Competition's Just in My Nature

Figuring Out The Plan

I woke up the next morning in my room with Torstein snoring in the bed next to me. Rolling my eyes, I threw a pillow at him to wake him up.

"Get up you're coming to watch me on slopestyle,"I got out of bed to get dressed.

Getting to slopestyle was sort nerve wrecking. I was all jittery about making it on both my runs and actually placing. That and I had been training with Shaun for a few months so I couldn't wait to jump crossover canyon, I was stoked about it. Waiting at the top of the hill, I watched as Spencer O'Brien went and she was good but I was always trying to find a way to outdo everyone. Techinically this was elimination and the final wasn't til the 3rd day when men's slopestyle was.

My first run, it went well, just wasn't anything big which got me in a spot to move on but there were still 4 riders after me all trying to get into the final spots. At the end of the course, I had Andreas, Marion, Torstein, Antti, Shaun, KP, and my brothers all watching. Yes, as bad as the fight was between me and Kevin, he was still at the bottom of the hil. Taking my last run to get into a top spot, I decided to go bigger since it would then bump me up. It was then that I decided to jump the gap on the crossover caynon...that so put me into 1st place.

Getting my board off my feet I waited for my score which thankfully was first place like I thought it would be. Now I knew I didn't have to worry about not making it into the finals. It was like the weight of the world got lifted off my chest. Seeing my score, I smiled then got hugs from my friends at the end.

"That was sweet!"Shaun high fived me.
"I know huh?"I smiled,"So do you guys have anything?"
"Just Big Air tonight,"Torstein shrugged.
"Oh yeah, I'm going a couple runs but not competeting,"I nodded,"Then Sal and Todd are letting me hang out with them while you guys go."
"It should be fun,"Andreas smiled.

I turned to look at my brothers and rolled my eyes a bit then turned back to my friends,"Hey guys, I'll catch up with you later, ok."
"Alright, don't forget to get back here early,"Andreas mentioned.
"I won't,"I smiled.

Watching them leave, I turned towards my brothers and walked up to them.

"Frankie, you wanna go learn some snowboarding?"
"Really?"His eyes light up.
"Yeah,"I smiled,"I teach you how to stay on it and falling first."
"Cool,"He jumped up.
"Are you sure that's safe?"asked Kevin.
"It is,"I nodded towards him,"Sometimes you've got to have faith in your family."
"Ryan, do you think-"Nick started.
"Sure,"I smiled,"I'll teach you two."

The two of them followed me shortly followed by Joe who gave Kevin a warning look before he sighed then followed as well. Getting to the part of the park opened to the public right now, we headed to rent boards, boots, and bindings. As I was signing the credit card slip, something caught my eye. A flyer to be exact that was put there from a fan or something. What it read? Oh yeah that Hanson were coming out to the X Games to perform and watch the games. My eyes went wide as I looked at it.

"Hey, when are these Hanson kids supposed to be coming here?"I asked the guy.
"They're here already,"He smiled,"They just haven't gone out to do much right now. But I believe they're going to be hitting the slopes soon."
"Ok thanks,"I nodded then took a sigh that he couldn't see. Oh Great just what I wanted.

As I walked with my brothers to the slope, I was slightly paranoid but now I think I knew what Kevin was going to do and he wouldn't stop just because it was wrong. I knew him all too well to know that my secret was about to come out. I just didn't know how or when.