Competition's Just in My Nature

If You Needed Somebody

"Go karts, Joe?"I raised an eyebrow at him to which he just laughed.
"What better way to forget everything than racing around a track."
"You know sometimes I think you were meant to be my twin,"I ruffled his hair.
"Stop it"He squirmed," Hey than I'd be older than Kevin."
"Good job genius,"I laughed then headed out to the track with him.

We raced around for two hours which I didn't think about much except for racing and what not. It was fun, it's why I'm glad Joe can totally understand me. I mean I may be older than him but I'm really immature from doing/saying stupid things, to be being highly amused. Afterwards, Joe took me to go get some lunch before we headed back to the village.

I got back to my room to find a note taped to the door for me. Taking it off, I didn't think much of it, mainly since I thought it was from Torstein or Andreas or someone, that is until I read it. I opened it to see it was from Taylor. It sounded urgent mainly because it said "We really need to talk, it's important."

Setting down my things, I called his phone to which he didn't answer. Ok, so now I'm starting to freak out. What if something bad happened to him? What if someone found out, what if-

Oh, a text: Meet me by the rental shop.

I grabbed my key again, my jacket than headed towards the rental shop to see Taylor standing there, his sunglasses on and his hair blowing in the wind slightly. My heart started to race as I walked up to him. I don't know what it was but everytime I got around him, my heart would beat faster, butterflies would move around my stomach, my hands would shake. It was love, damn it, a love that was wrong.

"Taylor?"I looked at him as he smiled at me. I swear I'm going to melt right now, keep it cool Ryan.
"Oh hey,"He moved closer to me,"We need to talk."
"So I've read, well mainly read,"I wished he knew what he was doing to me inside me, cue the song "If You Needed Somebody" by Bad Company to start playing in my mind.
"Come on,"Taylor grabbed my hand as he lead me off to a quiet place away from people.

He stopped when we were well hidden to drop my hand.

"Are you cold?"
"You were shaking,"Taylor nodded.
"No, I'm not,"I shook my head,"What's up?"
"I need you,"He started,"I want you."
"Can we you read my thoughts?"I looked at him quizically,"I mean those lyrics were in this song I was just thinking about."
"No,"He placed a finger aganist my lips,"All seriousness, even though I know the song you're thinking about."
"But this,"I looked at him,"Us, we can't be."
"Who's to stop us?"
"Well for one,"I sighed,"You're married and what would everyone think?"
"When have you cared what everyone thinks?"He gave me a mischevious smirk.
"Well there is Frankie,"I started,"And Joe, they look up to me."
"I know, I've got the same dilenma but what's your heart telling you?"
"My heart?"I thought for a second letting my mind forget everything,"I love you."
I guess I must've mumbled the last part but I looked up at him with tears slightly in my eyes,"It's screaming I love you."
"So why's it so hard to say it?"
"Because I feel like you don't feel the same with me,"I looked down at the snow which seemed to be the most interesting thing in the world right now. Ok, so technically it is for me, but you get the point right?
"Don't think so quickly,"Taylor moved my chin up to look at him with a smile on his face.

His lips connected to mine softly and I returned the kiss. That is until his phone rang. He looked down at it to see it was Natalie. What was I supposed to do? Stand there and listen to his conversation with her? I couldn't. I walked away from him to head back to well it was going to be my room but I just walked around the village. People were calling me by now but I didn't want to talk to them so I ignored their phone calls. I was listening to my Ipod, just thinking to myself when I didn't notice that I bumped into well Issac. I was in front of this little resturant in the village when I literally ran into him. I didn't mean to, it just happened. I guess that's what happens when you're in your own world.

"Ry,"Issac smiled at me then noticed how there were tears threatening to fall from my eyes,"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine,"I sighed,"It's just a rough day."
"I heard you went out with Joe this morning, he didn't do anything did he?"
"No,"I laughed,"He was just being a kick ass little brother."
"Then what is it?"
"It's nothing,"I shrugged,"I just need to sort things out I guess."
"Care to have some company while you do it?"
"I don't feel like sitting."
"I'll walk with you,"He smiled,"Come on, I know you need to at least let some of it out."
"Ok,"I sighed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"So dearest RyJo-"
"Stop calling me that,"I rolled my eyes.
I heard him laugh at the comment,"What's bugging you?"
"A guy,"I sighed,"I love him but it's complicated."
"What's this guy like?"
"Well,"I started,"He's a total sweetheart to me, we're friends, he makes me feel like we're the only two people in the world."
"So what's stopping you?"
"He's kinda seeing someone else,"I shrugged hoping he didn't catch on.
"Ah, so he has a girlfriend,"Issac nodded.
"Well, in a way,"I grimaced,"But that's another story."
"And does he like you?"
"Yeah,"I sighed,"We're done things."
"Done things, how?"
"Um,"I tried to find words to put it into,"Things that shouldn't be talked about."
"Oh,"Issac nodded then his eyes went wide,"Oh!"
"Yeah,"I nodded slowly,"It's just if I turn off my mind, his name's tattooed to my heart."
"You do seem to be in a sticky situation,"He laughed.
"Yeah,"I moved out of this arms,"Hey, it was nice talking to you but I've got something I've got to do."
"Ok, laters."

I waved goodbye to him then went to find Kevin, my brother not KP. I ended up finding Kevin out with Nick in the lodge. I had no idea where Joe and Frankie were but I needed to talk to Kevin. They were sitting at a table when I sat down next to them.

"Nick, can I talk to Kevin alone?"
"It's fine,"Kevin sighed,"Go call Joe to see where him and Frankie are."
"Ok,"Nick nodded as I looked towards Kevin.
"Look, I know what I said hurt but I don't hate you,"I made direct eye contact with you,"I just could never stand your music and you know that."
"But is that any reason to tell me I should fail?"
"Kevin, seriosly, you said some viscious things too."
"I know,"He nodded,"And I don't mean them, it's just you pissed me off."
"To be fair, you act like I don't exist 95% of the time."
"No let me finish,"I stopped him,"You always did it to me, before the band, before everything. You outcasted me just because I was the snowboarder and was never home. It hurt, especially when I seen you on things and Joe and Nick have to talk about me. You act like Frankie's the only sibling outside the band that matters to the world."
"You do matter."
"Then why don't you ever act like it,"I glared,"For once in my life, I want you to treat me like I'm family not some random girl who you know who snowboards. Why the hell do you even treat me like that?"
"Because I wish I was you!"He shot me a glare back,"All my life I had to watch you snowboard, be better at it then me. Have Joe look up to you and able to come to you with his girl troubles before he came to me. I was jealous of you."
"Then why threaten to destroy me?"
"Because, I don't know,"He sighed.
"Look I know we're different but it doesn't mean we can't get along with each other."
"Here's the deal, when I visit or whatever, everything gets put to the side, no egos, nothing."
"I guess I could do it,"He shrugged,"I just want to be able to talk to you about well family, life, something."
"We can,"I nodded,"All I'm asking is in public, don't treat me like I'm invisible."
"Ok,"He smiled then stuck his hand out,"Start over?"
"Yeah,"I nodded.

It seemed good for the time being when all the sudden, Nick came back with Joe, Frankie, and then the one girl who I hated more than anything. How the hell she even got here, was a mystery to me. There standing there with a smile on her face in all it's fakeness was Miley. Which meant one of two things or both: Her dad was here or Trace was here. If it was both, everyone was about to see the side of me that's much more angrier then before. Espeically towards Miley since like I said, I can't stand her.