Competition's Just in My Nature


The rest of the zoo was fun. Only I was kinda getting cold, so we decided to head over to the musuem which was luckily indoors and warm. I swear if the snowboarder craved heat, then it was time to get out of the cold. Then tomorrow we were stopping in Chicago which could be fun, only they said that it was supposed to get a bad snow storm which could change our plans just a bit.

Walking with Taylor, he knew I was still thinking about earlier so he pulled me aside as Joe walked with Frankie. He knew we needed to talk. We were close to the bathrooms and pay phones as Taylor pushed me up against the wall.

"Don't make up any more stories, what's wrong?"Taylor wanted to know.
"Zac's right isn't he?"
"No sweetheart, why would you think such a thing,"Taylor smiled at me.
"Taylor you're married,"I looked at him now,"I'm just letting myself up for another let down."
"No,"Taylor stopped me,pressing a finger to my lips,"Tomorrow, I promise you, you'll see what's really going on in my mind."
"I don't know if I want to,"I smiled lightly at him.
"You will, trust me,"He sighed,"Put it this way. Natalie's called me like a lot and I've only talked to her for a minute, then let all her other calls go to voicemail."
"She's going to be pissed at you,"I smirked.
"Let her,"Taylor pushed himself into a bit,"It's only you right now."
"Then later?"
"Well later, I'm hoping it's just you too,"He couldn't help but smile bigger.
"It could be,"I smiled at him.
"Now are you going to be done the rest of the day or do I have to cheer you up?"
"Well I could go for some of your cheering up,"I smirked then placed my hands in his pockets,"But I'll be ok."
"Promise,"I smiled at him as he leant down to kiss me and I kissed him back.
"Come on, let's go find your brothers."

We walked hand in hand away from the wall as I picked up my phone to call Joe to see where he was.
"Hey, where are you guys?"
"Um, mummy exhibit,"Joe thought for a second, he was talking to someone.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Well,"He started out,"Some people that say they know you."
"And who would that be?"
"Just get over here and you'll see,"He laughed hanging up on me.

"Come on,"I looked at Taylor,"Mummy exhibit and Joe says that there's people there he says I know."
"Wonder who he's talking about."
"Does it look like I know?"I thew him a look as I shook my head.

Heading to the Egyptian exhibit, I seen Joe standing there talking to someone who I automatically knew who it was before I got over to them. My eyes lit up as I let go of Taylor's hand then ran over to the man standing there talking to my younger brothers and jumped into his hands. Wondering who that person is?'s Jimmy Fallon. Yeah, long time friend, and so odd that I'd find him here. Breaking away from him, I smiled as I looked at him.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?"I looked at him.
"Same thing you are, I guess,"He smiled,"You look amazing as always."
"Thank you,"I blushed,"But St.Louis, talk about random."
"I know huh?"He laughed,"Joe actually noticed me first."
"Joe's odd like that,"I laughed.
"So what are you doing the rest of the day?"
"Hanging out with them and Taylor,"I pointed towards Taylor who came up next to me and slightly glared at Jimmy.
"Frankie was bugging me to hang out with him, so if you're ok with it?"
"It's cool,"I smiled at him.
"Alright, then,"Jimmy smiled at me yet I felt the tension between him and Taylor. Although I don't think Jimmy noticed it.