Competition's Just in My Nature


Getting up to the pipe I watched as Kevin Pearce now threw down his run since he was joining us. He was amazing, totally underrated too, not that my Scandivian riders weren't but he was over looked a lot. He was a total sweetheart too, I was brought back to reality when Antti shoved me lightly.

"Are you going to go? We don't have all day,"He laughed.
"Yes we do,"I smirked.
"I might but you have to get to Andreas soon,"Antti smirked back,"He's so got you whipped."
"Does not,"I glared,"He's just coach-like."
"Whatever,"Antti smiled,"Show up Shaun."
"You know I will,"I laughed as I took to the pipe and went bigger and higher this time.

Getting to the bottom, my brothers stared at me like I had just won the lottery or something. It was funny. Joe and Kevin's whose mouths were opened, I pushed shut and laughed.

I looked towards Kevin Pearce who was smiling then shook his head before talking,"You think they've never seen a snowboarder."
"I know huh?"I smiled bigger,"You heading to slopestyle?"
"Yeah, you?"
"I am, just tell Andreas and Torstein I'll be there soon, ok?"
"Gotcha,"He smiled before walking off.

I turned towards my brothers and was about to tell them we're heading to slopestyle when I heard someone call my name.

"Is that Ryan Jonas?"I turned to look to see Seth Wescott walking over with some other dude I didn't recognize.
"Hey,"I smiled as I got a hug from him,"I'm just about to head to slopestyle if you want to come with."
"Sure,"He nodded,"And they-"
"Seth, you remember Kevin, Joe, Nick and that's Frankie, I can't remember if you met him. Anyways, they're spending the day with me today, so they'll be coming with us."
"Ok,"He shrugged,"Let's get you over there than."

I nodded as my brothers walked in front of me with Seth's friend and we stayed behind to talk.
"So how have things been?"Seth asked.
"Good,"I nodded,"I've been in Norway and Finland most my time, mainly Norway since I'm living with Andreas and Marion now."
"You're not in the states?"
"Nah, too much drama lately, so I stayed with them. I mean they are my best friends,"I shrugged,"But I do miss it here every now and then."
"Got a boyfriend yet?"he asked.
"No,"I shrugged and thought of someone,"Although I do have a crush on a few people."
"Oo, care to share?"asked Seth.
I laughed as I looked at him,"You know sometimes you scare me."