Competition's Just in My Nature

The Start of something Long

"Ry, Ry,"someone shook me while whispering,"Wake up, we need to catch the plane."
"Huh?"I opened my eyes,"Oh Andreas, what time is it?"
"Early enough,"He smiled lightly,"Come on, we're catching the plane."
"Worst part of X Games,"I mumbled getting out of bed.

I got dressed in winter clothes since it was cold here and then I knew once I landed it would be cold too. I was dead tired today for some reason, but I knew once I got to Apsen and seen all of my friends and everything, that would change. I was just nervous about seeing my family since I haven't seen them in a while, so who knows how that'll go.

Taking my place on the plane, I slowly tried to comfortable but was falling miserably. I watched as Marion curled up next to Andreas and drifted to sleep but couldn't myself. Andreas noticed and switched seats with her so he was in the middle of us.

"Here,"He smiled,"I'll be both your pillows."
"You don't have to,"I started.
"Ryan, just use him a pillow,"Marion mumbled,"I don't get that jealous."
"See,"He smirked as I laid my head on his shoulder,"Sleep."

With that I fell asleep against him, only wishing that I had someone like that in my life but I barely had time to sit down, let alone date. Finally getting to sleep on the plane, time went by quicker than it usually did. That and it now so meant I was in Aspen, able to stretch my legs and get out there to ride.

Waiting in the airport baggage claim, I slowly stretched out my leg muscles as I stood there next to Marion and Andreas. I wasn't paying much attention to anything when I heard the voice of someone I thought I wouldn't see just yet.

"Ryan Alexandria Jonas!"I turned to find the source of the voice and seen none other than 4 boys running up to me, the one closest running to me was Joe. I let out an annoyed groan as Marion and Andreas just chuckled.

Facing them, I put a smile on my face to recieve hugs from all of them. This was so going to go one or two ways: Either I'd go so annoyed with them, I'd stop talking to them, they'd piss me off or the third option, well that would just have to be put under "undetermined."