Competition's Just in My Nature

I Need You Now

Funny thing is, I couldn't find Marion or Andreas or anyone around right now. Isn't that weird? I know right? And I didn't want to talk on the phone right now since well when I'm frustrated or pissed, I hate talking on the phone since I feel like no one's listening. So I only had Taylor with me. Of whom decided to take me to get a milkshake in the freezing cold. Comfort food, I guess. Anyways, we were sitting at this pinic area away from everyone, watching the sun slip slowly behind the mountains. I was sitting on top of the table as Taylor came back with the milkshake and sat next to me.

"Thanks,"I smiled,"You know people would find me weird for drinking this with all the snow around."
"Eh, just makes you more interesting,"He shrugged with a smile taking a sip off his coffee,"So what's on your mind?"
"How much I hate Miley,"I sighed,"Then how this is almost done, followed by a lot of other things."
"Like, how the sunset is perfect and it feels perfect right now-"
"It does,"He nodded.
"Mainly I'm just pissed,"I shrugged then looked at him slowly,"What about you?"
"Well,"He watched me drink some of the milkshake then looked back at the sunset,"To be perfectly honest, you. You being upset."
"Those could be bad thoughts,"I smirked a bit.
"But to me, I don't think they are,"He shrugged,"What are you doing after the X Games?"
"Probably going back to Norway,"I shrugged setting the milkshake down then leant back some,"Maybe visit my brothers. You?"
"I don't know,"He shrugged,"I was thinking about a road trip."
"With Zac and Issac?"I asked nodding towards him.
"Well no,"He picked at a hole in his jeans.
"No,"He still picked at the hole then looked at me,"You."
"Me? Taylor, people will start to think things,"I looked at him wide eyed.
"No they won't,"He smiled,"I mean I haven't seen you in a while. We could head to New York from here, stop at places we've wanted to go to before."
"You know that sounds crazy,"I shook my head at him with a laugh.
"But what?"I looked at him,"I just said it sounds crazy."
"Ry-"Taylor started.
"Taylor,"I mocked back with a smile.
"Seriously, just me and you, on the road for I don't know a week?"
I thought for a second as I looked at him and met his eyes, finally giving in with a sigh, I rolled my eyes,"Ok, I'll go with you. But I don't have a car here."
"Me neither,"He shrugged,"We could always rent one, or something."
"Ok,"I nodded at him,"But what are we going to tell everyone else?"
"Just that, I'm helping a friend clear her head,"He nudged me in the leg with a smile.
"You're lucky I've got a soft spot for you,"I smirked.

After our "talk" we went our separate ways. Me, meeting back up with my brothers, Marion, and Andreas for dinner. It was basically since I didn't get to hang out with my friends the whole day after I was pissed. That and I needed them there in case, well you know who decided to show up again.

"So Ryan, are you coming to spend time with us after X Games?"asked Nick.
"Actually,"I started slowly,"I've got other plans."
"Going back to Norway?"asked Kevin.
"No,"I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear,"I'm going on a road trip with a friend."
"When?"asked Marion who know was interested in what I had to say.
"Um, well a day after X Games,"I smiled at her.
"And who's this friend?"asked Andreas.
"A good friend,"I looked at him then mouthed "I'll tell you later"
"Ryan, I want to go with you,"Frankie whined.
"Aw bro, it's basically me and this friend,"I smiled at him.
"But I hardly get to see you anymore,"Frankie pouted at me,"Don't you want to spend time with me?"
"Don't play the guilt card,"I groaned with an eye roll,"I'll come see you later ok?"
"Where are you going?"asked Kevin.
"New York City,"I thought for a second,"It'll be a week long trip or so since we're stopping at random places."
"I'll tell mom and she'll let me go with you,"Frankie glared at me.
"Dude, she won't,"I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Uh huh,"He argued back.
"Fine, if mom let's go come with me, then I'll let you go,"I rolled my eyes,"But that's going to take some serious convincing to do."
"It'll happen,"He smiled.

I rolled my eyes at his smile since I knew she wouldn't let him go. That is if one of his older brothers went along. I knew I'd be getting a call either tonight or tomorrow, only hoping that she was so not letting him come along with me. I mean, seriously talk about buzz kill or something if he did. Anyways, after dinner, I headed back to Marion and Andreas's room where I knew I had to confess to who I was going on this road trip with.

"So?"Andreas asked closing the door behind him as I sat on the bed, indian style,"Who's this friend?"
"Taylor,"I sighed,"But I'm thinking you already knew that."
"What are you doing?"Andreas looked at me,"It's not right."
"It's not wrong either,"I shot back,"It was his idea and well he is a friend more than anything."
"But do you love him?"asked Marion sat next to me.
"I don't know,"I shrugged not looking at them,"Look guys, just let me have this one thing. I'll be safe, I promise."
"But what happens if your brother gets to come along with you?"Andreas looked at me.
"Then well, I guess he'll be there. We'll figure something out."
"Kid, you don't make things easy, do you?"Andreas rolled his eyes with a smile at me.
"Now where's the fun in that?"I smirked.
"I trust you,"He sighed sitting down to me,"I just hate seeing you torn up about him."
"I know but you guys know I need this,"I looked at them.
"No, what you need is a midnight slopestyle run,"Andreas smirked at me.
"What?"I looked at him wide eyed.
"Oh come it's tradition,"He smirked pulling me up,"Besides you usually have 3 am superpipe runs too."
"Can't break tradition then huh?"I smirked as I got up to smirk at him.
"Nope,"He smiled then looked at his watch,"We've got 5 hours, so get some rest."
"See ya then,"I waved to them as I walked back to my room.

On my way back there, my phone rang. I looked down to see it was none other than the person I knew would be calling me,"Hey mom."