Competition's Just in My Nature

Road Trip Day One-The Morning

"Hey guys,"I walked into my brothers's rooms to see them packing up the last of their stuff,"Got everything?"
"Yeah,"Kevin sighed looking at me,"Just make sure to help Frankie with the rest of his stuff before you go to bed."
"I will,"I nodded checking my phone,"10:45."
"Ry, I wish you were coming home to LA,"Nick hugged me.
"I will one day,"I smiled at him,"Right now I'm just taking the other two with me for a while."
"Are you walking us to the car?"
"Yeah,"I nodded at them.

Getting them out to the car, they put their bags into the back. Frankie was upset a bit since they were leaving and he wasn't going home with them. I watched as he cried hugging Kevin and Nick goodbye then came back over to me, clinging to my side.

"Be safe you guys, and have a nice trip,"I smiled.
"We will,"Kevin smiled,"You too."
"I will."
"And watch out for Joe and Frankie,"Kevin hugged me which was almost awkward for a bit.
"They're in good hands,"I smiled at him.
"Bye Ry,"Nick hugged me one last time then Frankie and nodding to Joe.
We waved as their car left and I sighed turning back to my brothers.

"Well I'm heading out to the slopes, you can come with if you want but I'll probably be out there the rest of the day."
"We'll meet up with you,"Joe nodded taking Frankie with him,"I'm going to calm him down first."
"Ok,"I waved as I walked off.

Heading out to the slopes with the remaining friends I had left, the time went by fastly and before I knew it, Antti was leaving me which sucked, then Issac and Zac followed my Shaun, Kevin, and Mason. It was 6 by time I headed back in to make sure Frankie was all packed and in bed early since he'd have to wake up at 3am and I didn't want him to be cranky.

"Alright,"I sighed after I finally convinced Frankie to get in the shower,"So we're leaving at 4 by the latest, so make sure you have everything packed pretty much."
"Ok,"Joe nodded as he put things into his suitcase.
"You can sleep in the car,"I nodded,"Just make sure Frankie at least gets some sleep so he's not a brat to wake up in the morning."
"Where are you headed?"asked Joe.
"To get some sleep since I might have to drive,"I yawned,"You should too."
"I will,"He nodded.
"Alright, 3 am,"I waved as I walked out the door to head back to Taylor's room.

"Hey,"Taylor smiled as I walked through the door falling onto the bed,"You stoked?"
"I guess,"I shrugged,"I've got all these nervous butterflies flapping around."
"Why are you nervous?"Taylor looked at me with a smile.
"Well for one,"I lifted up my left hand to point at my ring finger,"That scares me."
"Oh,"Taylor jumped a bit then pulled the ring off his finger,"You mean this thing?"He put it in a bag then in the bottom of his suitcase,"This week forget about it."
"You sure?"I asked looking up at him,"I mean all these times you've never tooken it off."
"Times change,"He shrugged,"So now I ask again, are you stoked?"
"Duh,"I stuck my tongue out at him as I got up,"I'm heading to the shower though."
"Have fun,"Taylor smirked at me which I grabbed some clothes.

After my shower, I climbed into bed to try to fall asleep. Failing at it, Taylor wrapped his arms around me. Taking in his scent, I drifted off to sleep as my phone charged and the alarm was set again.
*Beep Beep Beep*
I turned off the alarm stretching slowly. It was really cold and dark in the room as I got up from the bed. I yawned as I looked in the mirror then got to getting ready as Taylor got up. I called my brother's room to make sure they were up and sure enough, a tired Joe was waking up Frankie. Packing the last of my things that were for over night, I closed my suitcases then sat them by the front door. Taylor appeared out of the bathroom soon after, running a hand through his slightly long hair and putting his sunglasses on top of his head.

"You do know it's dark right?"I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Yes,"He smiled lightly at me,"But the sun will rise soon and I don't want to stare directly into it."
"You got a point,"I shrugged.
"Come on, let's go put our stuff in the car then get your brothers."

We put all our luggage in the car as I went to get my brothers out of the room. I ended up having to carry Frankie since he was still half asleep. I sat him in the back of the car, as Joe heaved his suitcases into the trunk too. Joe got into the car quietly as I got into the passenger seat and Taylor started the car.

"Road trip, here we come,"I sighed as Taylor pulled out of the parking lot and the X Games backdrop slowly faded,"Goodbye games."
"You miss it don't you?"asked Taylor with a smile as he drove and Joe and Frankie alredy passed back out.
"Yeah,"I sighed.
"This will be fun,"Taylor smiled at me as he reached a hand across the seat to entwine our fingers together,"Trust me."