Competition's Just in My Nature

Packing For The Road

So the last day of X's sorta sad. And it's like 2 hours before men's superpipe. I had gone to the store earlier today with my brothers to get them some extra clothes so they'd have them. That and then we washed some clothes that needed to be done. Right now, I was in my room, slowly getting things around that I didn't need for the next few days, mainly clothes that I wouldn't need. Then I helped Frankie pack some of this things which was "fun".

Heading out to men's superpipe, I watched as my best friends competeted against each other. So I was stoked when Antti ended up in second and Kevin in first.Then stupid Shaun had to go and knock them down a spot. It wasn't too bad, but still. I was happy those three had gotten the spot that they did. After the super pipe was over, it was sad since that meant the X Games were over.

"Hey guys, before we started partying, wanna pick up some food for my road trip with me?"I looked at them.
"Sounds good,"Antti smiled as we walked to the car.
"I'm just going to get Joe since Frankie has to be in bed by now,"I smiled as we walked to the car.

Getting Joe, was easy. Seriously he did pretty much whatever I asked him to do. We were being stupid in the store anyways, Shaun started it, I swear. It's funny how people look at you when you're running around like you're 5. Something Nick would've bitched at me and Joe for. I guess that's why we get along so well, we're immature.

So back at the leaving party, it was basically all of us who were over 21 since we were drinking and partying. Still it was fun. I tell you Grey Goose and good music will get me to dance. I was dancing with Kevin which was fun, especially when the song turned to Fergie's "London Bridge". The party went on til 2 am when everyone was beat and headed back to their room. Around 6:30, I heard things moving around in my room to wake up to see Torstein packing.

"Hey,"Torstein smiled,"I'm leaving in 45 minutes."
"I'll get dressed and walk you out to the car,"I smiled at him.
"Ok,"He nodded.

Yawning, I got dressed in my clothes, combed my hair, put make up on, then brushed my teeth then walked out of the bathroom to help Torstein carry his things downstairs. There was his car to the airport which I put his bags in.

"I'm going to miss you roomie,"I shoved my hands in my pockets with a smile.
"We'll see each other again."
"It won't be the same,"I shrugged.
"Hey you know where I live and my number, don't hesitate to call,"He smiled pulling me into a hug.
"You stay out of trouble,"I nodded to him as he got into the car.
"You too,"He smiled,"And call me!"
"I will,"I waved goodbye to him as another car pulled up which happened to be Andreas and Marion who were leaving.

"Alright, so you better call me,"Marion hugged me.
"Of course,"I smiled,"I wish you could stay around longer."
"Me too,be good ok?"
"I will,"I nodded.
"Stay of trouble and have fun kid,"Andreas smile hugging me.
"I will."
"And if you need anything, call."
"I'll see you in a few weeks,"He smiled getting into the car.

I walked back into the lobby to see Seth checking out of the hotel which I didn't know he was leaving.

"Ryan!"Seth motioned for me to come over to him.
"Are you leaving?"
"Yeah,"He sighed with a smile,"It's been fun."
"I know, I missed hanging out with you,"I looked down,"Thanks for the race."
"Hey why the long face?"He lifted my chin up to him,"We'll go somewhere this summer and board together."
"Sounds fun,"I smiled,"Oh do you have my number?"
"No, but,"He took out his phone,"Switch real quick."
We switched phones and I handed his back to him as he hugged me,"I'm proud of ya."
"Thanks,"I smiled,"I'll talk to you soon."
"You better, kid,"He smiled.
"I will old man,"I laughed.

Watching him leave, I made my way up to my room but it was so bare, I didn't want to stay in it right now. That's how I ended up at Taylor's room, sitting at his table, drinking coffee and eating breakfast with him. I knew Shaun would be calling me in a bit but I wasn't going to go boarding until after Kevin and Nick left. I had to at least say goodbye to them since it would only make sense.

"So what time are your brothers leaving?"asked Taylor.
"11,"I looked at him,"What about yours?"
"Not til 5 tonight,"He ran a hand through his hair,"What about the rest of your friends?"
"5 and 6,"I shrugged,"They're staying with me a while then I think they're driving back to California to hang out a bit."
"Well hey if you want to pack everything out of your room and just put your stuff in mine then you can,"He shrugged.
"Maybe,"I shrugged back.
"I mean I'll be the only one here, so it wouldn't matter,"Taylor nodded,"Plus that way we don't have to search for everyone."
"I might do that,"I smiled a bit.
"Need any help?"
"Nope,"I got up,"I'll bring my stuff over in a bit."
"I'll be here,"He smiled.

And that's what I did. I managed to get all my things packed then put them into Taylor's room which by then it was 10 am, so I decided to head over to my brother's room to make sure everything was going good. In all honesty, it was mainly because I was so nervous about this road trip. I had the combination of excitment with wonder, than nerves since who knows what'll happen. I guess that's a good thing right?