Competition's Just in My Nature

The Fight

Getting to slopestyle, I did a couple runs with everyone then since well it was still a bit early and I haven't ate since breakfast/lunch we all decided that we were going to go get something to eat as a group. I was at the bottom of the hill, taking my board off with Andreas, Torstein, Kevin, and Travis as we waited for Heikki to come down the hill.

"So where should we go?"Torstein asked.
"Somewhere other than the village area,"I shrugged.
"Sounds good,"Andreas nodded,"I'll just have to stop by to get Marion."
"Yeah, we'll meet up in the lobby in say half an hour?"
"Sounds good,"Kevin added.
"Alright, so tell Heikki and I'll see you boys then,"I nodded as I gathered my stuff then headed back to my room with my brothers.

The walk there was sorta quiet until we passed someone playing a top 40 station who happend to be playing the Jonas Brothers. I mentally gagged at the sound since I seriously hate their music but then was relieved when the person turned the station to an alternative station.

"Hey, that was our song,"Kevin mentioned.
"It was,"I nodded,"But you're in my world now, not many people out here like you're music. Me being one of them."
"How can you not?"Kevin looked at me,"I mean we come out and support you but you still hate our music?"
"Oh god, here it goes,"Joe rolled his eyes.
"I just can't stand your music, you guys won't last,"I glared.
"Like you think you will, snowboarding will fade,"Kevin glared back.
I almost burst out laughing but looked at him,"Yeah that'll happen."
"Then why is it no one has heard of you,"He shot back,"Shaun White's more famous then you are."
That was it, I totally lost it,"It's not about being famous."
"For once it'd be nice to say hey that's my sister and people know you but instead I've got to live with this."
"I guess I'm the opposite,"I stopped to look at him,"For once I'd like to be someone else other than a Jonas but I'm cursed!"
"Guys,"Joe warned.
"What's that supposed to mean?"Nick looked at me.
"Stay out of this Nick,"I looked at me.
"No,"He glared,"How can you say that?"
"Oh my god, no one's allowed to say anything except Kevin now huh?'I huffed.
"Don't listen to her Nick, she's still sore I'm right, she's not as good as Shaun,"Kevin looked at me with a smirk playing on his face.
"Kevin!"Joe looked at him.
"No, Joe, he's right,"I looked at him,"I'm just glad I'll have more than 15 minutes of fame when it's done."
"Wow, nice comeback,"Kevin laughed.
"You know what, and I'm sorry Frankie,"I looked at him a bit then back at Kevin,"Fuck you! I'm done with this shitty ass family and their fake shit. Get the hell out of my life!"
"Just take the easy way out,"Kevin looked at me.
I lost it at him, I punched him in the face as hard as I could,"I'll laugh when you fall."

With that I walked off not before hearing Joe call out,"Ryan! Wait!"

I just flipped him off but it wasn't attended for him. I swear he's the only one of my brothers besides Frankie who aren't like that towards me. I headed to my room where Torstein was now at. He looked at me with a smile but noticed the forcefulness I came in and sat my things down with.

"Ry? You ok?"
"I hate them! I can't stand Nick fucking Jonas, I hate being a Jonas and you know what, I don't give a shit I just left them back there!"
"Ry,"Torstein walked over to me and put an arm on me slightly.
"You have no idea how much I can't stand them,"I let out an angry sigh,"If I had to pick families, Joe and Frankie would be my only brothers."
"Hey how about tonight, we drown our troubles in a drink,"Torstein smiled at me.
"Thanks,'I smiled at him,"Maybe. I need to talk to Andreas right now."
"It's cool,"He smiled.
"Thanks for listening to me rant though,"I shoved him lightly,"And well my semi-breakdown."
"No problem,"He smiled,"I don't mind."
"Let's head to get food,"I walked towards the door,"I'm hungry and pissed, not a good combination but still."
"Yeah because you won't eat you'll just want to hit the slopes,"Torstein laughed following me.
"It's a curse,"I shrugged as I walked over towards Andreas and Marion's room so we could head to the lobby.