'd rather have you by my side than go alone." Wow. Comeing from Jimmy that meant alot. He was overly conceded most of the time, but what was changing his ways? I'd know him all my life, and when he died I cried my heart out at his furneral, but a few days later when I found out that he had been turned into a vampire I was extatic and relieved at the same time. I realized that I was frowning because he was looking at me concerned."And besides," he said with a reassuring smile," I need someone as good looking and sexy as me to be at my side." I stared at him, mouth almost hanging open, asthonished. Was he flirting with me? I don't know but when I looked back into his eyes there was feeling in them. A feeling that I hadn't seen in a while. Sincerity. Holy shit! He had ment every word that he had just said.I closedmy eyes and sighed happily. Jimmy had been very very good looking when he was alive. Big black puppy dog eyes. Long brown curls that carressed the sides of his face. That was the only kind of hair you found on supermodels or in a romance novel. He had beautiful pale skin, the cuteiest nose in the world and the lips of a god.He had always been skinny for his age, but when he turned all his features had been enhanced. He had a slender body but had more muscle than 2 ton elephants. I'm starting to wonder how you can look so good but not show any bulky muscle. I on the other hand had a face full of pimples when I was a teen. Now I had nice clean white skin. I had somewhat straight black hair that was silkier than silk (or so im told). I had a figure 10 times better than a supermodel;Amber eyes as smooth looking as honey, and lips that could make any man tremble. I'm a little taller than 5'5 and weigh 110 pounds but I pack alot of muscle. I've killed at least 2,000 monsters since i've been living here, so most things are intimidated by me. The ring ring of a cellphone brought me back inot reality as Jimmy got up to leave." I've got to go, but I hope you accept my invitation. Let me pick you up at 7 ok?" I gave a slight nod. He then kissed my cheek and left. I sat there smileing to myself. Jimmy never took time to notice how I looked before or kiss me. I put my hand on the cheek that he kissed a blushed a deep red. A loud grunt made me stop blushing and look up. Ben was standing in the hall smileing at me. I wonder how much he had heard of the conversation.Before I could say a word he said," Client causing trouble in Calms unit.Ghoul class 7." he stated with a smug grin. He had definatly saw the last part. I stood up and walked passed him, not wanting to know what else he knew." I'm on it."