Competition's Just in My Nature

Making me Feel Better

"Here Ry,"Joe handed me a cup of cappachino from the coffee shop we happened to be at.
"Thanks,"I smiled lightly at him.
"So, this is nice, we haven't talked in a while,"Joe smiled towards me taking a sip off his drink.
"I know, what did you want to talk to me about?"
"You living in Norway."
"Joe, you know-"
"I want to be able to spend time with you again, I miss you,"Joe gave me a small smile as he looked at me.
"I miss you guys too,"I paused,"But I don't know."
"How do you not know?"Joe flicked his hair a bit.
"Well there is the whole Kevin thing,"I rolled my eyes,"It just sucks since I want to get along with him but he doesn't make things easy sometimes."
"You just need to talk to him one day,"He took another gulp,"Plus you can be such a bitch too."
"Hey,"I threw him a look.
"It's the truth,"He shrugged.
"Alright, so I'll come back from Norway for a while, hang out with you guys in LA, how's that sound?"I asked looking at my phone.
"Seriously, don't toy with my emotions big sis,"He looked at me.
"I'm dead serious,"I nodded.
"Well I would say summer since all my snowboarding but I want to hang out with you again before then,"I thought for a second,"How about this? I do comps up until Antti's bday and then I'll spend the rest of my time with you?"
"Sounds good,"He smiled,"So middle of March?"
"Yup,"I smiled.
"So what did you want to talk about?"Joe asked looking at me.

I sighed, leaning back in the chair,"Yesterday."
"What about yesterday?"He looked at me sternly as some random girl came up to us.
"Oh my god, are you Joe Jonash?"I had to roll my eyes at her, no he's Brad Pitt...what do you think?
"Yes,"He smiled then seen her give me death glares,"And that's my sister Ryan Jonas."
"Ryan?"She looked at me.
"You got a problem with that?"I asked looking at her.
"Ry,"Joe warned with a smile as he gave her the autograph and took the picture,"Be nice."
"Thank you so much,"She smiled,"It was nice meeting you."

She walked off and I couldn't help but laugh mainly at her and how she looked at first jealous then imtimidated by me.

"So where were we?"Joe asked.
"I was about to tell you about yesterday but then- eh never mind,"I smirked.
"No!"Joe looked at me,"You tell me everything!"
"Buy me another white chocolate mocha and I'll think about it,"I smirked at him as he rolled his eyes and got up.

That's my brother for you. It's weird, Joe's younger than me yet I can still go to him with any problem and he comes to me with any problem. I think my other brothers are jealous about it since we get along the best. We always have even when we were kids. I even covered for his ass more than Kevin did if he would get in trouble. Not that I didn't enjoy seeing him get in trouble. Believe me, I'd always find a way for him to get grounded or something which was funny.

Joe slid the cup over to me as he sat down across from me with a sigh again,"So?"
"Ok, so last night, after the poker game, Taylor sorta followed me before I went to bed."
"Like stalking?"Joe raised an eyebrow at me.
"No,"I shook my head,"I mean like just to talk."
"Oh and?"
"And well, that talking was cut short by well, his lips crashing onto mine, then well we headed back to his room."
"Please tell me you didn't,"Joe looked at me.
"I wish I hadn't,"I grimaced,"Well part of does."
"Ry, please don't say you love him,"Joe begged.
"He's got half of my heart as bad as that sounds,"I looked at him.
"Ry,"He sighed,"What am I going to do with you?"
"Taking me shopping,"I smirked with a shrug,"It's just a thought."
"No, you know what you need?"
"When's your next event?"
"Um, not til tomorrow,"I looked at him weird,"Why?"
"Come on,"Joe grabbed my hand as we left the table.

Where that boy was taking me, I had no clue but he knew me better than well almost anyone.

"Joe, where are we going?"I asked as he ran with me now.
"You'll see,"was all he told me with a smirk.
"No, tell me or so help me god, I will smack you."
"Do you realize you sounded so much like a parent?"Joe laughed as he started the car that I drove to here in.
"Do not!"I flicked him in the side of the head.
"Ow!"He flinched,"I'll let that slide since you'll love me once we get there."