Competition's Just in My Nature

Day Three of X Games

"I heard about this road trip you're going on,"My mom started.
"Frankie?"I questioned,"Look mom, I know he wants to go but-"
"Aw come on take him with you,"She pushed,"He looks up to you and wants to spend time with his big sis."
"Mom, it's just supposed to be me and my friend going,"I whined.
"Ryan, how much time do you have with him? He's growing up too and sooner or later he won't want to hang out with you."
"I doubt that,"I laughed and mumbled.
"But mom, you won't let him go unless some other brother, oh god mom, who?"
"Joe,"I heard that smile in her voice,"You two get along so great, so why not?"
"Because it was supposed to be a personal road trip,"I groaned leaning against the wall.
"I'm sure you're friend won't mind,"She sighed,"I already told them they can go with you."
"Mom, it'll be a week and they don't have clothes for a week,"I argued back.
"Stop at a laundry mat,"She pressed on further,"Ryan, take them."
"Fine,"I sighed,"They can come with us."
"Ok,"Her voice chirped up,"I'll check up-"
"You're not to call me during this trip,"I stated coldly,"You can call Joe or Frankie but no calling me."
"Fine,"She sighed.
"Bye mom,"I rolled my eyes hanging up then walking into my room where Torstein was asleep on his bed.

I smiled to myself watching him sleep. I needed to call Taylor and tell him what's up, only hoping he wouldn't back out of this road trip. But at the same time, I needed sleep too in order to hit the slopestyle course without being beat. Laying in my bed, I drifted off to sleep only to be woken up by the sound of Torstein's alarm clock blaring. It was 11:30...time to get up and head out to the course.

"Morning sleeping beauty,"Torstein smirked as he put his boots on and I got my gear on.
"Technically it's still night and it was a nap,"I pointed out.
"True,"He nodded,"Ready?"
"Hell yes,"I smirked at him as I put my boots on and grabbed my board,"Let's do this."

Heading out to the slope, I found Andreas, Kevin, Mikkel, Heikki, and Travis standing around the bottom waiting for us to all show up. Well then Shaun since he was slow too but still.

"Where's Shaun?"I asked as I leant against my board.
"On his way,"Travis nodded towards me.
"Ok,"I shrugged,"I guess I'm heading up to the top, if anyone else is coming with me?"

Everyone else headed up to the hill, as Shaun appeared at the bottom then made his way to the top. We had some random camera guys there who were taking pictures at night of us since well they'd end up putting it in some magazine. That and we trusted these guys to not spread it around that we were out here. They've been our photographers for years now. Anyways, back to the top. I watched as Heikki, Kevin, and Torstein went already then I was next followed by Travis, Andreas, and Shaun. I looked down the course, deciding what I was going to do.

"Scared?"asked Travis.
"You wish,"I scouffed back at him.
"Well than let's see what you got,"He smirked at me.
"Watch this,"I nodded towards him as I headed down the hill.

Getting to cross over canyon, I decided to jump the gap which I did pretty well, then went on to the canon and then finally the money booter. Landing my last trick, I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, to smile. I looked back to the top to smirk but knew they couldn't see it. I only knew that they were all speechless up there. Heading back to the top, I felt confident enough to jump the gap for the next three times that, that's what I was going to do tomorrow for the slopestyle finals. Around 2 am, we finished our midnight run on slopestyle, tired from it all but still feeling good.

"Ry, that was sweet,"Shaun high fived me,"I better see you jump the gap tomorrow."
"Oh I will,"I smiled,"Just watch."
"I gotta admit Jonas,"Travis walked up to me,"That was some sick riding."
"Thank you,"I smiled at him.
"Kick ass tomorrow,"He smiled at me before walking off.
"Now you've got me super stoked to see you tomorrow,"Kevin smiled.
"Thanks,"I smiled.
"I heard about that road trip."
"Oh that,"I sighed,"Yeah, after though I'm going back to competiting."
"I'll look forward to it,"He smiled as he bumped me slightly then walked off.

"So I better see you all at slopestyle tomorrow?"I looked at the remaining four guys.
"Yeah, we will,"Heikki nodded.
"Alright, I'm heading to bed, Night guys."I waved as I walked back to my room.

Walking back, I decided to call Taylor even thought it was like 2:15 in the morning. I was just going to leave a message but he picked up after three rings.

"Hey sorry I woke you up,"I smiled.
"No, it's ok,"He yawned,"What's up?"
"Well I just got done with one of our traditions here,"I smirked,"But seriously I called since I kinda have a snag in our road trip."
"You're not backing out, are you?"
"No,"I said quickly,"My little bro had my mom call me.'
"Apparently he put her on a guilt trip and now Frankie and Joe are coming with us."
"Oh?"I questioned,"Don't tell me now you're not doing it."
"No,"he yawned again,"Just it won't be us now."
"I know,"I sighed,"Sucks huh?"
"Yeah, but hey we still can make it work."
"Well, Frankie doesn't know and if I know Joe, he won't care, right?"
"No, at least I don't think,"I shrugged.
"So, we'll take them, it's not like it's hard to get two rooms."
"Ok,"I nodded,"Hey, I'm going to let you sleep since I've got to do the same for slopestyle finals tomorrow...well today. You better be there."
"I will, night Ry."
"Night Taylor,"I smiled hanging up the phone.

Falling asleep came easy to me after I took a quick shower. I swear, it felt good to get a few more hours in. Soon enough, I was heading to slopestyle, with some of my friends who came to watch me. I was so going for gold. Even if Spencer O'Brien was good and won last year, this year, she didn't stand a chance. See, I told you I'm competive. I have two sides, the fun loving me side then the out for blood, competitve side. The second of the two was out today and planned to be for the rest of the day since I had super pipe finals later tonight. I was just glad they were at night since I love super pipe at night.