Competition's Just in My Nature

Girl On TV

Guess who got gold at slopestyle? Yup, that's right, me! I know what you're thinking, typical right? Well I hadn't won gold in slopestyle in years, so it was good to finally win it again. I now had my break inbetween things which meant I could finally getting something to eat, since I was starved. Meeting up with Shaun, Andreas, Marion, Torstein, and my brotherse we sat down for lunch.

"So when are you guys leaving?"I asked looking at them,"I know Torah's leaving tonight after super pipe which I'm sad."
"Well, I'm leaving early Monday morning,"Andreas nodded.
"Me too,"Marion smiled lightly at me,"I'm heading back to Norway for a bit."
"What about you?"I looked at Torstein.
"Early monday morning,"He smiled a bit at me.
"Man you mean I'll be alone with my brothers?"I looked at him.
"Nah, I'll stay with you,"Shaun smiled,"Then Mason, Kevin, and Kass will probably stay."
"We could hang out and just snowboard for fun,"I smirked.
"Sounds fun,"Shaun smiled.
"And then you guys can come with me to pick up supplies for my road trip."
"So does that mean you won't be at the next Dew Tour?"asked Torstein looking at me.
"No,"I shook my head a bit,"I'll miss out on this one but then I'll be back."

"And Ry,"Kevin started,"We're leaving at 1 on monday."
"We meaning you and Nick?"I looked at him.
"Yeah, so you'll have to look after Frankie and Joe."
"I can do that,"I smiled at him.
"Yeah Kev, we'll have fun,"Joe smiled.

After lunch, I headed to super pipe which it was getting colder as the night went on. I swear we were freezing out there but I loved doing superpipe at night, it was better than having to deal with the snow and it's glare in the morning or afternoon.
I was just hanging out in the tent with Antti who told me he's leaving at 11 am on Monday then Shaun who happened to find his way into the tent too. We're basically goofing off as we all waited to go. The girls mainly. I was joking around with Torah as we sat there waiting for our turn to go. I was 5th to go then Torah was after me.

"So, is it weird having your brothers out here?"asked Torah.
"I guess,"I shrugged,"I think the weirdest part is seeing them since I haven't in a while."
"I heard you almost beat the piss out of Miley,"Torah laughed.
"Hey, there's still one more day,"I laughed then glared at her,"Which you should so be here instead of leaving me here."
"I'm sorry,"Torah gave me a sympathic look,"I've got some family stuff to deal with but I promise I'll make it up to you."
"I know you will,"I laughed as I stretched a bit to see Shaun playing with the heater again,"Seriously look what you're leaving me with me."
"Hey you know you'd do it too,"Torah laughed.
"That's the bad part,"I laughed back to be told I'm on deck,"That's my cue."

I moved to sit in the chair to wait for them to tell me to go. I took out my Ipod to change the song to something I wanted to ride to. That happened to be "Feel Good Drag" by Anberlin. It put me in the mood to hit the superpipe which was all I wanted to think about right now.

At the bottom of the hill, my brothers along with the rest of my friends and fans then the cameras, then the one Taylor Hanson who was watching with his brothers as I took to my runs. As he watched me, it hit him how he first seriously fell for me. I was at an X Games in which he couldn't come to but we were friends, so decided to watch it. As he was watching me, he realized that he was falling for me, especially when the camera talked to me or it'd show me just for a split second goofing off. So from then on, Taylor had come to the conclusion that he had fallen for the girl on TV. Totally cliche with the song from LFO but that's what he'd associate with me all the time.

Needless to say, I didn't complain about it. But still, I don't know. My second run, I used the same song only to have a slight fall at the bottom of the hill tha would've been flawless but the stupid fall. I think it was nerves since I was watching everyone else get higher than the person before me.The last run, I took to the superpipe with more force than anything to try to get into the top 3 spots. By now, Shaun and Antti were at the bottom of the hill with me. Waiting for my score, I ended up in third but there were still people to go.

I watched as Torah went and stayed in the first place spot, so I was nervous about where it could all go. Then Gretchen took her fall which freaked me out since I was worried about her. But she did get up and seemed fine. By the end of everything, I ended up in forth. I was sorta disappointed but I still had my friends around to cheer me up.

"Ry! You did good,"Nick ran up to hug me.
"Thanks but I could've gotten-"
"Don't start,"Antti stopped me,"It was good, you'll just have to work things out later."
"I know,"I sighed with a smile,"Hey where's Torah?"
"Talking,"Shaun looked towards her.
"I gotta go congradulate her,"I smiled as I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug as she was talking to Keir.

"And that's my good friend,"Torah laughed as I broke away from her.
"This girl's amazing,"I smiled at the camera,"Congrats."
"Thanks,"She smiled as I walked back towards my friends.