Competition's Just in My Nature

Run Runaway Run

I took my practice runs on Big Air...technically the only runs I get but I didn't complain, I had fun. I seen all 4 of my brothers along with my friends and the Hansons watching from the bottom as I made my way towards Sal and Todd who were watching the Big Air Compeition.

"Hey Ry,"Todd smiled as I sat next to him.
"Hey,"I smiled back.
"Those were some sweet runs,"He smiled.
"Totally,"Sal agreed,"If only you could compete in the X Games those runs."
"Hey there's still slopestyle I can pull them off in,"I shrugged,"So don't be surprised if I do."

"Hey and welcome to the Big Air Competiton,"Sal talked to the camera,"I'm here with Todd Richards and then our special guest Ryan Jonas."
"Hey,"I waved at the camera.
Sal went to talk to Todd about the judging which was stupid this year then turned towards me,"And you've got friends up there, how's that feel?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged,"I love watching them and they're all great riders, it's hard to choice between them."
"Alright, first is Torstein Horgmo,"Sal mentioned.

I watched as Torstein and Andreas went to do their first runs which were good except for Andreas's landing which Sal mentioned when he falls the mountain shakes.

Soon after, Torstein won that round then it was Mikkel Bang against Travis to which Travis won but I think Mikkel should've went on, stupid American Idol type voting. Then the final with Torstein and Travis, Travis got gold but because of the voting, I still think Torstein should've won but people only voted for Travis because he was American I think. Don't get me wrong, I am too but I had to fill out papers to become an American, isn't that stupid? Yeah all because I was born in Norway. So I've dual citizenship. After talking to Torstein in Norwegian and Andreas, I walked over to my brothers who were standing there, looking cold.

"So, are you going to your poker game?"asked Joe.
"Yeah,"I sighed,"But thanks for coming out here guys."
"No problem,"Nick smiled.
"Hey tomorrow,"Joe started,"We need to talk."
"Sure,"I shrugged,"After superpipe elimination though since it's in the afternoon."
"Ok,"He nodded.
"Those were some cool tricks,"Kevin nodded towards me.
"Thanks bro,"I smiled as I took off my gloves and looked at Frankie,"Now go get ready for bed."
"Aw man,"He whined,
"Come on kid,"Kevin laughed,"It is getting late."

I laughed as they all walked off when Issac, Zac, and Taylor walked up to me.

"So, are you heading over there yet?"asked Zac.
"I'm actually going to go change first but you guys are welcome to come along with me if you want,"I shrugged.
"Ok,"They both shrugged as we walked towards my room.

Getting changed into some jeans and a Flow shirt, I headed to the lounge that we were using to play poker tonight. It was pretty packed around the table but there wasn't much wrong with it. It was fun with a lot of people. I ended up sitting on KP's lap while playing cards which was fun. Yes, I sorta have a crush on him but I don't know, he didn't mind when I did in the first place. The whole time I sat there, I got dirty looks from Taylor who sat across the table from me. Our poker game went on for a while, like til 2 am when I decided that I should seriously get some sleep since I did have to be up earlier for super pipe elimination.

"Alright guys,"I stretched standing up,"I'll see you all tomorrow. And don't stay up too late."
"Night,"Kevin smiled as he looked at me and I ruffled his hair a bit.
"Don't forget to come watch me,"I smirked at him.
"I won't,"He smiled.
"I better see a lot of you there tomorrow too,"I pointed out towards them.
"We will,"Shaun smiled at me,"I might even come hang out with you in the tent."
"Antti will be there,"I nodded with a yawn,"He's like my personal life coach."
"Not really,"He laughed,"I just keep you from getting too nervous."
"Life coach,"I teased.
"Go to bed,"He rolled his eyes.
"But you love me,"I stuck my tongue out at me.
"Ry, if you don't get your ass there in the next 15 minutes, I'll drag you there,"Andreas threatened as Marion just hide her laughter.
"Yes drill sargernt,"I saluted him as he went to "get up" but I ran out the door before he did.

Laughing silently to myself, I finally realized that I wasn't alone in my walk back to my room. I looked to the side to see that Taylor had followed me. God, only knows what he wanted to talk to me about now. I swear that boy sometimes.

"Yes Taylor?"I sighed.
"What was up with you and Kevin?"He glared.
"Jealous much?"I smirked,"What's it matter to you in the first place?"
"It doesn't, just curious."
"What's the real reason Natalie and the kids aren't here?"I crossed my arms and looked at him,"Oh wait, I know what it is."
"You think you're so smart,"He scouffed,"You don't know."
"Yeah,"I nodded,"I don't know. Then who the hell was kissing me first?"
Taylor looked at me with a slight glare as I rolled my eyes to snicker a bit,"It's what I thought."

I started to walk off when I felt a tug at my hand, I turned to see Taylor looking back at me. His blue eyes looked hurt yet they spoke so much. He leant into the dark hall that no one could see slowly pulling me with him. He placed his soft lips against mine then went to pin me against the wall. The last kiss, he pulled away which had me catching my breath. Without saying anything, he took my hand then lead me to his room slowly.

Why wasn't I protesting? I don't know. I honestly couldn't tell you. Maybe I liked the danger? Maybe I liked having the drama in my life? Or maybe it was because I liked being in his arms. Whatever it was, I was setting the alarm next to his bed to wake me up early so I could get back to the room to change in the morning. As I stood next to the bed, Taylor put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door knob as he came back to me. Placing kisses on my neck, he slowly took my shirt to have his kisses go down my collarbone and then to my breasts. I tugged at his shirt, which he took the hint and pulled it off. Slowly we fell back into his bed as his tongue traced circles around my belly button followed by kisses then fell onto my hips where my jeans laid. Reaching for his belt, I slowly slide it off, hearing it hit the floor.

Yeah, me and Joe seriously had to have a talk in the morning since he was the only family I could go to about this.