Competition's Just in My Nature

Rush, Rush

"Like you pick the longest game?"I sighed at Frankie who just threw me a look.
"It's not long,"Frankie protested,"I can't help it you've lost brain cells from falling on the snowboard."

My mouth dropped open as the room fell silent but I knew they were all trying not to laugh.

"When'd he get a mouth on him?"I asked looking towards Joe and Nick.k
"Beats me,"Joe shrugged laughing,"He's got a point though."
"Don't make me hurt you,"I threatened then looked down at my phone, to see I only had an hour before I had to change and get out to Big Air,"I've only got an hour left before I've got to head out."
"What time do you want us there?"Nick asked.
"Um, you should probably leave like half an hour after I do or something,"I sat up to look at my mug,"Anyone need anymore hot chocolate?"
"Could you?"Joe smirked at me, handing me his cup.
"Yeah, anyone else before I change my mind?"
I got a ton of cups placed in front of me when Taylor got up,"I'll help you."
"Nice to know someone wants to,'I shouted as I walked into the kitchen with him.

I sat the cups down on the sink as I grabbed the coffee pot.

"I see you're getting along with your brothers."
"Yeah,"I moved my hair a bit,"All except Kevin. I swear we've never got along."
"I wouldn't say never,"He tried to reassure me.
"Then what would you say?"I raised an eyebrow at him,"We've fought since we were kids, I love the boy but sometimes I really can't stand him."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
"Yes,"I aggrivately sighed,"Can we just not talk about him right now?"
"Sure,"Taylor shrugged then added the marshmellows to the cups,"So how have you been?"
"Good,"I smiled lightly,"I've been living in Norway for a while with Marion and Andreas."
"Fun, I guess."
"It is,"I shrugged,"I missed it here though. It's like things, I don't know just got complicated for awhile."
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about,"I threw him a look,"I had to get away."
"I'm sorry,"Taylor touched my shoulder lightly but I shrugged it off, when he turned me to face him,"For what it's worth, our time together meant the world to me."
"I gotta get these back to everyone out there,"I started to walk off when the shy Taylor grabbed my arm to spin me around and pull me into him.

His body was pressed against mine as his lips came crashind down on mine. His were soft and light as he kissed me slowly, somehow I lost the fight to resist and ended up kissing him back. His tongue slowly parted my lips as his tongue fought for dominance. He broke the kiss and started kissing my neck softly yet hungrily. He held me close as his lips found that spot behind my ear on my neck that made me putty in his hands. I felt his hands move up and down my sides which turned everything in my mind all around. I was melting in his arms, ones that I didn't want to leave until I heard,"Hey where's that hot chocolate!"

I got out of Taylor's grasp to grab some of the mugs and walked back out to the living room.

"Guys, I've got to go,"I picked up my key quickly,"Sorry Frankie."
"But Ry-"Nick started.
"I got to go talk to Antti first, forget,"I smiled at them,"We'll hang out after elimination tomorrow, ok?"
"Ok,"they nodded then bide me farewell.

Walking back towards my room, I didn't know what to do. My mind was all in a haze, how could I tell anyone what happened? They'd tell me it was wrong but I thought it felt right. I was so much in my own mind, that I didn't even notice Kevin Pearce walk up to me.

"Oh hey Kev,"I looked at him lightly then shocked when I seen the black eye and stitches,"Oh my god, what happened?"
"Accident,"Kevin shrugged,"I'm fine. I'm just not doing Big Air."
"So who is?"
"Mikkel Bang,"Kevin nodded at me.
"Wait, does that mean you won't be at poker night tonight?"
"No, I'll be there,"He smiled at me lightly,"I just thought I'd let you know since I knew you were headed out there now."
"Thanks,"I smiled then shoved him lightly,"Now go rest for tonight. I'll talk to you then."
"Be careful out there,"Kevin smiled as he waved me off.

Well now that I seen that, things in my mind were more hazy. Not only was that certain person on my mind but I was worried about getting hurt. Once again my thoughts were interupted my somene, only this someone jumped on my back, which happed to be Torstein.

"Dude get off me!"I screeched at him.
"You look like you needed a hug,"He laughed.
I smiled,"I did but seriously."
"Fine,"Torstein got off me with a sigh then walked with me towards Big Air,"Andreas and Mikkel are already there."
"And Travis,"I cringed a bit, we were frenemies, always taunting each other,"Yay."
"It's not that bad,"He patted me on the back,"He shuts up when he sees what you're capable of."
"Too bad I can't compete tonight huh?'
"Of course, but then again you so kick his ass at poker too."
"I always do,"I smirked,"Tonight's going to be interesting."

If only I knew how right I was at that moment.