Competition's Just in My Nature

The First Stop

"Ry, wake up,"Taylor nudged me a bit and I woke with a start.
"Dude you should've woke me up so I didn't fall asleep."
"It's ok,"He smiled.
I noticed the car stopped and stretched,"Where are we?"
"Not far from Aspen,"Taylor sighed as the sun started to rise,"But I seriously had to piss, so pit stop."
"Nice words,"I rolled my eyes to hear Frankie and Joe start to wake up.

"Ryan?"Frankie rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"Yeah, Frankie?"I looked back at him,"Where are we?"
"We're at a gas station,"I smiled at him then poked Joe to wake him up,"Hey we stopped if you need anything."
"Huh? Oh ok,"He yawned as I let them out of the car.
"I'm heading to the bathroom,"I stretched,"And well I seriously have leg cramps already."

I started to walk to the gas station realizing how cold it was this morning which sucked since I just had a hoodie on right now. I know stupid of me but I was in a car so I didn't see the need for my coat.

"Crikey it's cold!"I shivered as I ran inside to the warmth.

After using the bathroom then getting some coffee well cappachino in my case, I went back outside, put on my coat now and waited for Frankie and Joe to make their way back out. Taylor stood against the car door on the driver's side as I walked up next to him.

"So what way did you decide to take?"I asked crossing my arms across my body.
"I went towards Oklahoma first, then I'd figure we'd go up through Missouri, Illinios, then well head east."
"Sounds good,"I nodded,"Thanks for doing this."
"No problem,"He smiled moving closer to me then facing me so I pressed against the car,"Thanks for agreeing."
"May I help you with something?"I smirked at him.
"Yes,"He smiled as he leant into me to kiss me softly. It would've went on longer but someone cleared their throat next to me.
"It's cold out here,"Joe looked at me.
"Sorry,"I smiled as I looked at him and then half awake Frankie,"Get in guys."
"How long til we stop for breakfast?"asked Frankie.
"Um, a few more hours,"I smiled at him,"Just take a nap and when we get there we'll wake you up."
"Ok,"He smled at me.
"And Joe,"I stopped him,"Don't be so brother like."
"I'll try my best,"He smiled as he got in,"Though a nap does sound like a good idea."

We all got back into the car but I was so awake right now, it wasn't even funny. We finally crossed into the Oklahoma stateline ny 9:30 to which the sun was now shinging and Taylor had his sunglasses on. To say I wasn't attracted to that would be a lie. I thought I found myself drooling over him but mentally smacked myself before I did.

"Ryan, I'm hungry,"Frankie whined.
"Oh god, what did I get myself into?"I mumbled before I turned to face him,"The resturant isn't for 30 miles, do you want something small to eat?"
"Sure,"He smiled,"What do we got?"
"Donuts, snack cakes, yogos, granola bars-"
"Alright, calm down kid,"I laughed and handed him the box.
"You're so good with kids,"Taylor smiled at me.
"Eh, it's my little bro,"I shrugged,"I'm used to it."
"It's cute,"He smiled at me as he kept his eyes on the road.
"Although I could be not so nice and wake up Joe."
"Do it!"Frankie smiled at me,"Be not nice."
"Frankie,"I laughed,"You should be nice to Joe."
"I am, sometimes he picks me on me,"He pouted.
"Watch,"I mentioned to Frankie as I turned and smacked Joe on the head.
"Wake up, we're almost to breakfast,"I looked at him.
"Do you have to be so mean?"Joe winced.
"Sometimes,"I smirked,"It's for earlier."
"Yeah I didn't want to puke,"Joe rolled his eyes.
"Alright kids behave,"Taylor laughed.
"Or what you'll punish me?"I looked at him with a smirk.
"Maybe,"He smirked back.

"Oh my god ew!!"Joe covered his ears but then realized Frankie was sitting there and covered his ears.

Oh yes this will be fun!