Competition's Just in My Nature

The Hotel

The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. We just drove through the same scenery watching it go by. Then my mom called Joe and Frankie to check up on them, then me to see when we'd stop for the night. Seeing as it was getting closer to 6, we made it to Joplin, Missouri to which we decided to stop at a hotel there. It wasn't nothing fancy, 2 rooms that were adjoining and at least we had privacy. It seriously took me back to the old days when I first started staying in hotels while competing. We ate dinner around 7, then got back to the hotel by 8 which Frankie was pretty much asleep by time he got back.

"Ok, so me and Taylor will be in the room next to you in you need anything,"I whispered to Joe as I sat Frankie down in the bed,"Just leave your door open and make sure to knock."
"Ok,"Joe nodded.
"You going to be ok?"I asked looking at him.
"Yeah,"He smiled,"I'll probably just head to the shower then watch some TV."
"Well hey if you get bored, you can come hang out with us,"I smiled.
"Ok,"He smiled.

I headed to our room with Taylor who was unpacking some of his things. It was a nice room, at least it was warm and well, we only had one bed but there wasn't a problem there.

"Frankie's in bed,"I yawned with a stretch,"And Joe's just going to relax."
"You know it's early, he can come hang out with us,"Taylor smiled.
"I'll have to let him know,"I sat down on the bed turning on the TV,"He went to the shower."
"I mean it's what, 8?"
"Yeah,"I sighed.
"He's a cool kid,"Taylor smiled,"And I know he wants to hang out with you, no matter how much he doesn't say it."
"I guess so,"I shrugged,"But I wanted to spend time with you."
"We still can,"He walked over to kiss me,"I don't plan on leaving til 8."
"I like the way you think,"I smiled.
"It's because I lo-"
I put my finger up to his lips,"Don't say it."
"Because by the end of this week, you won't mean it."
"I guess I'll just have to prove it to you then,"He smiled at me as he walked towards the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes a bit then got up to see if Joe was out of the shower. Seeing that he wasn't, I knocked on the door.

"Joe, after you get out of the shower, we're just hanging out, so I thought you should do."
"Alright, so hurry your slow ass up,"I laughed.

I headed back to my room where Taylor had took out our statch of beer and wine coolers as Joe walked through the door a few minutes later.

"You guys are drinking?"asked Joe.
"Yeah,"I looked at him opening a wine cooler and settling into Taylor on the bed,"I am over 21 and well so is he."
"Let me drink with you guys,"Joe pleaded.
"What's this? You're not to innocent,"I smirked at him.
"Aww come on ry,"Joe pouted at me,"I swear no one will know."
"Promise mom, dad, Kevin, Nick, or Frankie won't hear about it?"
"I promise,"Joe smiled at me.
"One,"I looked at him,"And that's it, I swear."
"I love you Ryan,"Joe smiled as I slide a beer over to him.

"See what I've got to put up with?"I looked back at Taylor.
"Well he should be fine,"Taylor smirked taking a sip off his drink,"I don't think he'll get crazy."
"You're right,"I nodded,"He's the normal one."
"I am?"asked Joe.
"Pretty much,"I nodded.

For two hours, Joe pretty much drunk with us which wasn't that bad. Honestly, what kid hasn't when they were his age? It's not like it was hard core partying or anything. It was just the three of us so it didn't make it bad or anything. By 11, Joe went back to his room and slept like a baby, it was sorta cute actually. Cleaning up some of the mess in the room, I headed back to the bed with Taylor.

"See, Joe's not so bad,"Taylor smiled as I crawled over to him.
"I know, he's the cooler one,"I smiled.
"Look about what I said earlier-"
"No, I mean it,"He looked at me,"And I will prove it to you this week."
"Ok,"I smiled lightly at him.
"Just let's not think about it right now, ok?"
"Fine by me,"I sighed,"I'm just glad to be here with you."
"I am too,"Taylor smiled then pulled me closer to him,"But we do have this room alone and I beileve we were going to finish something."
"We were?"
"Yes,"He smiled at me and those eyes shone.
"You know those stupid eyes of yours,"I smiled at him,"Make it so hard to say no to you."