Competition's Just in My Nature

The Bat Cave?

"Dude, it's so like the bat cave,"I mumbled as we walked into the bat area.
"The bat cave?"Taylor raised an eyebrow at me,"Seriously?"
"Great just show your nerd colors,"Joe rolled his eyes.
"Funny,"I glared at both of them,"I'm not so sure I like you two today."
"Sure you don't,"Taylor nodded.
"Maybe I don't,"I squirmed out of his grasp and went to stand by Frankie,"I'll hang out with the cool one."
"Ry, don't be like that,"Taylor whined as he walked up to me and tried to put his arms around me.
"See what you started,"Taylor slightly glared at Joe.
"As I recall, you did too,"Joe shot back.
"Ryan, I love your nerd side,"Taylor placed his arms around me,"This can be like a bat cave."
"You know,"I smirked,"When you don't want me to hate you, you do anything I say."
"It's a curse,"He smiled lightly at me, seaching my eyes,"So, are you mad?"
"No,"I sighed.
"Good,"Taylor smiled as he kissed me.
"Ok, moving on,"Joe rolled his eyes as he pushed me lightly.
"Watch it Joe,"I shoved him back.
"Guys,"Frankie whined,"I want to see the rest of the zoo."
"Let's go,"I pointed towards Frankie as Joe followed him out.

Frankie and Taylor were feeding the ducks and well Joe was filming it as my phone rang. I went to answer it as I walked off a bit so it wouldn't get onto the camera.

"Ryan Alexandria Jonas!"
"Dude, how do you know my full name?"I asked Zac who clearly was pissed or something.
"Uh, how long have I known you?"
"Long enough,"I sighed,"And what's with the tone and the full name?"
"I don't know you tell me,"Zac huffed on the other side.
"Um, you're annoying,"I laughed walking farther off.
"I talked to Marion."
"Wow, good job,"I rolled my eyes,"Sorry I haven't called her, I was going to later today."
"Yeah she told me some useful information."
"You and Taylor,"Zac stated boldly.
I felt my heart stop as I stood there,"What'd she tell you?"
"She told me enough,"Zac mentioned,"Like how you two are involved."
"Don't say it like that,"I sighed,"I'm going to kill her now."
"I was worried about you,"Zac fired back,"She wouldn't tell me but I got it out of her."
"You know, it doesn't matter."
"It matters! Ry, he's married-"
"And your point,"I thought for a second.
"Ry, think for a second sweetheart, why?"
"You wouldn't understand,"I choked back tears.
"Try me."
"I'm done explaining anything to everyone,"I sniffled,"Everytime I find something that makes sense for a bit, someone has to go and ruin it."
"Sweetheart, I don't mean to upset you but-"
"I gotta go."

I hung up the phone and sighed. I felt bad for some reason now but had to put on a happy face for everyone else. Only Taylor would know that I'm lying which seriously would suck. I swear that boy could see through anything. Taylor walked back over towards me with Frankie as Joe held onto the camera.

"Ry? You ok?"Taylor asked looking at me.
"Fine,"I smiled at them.
"Are you sure?"Joe asked.
"Yeah,"I nodded at him,"Don't worry about me."
"Hey,"Taylor looked at him,"Go on ahead, we'll catch up."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it'll be ok,"Taylor smiled at him as Joe took Frankie onto the next thing.
Taylor turned his attention back to me as he turned my head towards him,"Ry, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing,"I tried to smile but could feel the tears on the edge of my eyes.
"Ryan, don't lie to me,"Taylor wiped my eyes as a tear fell,"You know I hate to see you cry."
"I know,"I sighed then decided to tell him,"You know you're all I wanted right?"
"I know."
"And everytime I hold onto you, it's like I'm doing it for no reason."
"You're not."
"Then how come, everytime I feel so good about us, someone has to go and ruin it."
"Who would do that?"Taylor wiped as falling tear off my face.
"Zac,"I sighed,"He got it out of Marion."
"He would do that,"Taylor nodded then thought for a second. Reaching up to get off his soccer ball necklace, he placed it around my neck then looked back at me,"Now you know I'm serious."
"This week's just started,"He smiled at me then got up holding out his hand,"Don't listen to everyone."
I took his hand getting up then kissing him,"They're probably wondering about us."
"They're fine,"He smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders,"I told you people change."