Competition's Just in My Nature

Making it to Aspen

"Ryan aren't you glad to see us?"Joe smiled at me as I broke away.
"I guess,"I shrugged but was hit by Andreas lightly,"I mean yeah. Sorry, I'm just worn out from the flight, is all."
"Well, hey we'll let you rest and we can hang out later, right?"Joe looked at me.
"Yeah sure kid,"I smiled as I got my bags.

They went their own way as I stayed behind with Andreas and Marion, to head to the village in order to find our rooms. I was staying with Torstein Horgmo, yeah it was co-ed but not like I cared or it mattered, I've roomed with guys before especially when I go out on trips with them. Setting down my bags and falling into the bed, Torstein made his appearance and decided to jump on the bed.

"Dude, will you knock it off?"I groaned with an arm over my eyes.
"Why?"He smirked.
"I'm so tired, it's not even funny,"I looked at him.
"But it's X Games, we should have fun,"He smirked.
"We will, just give me like an hour,"I nodded at him.
"Fine, an hour, no more and then we're hitting slopestyle with Mikkel,"Torstein got off the bed and went to do something.

I slowly fell asleep which I was soon woken up to a knock at my door. I didn't feel like opening the door so I let Torstein open the door, only he knew I was faking sleep since he mumbled it in Norwegian at me. He opened the door to talk to someone when he stood against the door.

"Ry, there's 3 boys at the door for you,"He sighed.
"And that would be?"I sat up looking at the door to see my brothers standing there waving,'Oh them."

"Ryan, come on, we're going to lunch,"Nick went to walk towards me but I sent him a death glare.
"Jeez,"Joe shook his head with a smile,"You seriously are a bitch sometimes."
"Shut up Joe,"I glared,"I'm supposed to go to slopestyle practice for you information."
"So?"Kevin shrugged.
"Dude, if you're going to be like that, why come?"I wanted to smack him but didn't.
"You will, please?"Joe pleaded, I don't know why but that boy had stupid eyes that I always fell for.
"Fine,"I sighed,"But under one condition."
"Torstein comes with us,"I looked at him and his eyes went wide.
"Whatever,"They shrugged as they walked off and I grabbed Torstein with me.

"You know I will get you back,"He mumbled.
"Aww come on,"I smirked,"They're harmless."
"Sure,"He nodded,"You could've took Andreas, he's stronger."
"Eh, he's with Marion right now."
"You're lucky, I like you,"He mumbled as I pulled him a long.
"I guess that's a good thing,"I smirked.
"Hey aren't you doing superpipe elimination tomorrow morning?
"Oh yeah, I need to get some runs in with eithr Shaun or Antti maybe Mason."

Heading to lunch, we followed my brothers down to the table to find that my parents were now sitting at the table. I so was going to make this lunch interesting to say the least.