Competition's Just in My Nature

I Think I'm In Love With You

We were in the resturant just eating, which was nice since it did warm up a bit but not to much. I take it, it wasn't going to seeing as it's well the last week of January. Frankie was bugging Taylor to take him somewhere, a fish tank or something. I didn't really now, I was watching him actually get along with him. It was sweet.

"Ok, I'll be back,"Taylor smiled as he got up and kissed me on the cheek.
"Don't be too long you two, we need to get on the road,"I waved at him then looked at Joe who had been quiet,"Joe, you ok? You've been really quiet."
"Huh? Yeah,"Joe nodded looking at me.
"You're not uncomfortable or hating being here?"
"Well it is weird watching you kiss well anyone,"He rolled his eyes.
"Seriously Joe what's wrong?"I asked him while facing him fully.
"It's nothing."
"Promise not to say anything?"Joe looked at me.
"I promise,"I smiled,"You know my secret, so?"
"Last summer,"Joe started out with a sigh,"I met this girl and she was amazing, totally sweet."
"And?"I smiled at her,"How come I haven't heard about her?"
"It was this summer thing,"He looked at me and fiddled with the table cloth,"But I really liked her."
"Ok,"I nodded,"So what's wrong with that?"
"Well at the end of summer,"He looked at me,"I sorta slept with her."
I raised my eye brow,"Sorta? How do you sorta sleep with someone?"
He rolled his eyes,"I did ok?"
"Ok, and what's wrong with that? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you old enough to make your decisions?"
"I am,"He nodded,"It's just my purity ring."
"Joe,"I smirked at him,"In case you didn't notice, I've never worn mine."
"But I'm looked up-"
"So am I,"I smiled at him,"Look it happens. It doesn't make you a bad person."
"Have you talked to Kevin or Nick about it?"
"No,"Joe shook his head,"I didn't think they'd understand, just yell."
"I won't tell,"I smiled at him again,"You were safe right?"
"Yeah of course."
"Then don't worry about it,"I leant back in the chair,"You're young, things happen."
"Thanks Ry,"Joe smiled at me.
"Don't mention it."

A few minutes later, Taylor and Frankie came back to the table and we paid the bill a bit later. Walking out to the car, Joe and Frankie got into the back as I stood next to the passenger side door. Taylor grabbed my band and drug me to the drivers side door.

"Can you drive?"He placed the keys in my hand while latching his fingers onto my belt loop,"I'm tired."
"Sure,"I smiled at him and kissed him on the lips,"It's why I'm here too."
"Thanks,"He smiled kissing me again which lead to a make out session then Joe honking the horn.
"We need to get on the road,"Joe laughed as we both laughed.
"Get in,"I smiled to him as he walked to the passenger side door and got in.

I got into the car, started it then headed out to the road. I liked watching the morning rush of traffic on the road, seriously. It was fun, I lived for traveling. That and well Taylor fell asleep a few minutes later while listening to his Ipod, he was so cute. Turning on the radio lowly, I put in some Hanson just to hear Taylor's beautiful voice. Driving for a few more hours, went by ok until someone spoked up in the back.

"Ryan? How long til the next bathroom?"asked Frankie.
"20 minutes,"I mentioned as I watched a sign up by,"You think you can wait til then?"
"Yeah,"He nodded.
"You two are so quiet,"I looked in the rear view mirror.
"Well Frankie's playing his game,"Joe nodded,"Then I was just texting."
"Texting who?"I asked Joe.
"Someone,"He smiled.
"Aww a girl,"I cooed at him.
"No!"I watched him blush.
"Whatever,"I laughed shaking my head,"Just don't waste all your battery power texting. How's it going Frankie?"
"Fun,"Frankie smiled at me from his game a bit,"Taylor's so cool."
"I know,"I smiled back,"I seen you two getting along."
"He's fun,"Frankie smiled with a shrug.
"Are you two having fun on this road trip?"I asked them both.
"It's fun!"Frankie smiled.
"Yeah it's cool,"Joe shrugged.
"Good,"I smiled as I drove a bit to the rest stop.

Taylor woke up when the car stopped and stretched. There was still snow on the ground, but it looked nice. I waited by the car with Taylor as the boys were in the bathroom. I sat on the hood of the car as Taylor stretched next to the car.

"Come on,"Taylor held out his hand to help me up which I took.
"Where are we going?"asked Taylor.
"You'll see,"He smiled as he drug me into the warm building.
"Taylor,"I whined as he brought me around this hidden corner.
"Ryan,"He whined back.
"My brothers are going to wander where I am,"He looked at him as I leant against the wall and he pressed his warm body against mine.
"They'll be fine for a few seconds,"He smirked at me, placing a hand on each side of me.
"Frankie might but Joe-"I looked at him,"Well that's a special case."

Taylor smiled at me then leant down to kiss me which I kissed back. His hands slowly fell from the wall to my sides as he pulled me closer to him. Feeling his tongue beg for entrance, I decided to make him work for it so I didn't let him in as first, then is til his cold hands found their way under my shirt which I gasped a bit. Oh this boy is so cheating right now. He smirked a bit before sliding his tongue into my mouth. Out tongues fought for dominance as he backed me up against the wall and I wrapped one leg around him. Taylor's lips disconnected from mine to find their way to my neck. He started kissing me in that certain spot which he knew I would give into anything. I felt his teeth graze my neck lightly which I let out a small moan.

"Young people to need to get a room,"some old lady walked by mentioned which I couldn't help but laugh as Taylor broke away from me to send her a glare.

"Be nice,"I shoved him a bit,"She does have a point."
Taylor kissed me one last time as we walked back out to the car with his arms around my waist. It's times like these right now that make me want to spend my life with him. But I'm just wishing on some long distant star...right?