Competition's Just in My Nature

Blackmail and Family

After talking to Andreas I felt better. The thing about him was he was my backbone, he was always there for me when I fell picking me back up. Then standing up for me. Antti's the same way except he's always giving me a reason to stay on the path that I am, he keeps me in check and makes sure I'm ok. That's why I spend so much time in Finland or Norway. Plus Marion is my best friend so it makes sense, all three of them know about a certain secret I have that well Joe and Kevin know about too which could be bad.

I got out of the car at the resturant to see Kevin Pearce standing there next to Shaun then Mason to which I ran out of the car with a smile on my face.

"KP!"I yelled to him and jumped on his back.
Kevin caught me while laughing a bit,"Miss me that much?"
"You know it,"I laughed as Shaun walked up to us.
"Ry, what are you doing?"
"Uh, being myself,"I looked at Shaun,"Problem?"
"No,"He shook his head with a smile,"Hey we um heard about the fight, you ok?"
"I'm fine now,"I smiled lightly at him,"Thanks for asking."
"No problem."
"Now can we get food?"Kevin asked,"She's killing my back."
"I'm not fat,"I smacked his head lightly,"You're fat."
"No, you're just sorta Norse like,"Kevin laughed a bit,"Mountains shake when you guys fall."
"Well that is true,"Andreas and Torstein agreed.

We all got into the resturant to eat which was fun since we were constantly cracking jokes at each other. Right now I was finished eating alone with everyone else so I leant against Antti who was slowly rubbing my shoulder and put my feet up on Torstein who didn't seem to mind. That's when my good dinner took a slight turn for the worse. I was just minding my own business when a certain brother walked up to our table.

"Ryan,"Joe started.
"Are you stalking me now?"I chuckled a bit as I played with a random straw in my fingers.
"No, I just needed to find you to talk to you,"Joe stuck his hands in his pockets.
"About?"I sighed to look at him.
"Well what Kevin said was wrong,"He looked at me with a hint of hurt in his eyes,"And you were sorta out of line."
"Joe, how long have you know me?"
"My whole life,"Joe mumbled.
"And you know how I've felt since what the whole time?"I took a sip off my drink to look at him,"I love you guys but seriously can't stand your music."
"But saying you hope to see Kevin fail, is just wrong."
"Look, what did you come here for?"
"You know Kevin didn't mean it-"
"Do I?"I threw him a look and he shifted a bit,"You know I'm the black sheep of the family."
"But I want us to be a family."
"Joe, we haven't been a family since I went pro,"I glared at him.
"But Frankie looks up to you,"Joe started,"Hell I look up to you. Be the bigger person."
"The bigger person?"I directed the bitterness in my voice to the comment,"Tell Kevin that, he's acting like he's 7."
"I know,"he sighed and shifted again,"I'm just saying don't blow this out of the water."
"And why are you telling me this?"I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Kevin, well he's threatening to open up about you and Taylor,"Joe looked the other way as I felt my heart stop then Marion, Andreas, and Antti stop what they were doing.
"He wouldn't,"I looked at him.
"He's like 5 steps away from it,"Joe nodded.
"You know if he does, it'll make things worse,"I looked at him.
"Just talk to him,"Joe pleaded.
"Maybe,"I nodded then Joe smiled lightly to walk off.

I watched him walk off, feeling a bit of rage and fear. My own brother wouldn't go that low would he? I was terrified actually. My secret I'm afraid to get out is that Kevin will tell the whole media about my little love affair I had with a one Taylor Hanson only two years ago. Yeah, he's married but it still happened. The only reason Andreas and Antti know is because I went to them about it. Marion knows because for one she's my best friend and two she did date Zac Hanson and happens to be friends with him still. How Kevin and Joe knew? Let's just say they came to see me once and Taylor was there, which blew the cover on that.

"Ry, you ok?"asked Andreas.
"Yeah,"I shook my head,"I think I need that drink now."
"Aww, just leave me out of it,"Kevin pouted.
"I'll make it up to you I promise,"I smiled towards him,"I'm only have a few drinks anyways."
"Yeah cause you start competing tomorrow,"Shaun pointed out.
"Not too early thankfully,"I smiled.
"Well after the games I'll go out for drinks with you,"Kevin pointed out.
"It doesn't matter,"I shrugged,"There's a ton of things to do."
"Yeah don't worry about it kid,"Andreas patted him on the back,"Right now she needs this, we'll look after her."
"Alright so who's all going?"I asked getting up with Antti and Torstein.
Andreas stood up with Marion to look at me,"I think just us then Shaun."
"Alright, so Mase and KP, I'll see you guys tomorrow,"I nodded.
"Don't stay out too late,"Mason nodded.
"I won't,"I smiled back at him,"Night guys."