Competition's Just in My Nature

It's Not Just Me, Baby, You Feel It Too

Back in the hotel room, we sat down to play Name That Tune, 80's edition in which I chose Frankie as my partner since it only seemed fair.

"I can so name that tune in 1 second,"I looked at Taylor and Joe.
"Ok name that tune,"Taylor smirked at me.
"Ok,"I smirked as I looked at the TV screen to see Duran Duran's "Hungry Like a Wolf" video pop into the screen and without missing a beat,"Hungry Like a Wolf."
"How does she do it?"Frankie wondered.
"I'm just that good,"I smirked at him then the rest of them went.

After a few rounds of the game, I found that it was midnight and Frankie was still up which was technically way past his bed time.

"Alright bro, bed,"I smiled at him.
"Aww but it's so much fun hanging out with you,"He whined.
"Don't worry we'll have fun tomorrow, promise,"I smiled.
"Ok,"He yawned,"Night Ry, Joe, and Taylor."

"I'm going to head to bed too,"Taylor got up to kiss me as he walked off.
"Ok,"I smiled as I watched him leave then turned back to Joe who was putting the game back.
"This trip has been fun,"Joe mentioned.
"It has,"I smiled at him.
"So are you coming back to LA after this or is this the last time me and Frankie get to hang out with you for a while?"
"Well,"I drew out,"I do miss Norway and Finland since to me, they are home but-"
"There's always a but."
"But,"I moved into his line of view,"I'm going back to LA with you two. I know I haven't been there like I should've but I'll be there for a while."
"Really?"Joe's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Yes,"I smirked,"I'm just nervous about heading home."
"It won't be so bad,"He smiled with a yawn,"Now get out, I'm tired."
"Fine just kick me out,"I laughed as I got up,"Night Joe."
"Night Ryan,"He smiled as I closed the door behind me.

Taylor was laying in the bed as I walked in, just looking straight up at the ceiling. Walking towards the bed, I crawled over to him and kissed him lightly on the shoulders.
"What's up?"I asked looking at him.
"I was just thinking,"He smiled lightly.
"About you,"He turned his head to look at me,"Us. I really love you, you know that right?"
"I know that,"I smirked at him lightly,"Are you trying to convince me still?"
"It's just, with everything going on, I don't know if I can go home. I mean I do miss my kids but, never mind."
"No, what were you going to say?"I propped myself on my elbows.
"Have you ever just wanted to run off with the person you love the most? I mean just get on a plane or in a car and just go. Not telling anyone, not even that person."
"Like kidnapping?"I laughed a bit at him.
"I mean like going somewhere romantic, seeing things like you've never seen them before."
"Wow, that's deep."
"Have you?"Taylor looked at me and I sighed.
"So then it's not just me then right?"
"Who's yours?"Taylor asked as I laid back on the bed and he looked down at me now.
"Well up until now it was Kevin Pearce but before that and now, it's you. And it's always been a dream of mine to spend time with the one I love in Greece, or Spain, even Australia."
"Yeah, what about you?"
"I thought it was Natalie,"He looked at me,"But now, everytime I look at you. All I see is you on the shore of some remote beach with me."
"Yeah,"He leant down to me,"I can't stand the thought of you walking out of my life after this week."
"It would be pretty uneventful wouldn't it?"I smirked at him.
"Indeed,"He kissed me softly to which I smiled into, deepening the kiss.

Waking up the next morning, the chill of the room really hit me since I had no cloths on, just Taylor and the sheets from the bed wrapped around me. For the first time in my life, things were falling into place which is something that never seemed to happen for me but this time they were.