Competition's Just in My Nature

Beautiful Soul

"Tay, it's getting bad,"I mumbled watching the snow fall as we rolled into Chicago.
"I noticed,"He mumbled back.
"Maybe we should just extend our stay in Chicago, I mean I don't want anything bad to happen."
"Ok,"He smiled at me,"We'll find some place close to resturants and what not. Maybe in the morning this stuff will pass and we can head to musuems."

"Ry?"Joe asked as Frankie slept on his shoulder,"We're stopping right?"
"Well yeah,"I turned to look at him,"We were going to go to the musuems but the snow's getting bad."
"I noticed,"Joe sighed,"So what are we going to do then?"
"Well once Tay finds a hotel, we can probably walk to get something to eat and find something to do. Besides I believe we've got board games and cards in the back."
"So it's going to be like a family day?"Joe raised an eyebrow at me.
"Yes brother dearest,"I smiled,"Got a problem with that?"
"No, it's just,"Joe thought for a second,"Never mind, it's good."
"Good,"I smiled at him.

Watching Taylor drive, I settled into the car to wait to get to the hotel. As I was sitting there, my phone rang which I looked down to see it was Marion.

"Hey,"I smiled.
"Oh my god, don't hate me for telling Zac, "She rushed out.
"Relax,"I laughed,"I don't hate you. Sorry I haven't called you in a while."
"So you're ok?"
"Yes,"I smiled.
"Oh, ok,"She drew out,"And its ok. I know you're probably busy."
"Eh, most the time,"I shrugged but knew she couldn't see it,"Just when I'm not on the road but doesn't mean I can't make room for my best friend."
"So, I can call you whenever?"
"Duh,"I laughed again,"When have you not?"
"I don't know,"She thought again,"So what's up?"
"Snow,"I sighed,"We're in Chicago, it's getting bad."
"Be careful. How's the brothers?"
"Joe and Frankie are awesome, and Kevin and Nick I haven't heard from in a while."
"Hopefully you do."
"Hopefully,"I smiled lightly.
"Are you going to come back to Norway or stay with them for a while?"
"Well,"I thought then kept my voice low,"I think I'm going to try this sister thing for a bit after snowboarding but I'll be back to you guys."
"I knew it,"I knew smiled,"Me and Andreas were hoping you'd say that."
"Yeah, those kids look up to you. They need time with you."
"Thanks,"I smiled.
"I'm going to let you go,"She sighed,"But you better call me later so I know everything's going ok."
"I will. Bye."

I hung up the phone with Marion then settled back into my spot and smiled looing at Frankie a bit. That's when my phone rang yet again. I swear I can't escape the thing ringing sometimes. Looking down this time, I seen that it was Kevin, my brother calling me.

"Pizza place,"I held back my smile as I waited for Kevin to answer.
"Funny Ry,"Kevin "chuckled" into the phone.
"What's up?"
"Mom said she saw something on the TV about a major snow storm hitting the midwest, so she told me to call you guys."
"Yeah there is,"I sighed.
"Are you guys ok?"
"Yeah we're fine,"I nodded,"We're in Chicago finding a hotel but we're probably going to stay an extra day here if it does get too bad."
"That's good,"Kevin sighed,"You worry me too much."
"Sorry,"I laughed,"Can't help it."
"Are you driving?"
"No, Taylor is, Joe's in the back and Frankie's sleeping."
"Ok, well call me back when you find a hotel,ok?"
"I will,"I smiled,"Don't freak out too much."

Hanging up the phone, we finally found a hotel which was close to a few resturants and of course, coffee. Once we got to the hotel, we pulled all our luggage up to the room which was so much wamer than outside right now.

"Ry, is it going to stop snowing?"asked Frankie.
"Yeah,"I smiled at him,"Just right now we're going to stay in for a bit."
"Ok,"He smiled lightly.
"Hey don't be so down,"Taylor added,"We'll have fun."
"I'm going to go get some cappachino, anyone else what anything?"I looked at them to see Frankie nod,"Of course you're getting a hot chocolate though."
"Dang it,"He mumbled.
"My usual,"Joe smiled at me.
"What is your usual?"I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Here, I'll write it down,"He laughed at me as he got a piece of paper.
"Tea,"He nodded,"Need anyone to go with you?"
"Nah,I've got it,"I took the paper from Joe,"Just find a game to play while I'm gone and I'll be back soon."
"Ok,"He smiled then walked over to me,"Joe, Frankie, I'm going to kiss your sister, so-"
"Ew,"Frankie srucnched his face and closed his eyes.
"My thoughts exactly,"Joe mumbled turning around.
"Get over it,"I laughed as Taylor kissed me lightly,"I'll be back."