Competition's Just in My Nature

Drama rides on my back

"Ryan!"Miley went to hug me but I brushed her off.
"Guys, I've got to go,"I nodded towards them but not to Miley,"I'll talk to you later."
"But Ry-"Joe started.
"I'll see you around bro,"I ruffled his straight hair,"I just all the sudden feel sick."
"Can I come with Ry?"asked Frankie.
"Sure,"I smiled.
"I thought you felt sick,"Miley looked at me.
"Trust me, when I get out the door, I feel much better,"I smirked at her as I took Frankie's hand,"Come on, little bro."

I headed outside with Frankie to go head out to watch Seth Wescott practice since I haven't talked to him in a while and needed to hang out with him. Not to mention he loves coaching kids, and Frankie happened to take a liking for snowboarding. We stood at the bottom of the hill watching him take the course, just to get a feel for it. I didn't have slopestyle til tomorrow then followed by superpipe finals so today was basically my day off.

Seth seen me and Frankie standing there as he walked up to us with a smile.

"Hey kid,"Seth caught his breath.
"Hey old man,"I smirked back.
"So what are you two up to?"
"Well, me and Frankie here are coming out to snowboard,"I nodded,"Me, mainly to escape Miley."
"She's here?"He grimaced a bit at me.
"Yeah,"I sighed.
"Well hey, let me just get one more practice run in and I'll come hang out with you."
"Sounds good,"I smiled as Seth went back to up the top of the hill.

"Ry, how do you know him?"asked Frankie.
"I started off doing Snowboard X,"I smiled down at him,"He used to be my coach, then I switched to doing slopestyle and super pipe since I found it more fun."
"So you can race like that?"His eyes got wide.
"Yeah, sweet huh?"
"I don't believe you,"He huffed.
"What?"I looked at him shocked.
"I don't believe you,"He looked at me.
"I'll show you,"I looked at him to which his eyes lit up.

"Hey Keir,"I noticed him walking by for a second as he looked towards me,"Can you watching my little bro for a second."
"I'm going to go prove to him, I did race."
"Wait, you're going to race?"
"Yeah, against Wescott,"I smirked.
"Well then hell yeah I'll watch him,"Keir smirked back at me as I went to get a ride up to the top of the hill.

Getting there, I strapped my board to my feet as Seth looked at me.
"What are you doing?"
"I thought I'd make it interesting,"I smirked sliding on my goggles,"Think you can keep up old man?"
"You'll be eating my powder, kid,"He laughed as we got to the gates.

Racing down the hill, we were neck and neck for the most part. I tell you, it was a lot more work than what I remembered. It actually made my legs feel like they were on fire by time I came to the last bit of the course. I managed to beat Seth by like 3 seconds which was sweet. Stopping, I caught my breath, taking the board off my feet and feeling my legs feel like jello.

"You may have beat me kid,"He laughed,"But it looks like that took a lot out of you."
"Shut up,"I shoved him,"I haven't raced in a while."
"I could tell,"He laughed as Frankie ran up to me to hug me.
"Ryan, that was so cool!"
"Thanks,"I smiled,"You ready to head out to your lesson?"
"Come on, old man,"I laughed as Frankie pulled me along with him.

Getting to the part of the park where everyone was just snowboarding, Seth started teaching Frankie some stuff as I stood there and watched him. As I stood there, I felt a snowball hit me in the back to turn to see Marion laughing at me.

"Do you know how hard of a person you are to reach?"
"Sorry,"I shrugged.
"I can't even get a hold of my best friend,"She laughed.
"So what's up?"
"Not much, just seeing what you're up to,"She stood next to me.
"Just teaching Frankie to snowboard, well Seth is right now."
"I heard you beat him in a race?"
"Yeah,"I smirked,"Where's Andreas?"
"I think doing an interview somewhere,"She shrugged,"Where's the rest of your brothers?"
"With Miley,"I rolled my eyes.
"Ew,"She scruntched her face,"What about the Hanson kids?"
"Around,"I sighed thinking of Taylor for a second,"Why?"
"Just curious,"She shrugged again,"That snowball thing was hilarous."
"Oh yeah,"I thought then picked up a snowball to throw at her.

It turned into a snowball fight while Frankie was still snowboarding. Me and Marion were just being stupid, playing in the snow when I heard,"Wow, girl action."
Turning, we seen Andreas walking over with Shaun and Louie Vito.

"Vito!"I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
"Uh, it's nice to see you too,"He patted me on the back.
"Like you can't be nice,"I rolled my eyes.
"Nope,"He smirked.
"So what is my girlfriend and best friend up to?"asked Andreas.
"Snowball fight,"I pointed out then looked back towards Frankie,"And watching the little bro snowboard."
"Sounds fun,"Andreas smiled then kissed Marion.
"It is,"i smiled then looked at Shaun,"What's up?"
"Bored,'He sighed,"Kier filmed that whole race you had against Seth. That was sweet!"
"Thanks,"I smiled,"But my legs still fee like jello."
"Ryan!"Seth called me over.
"Excuse me,"I smiled at them then headed over to where Seth was.

There laying on the cold ground, was my little bro, crying. I had no idea what happened, but it didn't look bad.

"What happened?"
"He took his first hard fall,"Seth smiled,"He picked up some speed, then fell on his knee."
"Oh,"I nodded then got down next to my bro,"Hey it's ok. Now you've got your first snowboard battle scar."
Frankie looked at me with tears in his eyes, sniffling,"My knee hurts."
"You'll be ok,"I laughed,"Are you done?"
"Yes,"He nodded wiping his eyes.
"Come on, I'll take you back to the guys,"I smiled as I picked him up then looked at Seth,"I'll see ya, I'm just going to take him back."
"Have fun,"Seth smiled as he waved me off.

"Is he ok?"asked Marion.
"Yeah, he will be,"I smiled,"I'm taking him back. We can hang out after I get him back with his brothers."
"Ok,"She smiled.

I just smiled at Shaun, Andreas, and Louie as I walked off, carrying my little brother in my arms. Getting back to the suite that he was staying in, I sat him down on the couch, to hear my brothers somewhere talking or something.

"Ok, so take off your wet clothes and I'll check out your knee,"I nodded towards him as I went into the kitchen to get some ice.
Upon, doing so, I seen my brothers and Miley talking in the kitchen about something.

"Hey guys,"I smiled getting out a bag to put ice from the bucket in in,"Frankie got his first hard fall."
"Oh my god is he ok?"Miley asked.
"Yes,"I glared at her but went back to my brothers,"He just hit is knee on the snow, it's not bad, just probably going to be bruised.'
"Poor kid,"Joe laughed.
"Joe that's not nice,"Miley smacked him.
"He's fine,"I rolled my eyes,"It's nothing compared to what I've tooken."
"But he's younger than you,"Miley protested.
"Dude, when I was his age, I took worse,"I closed the bag looking at her.
"Yeah, but he's a guy."
"No difference, when I was his age, I fell during a race and couldn't get up for a while."

I walked out to the couch where Frankie was, giving him the ice to see he stopped crying. My brothers along with Miley walked out of the kitchen with me. Miley, being the most annoying person ever, smoothered him with hugs, which was seriously annoying.

"Miley, seriously, he's ok,"I crossed my eyes.
"You shouldn't have took him snowboarding in the first place,"She gave me a cold glare,"He could've gotten seriously hurt."
"He wouldn't of,"I defended myself,"He wasn't even doing anything dangerous."
"You need to be more careful with him."
"What are you my mom now?"
"No, I'm just being logical, you need to think more often,"Miley spat back at me.
"Excuse me?"I raised my eyebrows at her,"I need to think?"
"Yes,"She looked at me after looking at Frankie for a second,"You're so stupid and irresponsible."
"Oh no, she just didn't,"I went to lunge at her, I was seriously going to beat the piss out of her when I felt a hand hold me back, looking out the corner of my eye, I seen Kevin.
"I mean you're not even that good, you had no right-"
"Kevin, let me go, I'm going to kill her!"I tried to go at her but Joe had to stop me now,"You whore! You need to leave!"
"As I recall, this isn't your hotel suite,"She got all bitchy at me which she shouldn't have done.
"You think you're better than me?"I seethed.
"Yes,"She nodded.
"No seriously let me go,"I tried to get at her but neither one of my brothers would let me,"Go fuck someone else!"
"Wow, great comeback,"She scouffed.
"Fake bitch!"I screamed at her,"You only got here because you're fucking your dad!"
"Ryan!"Nick looked at me shocked.
"I don't care,"I looked at him than back to her,"You know better than to piss me off. I will destroy you."
"Whatever,"She rolled her eyes tossing up her hand.
"Frankie, get it easy,"I looked at him then pushed my brothers off me,"I'm out. As for you Miley, you better watch your back."
"Is that a threat?"She raised her eyebrows at me.
"No it's a promise,"I glared,"And since you're going to tell Trace, I don't care. I'll kick his ass just for you."

I left the room in a huff, slamming the door then heading out to find my friends. Walking to find Marion again, I ran into Taylor who I couldn't stay mad at for long. I just didn't want to be bothered right now. That and I had to blow off steam or something. Taylor knew that, since he just walked in silence with me to go find my friends. Getting outside, I let out a scream, not caring that everyone gave me funny looks.

"I hate Miley,"I sighed,"She's always starting things and then twisting them around."
"I'm sorry,"Taylor rubbed my back,"Need some company?"
"Actually I'm trying to find Marion and everyone again,"I looked at him but seen a bit of what looked like hurt in his eyes,"But you can come with me."
"Are you sure?"He asked.
"Yeah,"I smiled,"I need all the people that matter in my life around me right now."
"Good, cause I'd go with you anyways,"He smiled,"I can't leave you alone like that."
"Hopefully she'll be gone, before I get back"I nodded,"If not, I might end up killing her."
"If not, you're welcome to hang out with me and vent,"He nodded,"I'll listen."