Competition's Just in My Nature

Mandy Moore "Crush" knows how I feel

You know there's something about being this close to Taylor right now that makes it seem not wrong. As I laid there in his arms, listening to him breathing, I couldn't sleep. It's not like it was a bad thing, I just can't sleep sometimes. Or for long, all I really need is a few hours and I'm good. It was nice just to lay in his arms with him, not to mention if I weren't, I'd be pretty cold since the lack of clothing. It was about 7 AM now which meant Frankie would probably be waking up so I should be getting dressed but I couldn't find the strength to do it. Taylor shifted a bit as my phone on the nightstand that was charging decided to ring. Feeling Taylor move a bit, I reached over to see it was Zac calling me.

"Hello?"I whispered.
"Hey, did I wake you up?"asked Zac.
"No,"I stretched,"What's up?"
"Are you doing anything?"asked Zac.
"Well,"I thought for a second,"Why are you calling?"
"Ryan, I need to talk to you and you need to be completely honest with me."
"Ok, hold on a second,"I moved some to find some pants and a hoodie to throw on as I got out of the bed to walk into the bathroom,"Ok, what?"
"Is there anything going on with you and Taylor?"
"I mean, you two went on this road trip together and well, I was just wondering."
"We're friends,"I mentioned as I smoothed out my hair and noticed that I had a hickey on the side of my neck.
"I know that,"He sighed,"I'm just worried about you."
"I'm fine,"I smiled,"You're paranoid you know that?"
"Hey I'm just checking up on you since Marion hadn't heard from you in a while."
"She didn't say anything to you did she?"
"No, just she was worried,"Zac paused,"Is there something I need to know about?"
"I gotta go,"I told him quickly,"Someone's on the other line."
"Ry,"He sighed,"Stop running and talk about it."
"Laters,"I sighed as I hung up.
Ok, so no one was on the line but I didn't want to talk to him.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I walked back to the bed to climb into it next to Taylor. He moved so he could put his arms back around me. It was peaceful until there was a yell from the other room from Joe. Frankie was up and bugging his brother.

"Looks like we gotta get up,"I smiled towards Taylor who pretended to be asleep still,"Don't act like you can't hear him. That kid's got a set of pipes."
"I was hoping it was a dream,"He mumbled.
"Get up,"I pushed him lightly as I got out of bed.

I unlocked the door to head to my brothers' room to see Frankie jumping on Joe's bed while Joe was still sleep.

"Little bro, stop killing him,"I laughed as I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder.
"Ahhh Ryan!!"
"What?"I asked looking at Joe who was laughing now,"Did you hear anything?"
"No,"Joe shook his head.
"Put me down!"Frankie pounded on my back.
"Hmm? I thought I heard Frankie,"I turned around looking for him,"Wonder where he is?"
"Ryan,"Frankie laughed as I tossed him lightly on his bed.
"There, now get dressed, we're leaving at 8."
"On the road again?"whined Frankie.
"Hey, you asked to come here,"I shrugged at him,"Besides we're going to the St.Louis zoo, so it's not that bad."
"Really?"His eyes lit up.
"Yes, now Joe help him find clothes and pack and get out of bed."
"Where are you going?"asked Joe looking at me.
"To get dressed and make sure Taylor's dressed,"I nodded to him.
"Ok,"He yawned as I turned on some cartoons for Frankie while he waited on Joe.

Walking back to the room where Taylor was now in jeans and no shirt, I found my own clothes.

"You'd make a good mom,"Taylor smiled at me.
"Don't,"I looked at him,"I've got too much to worry about to think about having kids. It's bad enough that my mom asks me when I'm getting married or serious."
"Parents will do that,"He laughed.
"Oh yeah and thanks for this,"I moved my hair to glare at him.
Taylor smirked as he walked over to me and looked at the mark,"Aw, it's not that bad. Want me to kiss it and make it feel better?"
"No!"I moved his hand away from me,"I know what you'd do."
"And what is that?"Taylor smirked at me.
"Make it worse or create another one."
"I think it looks good on you,"He smirked.
"I'm changing clothes,"I rolled my eyes at him as he just shook his head.

Getting everyone back into the car was sorta hard. I mean it was a car and not exactly where everyone wanted to spend time right now since it happened to be nice right now. And dude, so it was a bit cold, we were still heading to the zoo. Not like it was closed or anything. The sun was shining, there was no snow and it was starting to warm up a bit. Finally getting to the zoo around noon, I got out of the car to stretch as I let out Frankie and Joe.

Taylor walked around towards me to entwine our fingers together as Frankie walked ahead of us. Joe was walking along side me which didn't bother me.

"So Ry,"Joe started as I looked at him,"I was thinking."
"As wrong as it may seem, in the end I'm rooting for you,"He smiled.
"What are you-"I looked at him then got it,"So you approve?"
"Yeah,"He smiled,"You're happy, that's all that matters right?"
"Yeah,"I smiled at him.
"Good, cause we're stuck with Frankie for a while,"He laughed,"We could all get annoyed with each other."
"Eh,"I shrugged,"It shouldn't be too bad."

"What are you two talking about?"Taylor asked looking away from Frankie.
"How annoying you are,"I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Watch it Ry,"Taylor mock threatned me.
"Watch what Taylor?"I smiled at him.
"Don't wanna end up with another bite on you would you?"He smirked.
"I don't know maybe,"I shrugged with a smirk.
"And as Joe pukes,"Joe walked ahead of us which I laughed at.

Getting into the zoo, we finally decided where we should start. Frankie was looking at the bears as Taylor wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. It felt nice since he was warm and well, I don't know. We started moving and he stayed behind me as Joe and Frankie were ahead of me. Joe decided to turn around and snap a picture of me and Taylor like that which was slightly annoying since there was a bright flash in my face.

"Joseph!"I rolled my eyes at him.
"What, you two were so cute,"He smiled.
"Yeah and now I'm blind,"I looked at him.
"Eh, get used to it,"He smirked.
"Where are we headed to next?"I asked as Frankie walked over to us.
"The bats!"Frankie jumped up.
"Ok, calm down kid,"I laughed,"We'll get there."
"Yes!"Frankie smiled at me as started to walk and Joe followed him.

Taylor kept his arms around me as we followed them. Could this day get any better?