Competition's Just in My Nature


Waking up to my phone ringing yet again, I sighed as I grabbed it to hear Marion on the other side which brought a smile to my face.

"I miss you,"Marion whined.
"I know,"I sighed,"We so can't girl talk like we used to."
"I know right?"She laughed,"So how are things?"
"Well I'm still stuck in Chicago because of the snow but other than that, good I guess."
"Why you guess?"
"Well things are falling into place,"I looked around for my jeans and hoodie so I could talk to her better,"Just hold on one second."
"Ok,"She waited.
"Dude you so can tell me about you while I walk out the door,"I rolled my eyes.
"Oh,"She started,"Well I've been writing, going to shows, then Andreas has been competiting the usual."
"How I miss that,"I sighed then walked out the door and far enough way from mine and Taylor's room to sink down to the floor,"So much has happened though."
"Well for one,"I switched to talking in Norwegian so no one could understand what was happening,"Taylor decided to semi-propose last night."
"What?! And what did you say?"
"I told him, yes,"I shrugged,"Which he's the only one thing that makes sense but at the same time I'm scared."
"Well I don't really want kids and he's got 4,"I sighed,"I'm the last person in the world who wants kids."
"Hey, it happens, especially with you snowboarders."
"Which is another thing. I don't know, it's just like I can't live without this boy."
"You do have a difficult situation,"She laughed.
"Well, call Antti,"She smiled,"I know he'll be shocked but still, he's your whole lifeline."
"I know,"I sighed then went back to english,"I'll talk to you later, I need breakfast and to shower."

Getting up from the floor, I made my way back to my room to see Taylor still sleeping in the bed. Must've worn out the poor guy. Smiling to myself, I headed to the shower which felt good against my skin, the warm water and the steam washed everything away for me. Stepping out of the shower, I looked at my reflection to see myself, I was bored with my current look, I needed color in my hair again, it was too boring right now. Sliding on some new jeans, a Flow t-shirt and hoodie, then some knee high socks and my knee high boots, then going to do my make up, I walked out of the bathroom with my clothes then looked at the time : 9 AM.

Walking towards the adjoining door to my brother's room, I opened it to see them both still sleeping which was unusual. That's when I decided to make my way down to the local coffee shop since I needed a caffience fix and no one was up yet. Sitting in the coffee shop for a bit, I watched the rather large flakes fall from the sky, noticing this city for the first time and how beautiful it was. If I had to chose where to spend the rest of my life, I'd pick here, the way the snow fell on the ground, the way the lake looked, it was perfect. I was brought back to my thoughts as I heard my name.

"Ryan Jonas?"A young girl and boy stood in front of me.
"We love your snowboarding, do you thing we could get an autograph?"the girl asked shyly.
"Sure,"I smiled,"What's your names?"
"Well, I'm Shanna and this is my brother Matt,"She pointed to him,"He's super shy about meeting you."
"Aww don't be,"I smirked signing their stuff,"I don't bite."
"He's got a crush on you too,"She smirked.
"Aww, that's cute,"I smiled at him.
"Do you think we could get a picture?"
"Yeah sure,"I smiled at them as I took pictures with them.
It was like once they found out who I was, I had people coming up to me for about 20 minutes which felt good. It wasn't that bad and I hated having a bodyguard around, so now it was nice to just meet people on a normal basis.
"Well it was nice meeting you all but I've got to go,"I smiled,"I'll see you guys around."

Walking back to the room, I now felt better than I had when I woke up. This time when I got back to the rooms, Taylor was up and starting to get dressed, well in the shower but still, then in my brother's rooms, Joe was up before Frankie who was still asleep.

"Hey bro,"I shook him awake,"Time to get up, we're going to head over to the museums."
"Ok,"He yawned,"I was so tired."
"I could tell,"I laughed as Joe just shook his head.
"He was out like a rock last night,"Joe smirked,"A bomb could've went off and he wouldn't of know."
"I know, get dressed so we can head that way,"I walked into the room to see Taylor standing in nothing but jeans and his wet hair hanging down. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from drooling.

"You know normally I'd be used to that but with you, I'm having a hard time trying not to attack you,"I walked past Taylor who just smirked.
"Maybe I should keep a shirt off more often?"
"And freeze your ass off right now?"I looked at him with raised eyebrows,"Good luck."
"But it's turning you on,"He looked towards me.
"Put a shirt on,"I rolled my eyes,"We're heading out to the Field Museum."

The Field Museum, something I always loved going to, no matter how old I am. It's interesting what can I say, not to mention I love Acient Egyptian stuff. Which is probably the first place I drug everyone. From there, we just spent the rest of the time, walking around the museum until we got to the dinosaur exhibit when Taylor put his arms around my waist and was a bit "happy" at the moment.

"Are you happy to see me or are those the keys in your pocket?"I smirked.
"Well since you have the keys,"He went on and I giggled a bit.
"Gross,"I squirmed.
"Sorry I can't help it,"He rested his head on my shoulder.
"I can,"I smirked back at him.
"In public?"He looked at me.
"There's a bathroom over there,"I nodded towards him,"Give me five minutes."
"You're crazy,"He laughed in my ear.
"Duh,"I rolled my eyes,"Hey Joe."
"I'm heading to the bathroom, wait right here with Frankie ok?"
"Will do,"He saluted me to which earned an eye roll.

"Come on,"I grabbed Taylor's hand and pushed through the crowd,"I've got to help you find something."