Competition's Just in My Nature

What Are You Searching For?

Walking into the hotel room with the coffee, I sat it on the table as my brothers got their's followed my Taylor.
"So did you guys find a movie or something?"I asked as I stretched in the middle of the room, couldn't help it my back was stiff.
"Yeah,"Frankie smiled,"I found a music trivia game and then some cards and stuff."
"Fun,"I smiled at him.
"Yeah,"Joe rolled his eyes,"But we've got movie channels and stuff."
"Ok, but I'm so not watching Camp Rock or anything,"I threw him a look.
"Why not?"He gasped,"It's a good movie."
"Joe seriously,"I still looked at him.

Playing a few hours of random board games, the snow still fell hard on the town as we sat there. It was now getting close to lunch or dinner or whatever you wanted to call it which I was sorta getting hungry but at the same time, I didn't want to walk outside unless I had to.

"Ryan?"Frankie looked at me,"I'm getting hungry."
"You guys want to brave the snow and walk down the street to get food?"I looked at them and they all nodded their heads,"Ok, get your stuff on and we'll head that way."

I stood up, pulling my jacket and boots on as Taylor did the same. I watched him as some hair fell into his face as he pushed it back. How could anyone, so beautiful find me interesting? And why wasn't I the one he ran to every night when? Taylor must've noticed since he stood up to wrap his arms around me,placing a kiss lightly on my lips as my eyes closed lightly.

"I'll take you for who you are,"He sang into my ear lightly.
"This week's going by too fast,"I mumbled as he held onto me.
"You'll like after it's over,"He smiled,"Trust me."
"I'm not thinking of that right now,"I looked at him,"I don't want to be let down."
"You won't,"He smiled,"I know what I'm doing, trust me."
I leant into him just listening to his heart beat as Joe and Frankie walked over to us.

As we walked through the snow blowing into our eyes, my fingers were entwined with Taylor's and it was then that I knew what I was searching for all this time. It was him, and a family. I had both right now which was the best thing that I could've had but I never wanted to see it end. Little did I know that it wasn't going to.

Sitting at the table waiting for our dinner to come, I wasn't paying much attention to what anyone was saying until Frankie got up to use the bathroom with Joe which left me and Taylor alone at the table.

"Ry, can I be honest with you for a second?"Taylor asked taking a sip off his drink.
"Sure,"I looked at him.
"I was waiting for a while before I did this but I know right now you need it."
"All my life, I've been searching, looking for someone like you,"Taylor slowly slide his hand into his pocket which I didn't notice,"Someone who's understanding, not afraid to stand up to me, has a career, tries to make sense of everything even when the world seems like it's against her. And with you, I've found that."
"What are you trying to say?"I asked resting my head on my hand.
"I'm saying,"Taylor pulled out this shiny ring,"I want to spend the rest of my life with you."