Competition's Just in My Nature

Superpipe practice

"So dear, do you have any plans today?"My mom asked.
"Well yeah,"I rolled my eyes,"I've got to practice some why?"
"Why don't you take your brothers with you? You know spend some time with them?"She mentioned.
"I don't know-"
"I mean they haven't seen you in a such a long time,"She smiled at me.
"It'll be cold out and I won't be inside much."
"It's ok, they'll bundle up."
"Well,"I looked at Torstein who just shrugged at me,"Fine, they can come."
"Good,"She smiled,"Just bring them back before it gets too late."
"I will,"I sighed as she got up from the table to go to wherever she was for the day.

I turned to look at them and they just stared at me, Frankie with the biggest smile on his face since he admired me the most. I knew Torstein was smirking at me which I smacked him lightly and he swore in Norwegian.

"What'd he say?"asked Frankie.
"Uh,"I thought quickly,"It was nothing. Don't repeat it."
"Ok,"He smiled.
"So we're hanging out with you the whole day?"Nick looked at me.
"Yeah, and a few of my friends, should be fun,"I shrugged getting up.

They followed me out to the superpipe which I told them to wait at the bottom for now since it would be where they'd bug me less. Torstein went back to the room to get his board while finding Mikkel and Andreas for later. I was at the top of the superpipe with Antti and Mason while Shaun did his run. I knew he was showing off in front of them since he usually did.

"So you got stuck with your brothers?"asked Antti.
"Yeah,"I sighed,"But I need to practice so why not?"
"Because they'll draw a bunch of teeny girls around,"Mason laughed.
"Like you and Shaun don't,"I shot him a mock glare.
"Those are different-"
"Maybe,"I smirked.
"So, does that mean you'll have no time for us?"Antti looked "hurt" at me. The thing about him is he was my lifeline while Andreas was my backbone. Confused? I'll explain later since it does have some significance.
"Of course I'll have time for you boys,"I smiled,"I just seen you two last week didn't I?"
"I guess so,"Mason shrugged,"Can't seem to get rid of you."
"Nope,"I smirked as I move my board towards the edge,"Now if you excuse me-"

I went down the half pipe pulling back to back 1080's, cab10's and whatever else I could think of to get out of my system for the time. When I got to the end, I stopped my board in front of Kevin who got hit with majority of snow...not like I planned it but it was funny.

"Ryan! That's so cool,"Frankie hugged me.
"Thank you,"I smiled taking off the board.
"Can you teach me that one day?"
"We'll start with basics first,"I laughed as Shaun walked up to me.
"Sweet run Ry,"Shaun high fived me.
"Wait you're friends with Shaun White?"asked Nick.
"Duh,"I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Of course,"Shaun threw an arm around,"Ry, here's been my best friend since what I started?"
"Yeah,"I thought for a second,"Oh shite-"
"Ryan!"Kevin warned.
"Sorry,"I blushed,"Hey where's Wescott?"
"Um, I think he's around,"Shaun thought.
"I'm going to take a couple more runs and then call him,"I looked at him,"Think you can keep up?"
"I know I can,"He smirked at me as we raced back up the hill.