Competition's Just in My Nature

Talking with the Bro

Beep, Beep, Beep, I stuck my hand out to hit the alarm off. Moving slightly I felt a mass next to me. How in the world did I just forget who's next to me? I mean I was there last night, so I know what happened last night. Searching for my clothes, I found them, then took a blanket with me as I walked into the bathroom to get dressed. I looked in the mirror to find my hair and make up a mess, I guess I had to fix that when I got back to my room. I looked at my neck to see a purple and black mark on my neck, groaning I pulled my shirt over my head then went to get my shoes then head to my room. The whole time Taylor was dead asleep in the bed. It was better I left before anyone noticed that I was here or for that matter who I was here with.

Quickly walking down the hallway, I pulled the key out of my pocket making sure I had it then continued on my way til I heard a voice that I was dreading to hear right now.

"RyJo,"Issac smiled at me as I turned around to him slowly.
"Hey,"I gave my best smile towards him.
"Isn't your room upstairs?"He asked looking at me.
"It is,"thank god for quick thinking on my part though,"I just forgot something from the lobby last night so I went to go get it."
"Oh,"Issac nodded,"You didn't happen to see Taylor last night? Me and Zac looked everywhere for him."
"No,"Crap, please don't let him know,"Did you try his room?"
"No,"Issac looked at me like I had just stated the obvious.
"Well, look there,"I laughed,"Now if you excuse me, I really need to go get ready for super pipe elimination, I'll see you there right?"
"Yeah, of course,"He smiled.

That was too close. Way too close for my liking. Getting to my room, Torstein was up getting ready to leave as I flew into the room grabbing everything I needed.

"Looks like someone had a long night,"He teased.
"Shut up!"I glared.
"You should be in a good mood,"He kept teasing me as I fixed my make up.
"Can you seriously not talk about my absence in this room right now?"
"What's wrong Ry?"
"Nothing,"I lied as I fixed my make up,"It's complicated ok?"
"Ok,"Torstein put his hands up then backed off,"I'll meet you at the pipe."
"Don't worry I won't be late,"I mentioned,"Oh and Torstein?"
"Yeah?"He stopped to look at me.
"Nothing personal, ok?"I pulled my jacket on,"Just it's really complicated."
"No problem,"He smiled,"Oh and I prewarn you, we made signs."
"I'm scared now,"I laughed.
"I'll see you out there,"He waved as he walked out the door.

Finishing up, I grabbed, my board, after putting my boots on, then the wax and everything else I ended up there to do my three runs. Heading out to he pipe, I seen my brothers and friends already there as I got a ride up to the top where Shaun and Antti were sitting. I was talking with Torah for a while about random things and what not as we waited for our turn to be called. I was 8th to go which was almost last which somewhat sucked but I also liked it since that meant I could watch everyone else and then figure out what to do.

Everything that happened that night, I put out of my mind as I took to the slope going, bigger and everything on my three runs. I ended up getting on to the finals in forth position which I knew what I had to do to medal in this thing. After getting done, I found Joe who I grabbed with no explanation and drug towards my room.

"Ry, where are we going?"Joe asked as I didn't stop.
"We really need to talk,"I looked at him,"And since I didn't get to talk to you before pipe elimination, we're talking now."
"Ok, but you could've said that,"Joe shook his head.
"Call your brothers and tell them that I need to talk to you and it's us time right now, so they know,"I told him as I walked to the bathroom to change into some different clothes for the time being.
"Alright,"He chuckled to himself,"I'll make sure I'll add that some crazy lady kidnapped me."
"Do it and I'll seriously harm you Joseph,"I glared before shutting the door.
"Whatever you say RyJo,"He laughed harder at the comment.
"Fuck you!"I yelled back to him which he just shook his head as he punched in the numbers.