Competition's Just in My Nature

Head We Win, Tails We Try Again

"Ryan?"asked Frankie.
"Yes?"I looked at him.
"Can they come hang out with for a bit?"He looked at me with pleading eyes.
"What time is it?"I asked.
"2:30,"Joe added from next to me.
"Ok,"I sighed,"But only for a bit since I do have to get over to Big Air tonight."
"Yes!"Frankie almost jumped out of his seat.
"Dude, relax,"I smirked,"It's not like we're doing that much."
"Uh huh,"Frankie looked at me,"We're going back to our room to drink hot chocolate then play board games."
"Why is my life always ran by my little brother?"I mumbled shaking my head.
"It's because you love us,"Joe teased next to me.
"Maybe,"I smirked.
"I'll catch you guys later,"Kevin stood up.
"Where are you going?"asked Nick.
"To hang out with some people,"Kevin looked at me,"I've got my phone."
"Don't be out too long,"I warned.
"I'll be fine,"He flashed a smile at me.

I just rolled my eyes as I went back to the suite with my brothers than Taylor, Zac, and Issac now. Frankie decided I should give him a piggy back ride which was fun for a while but dude, that kid was getting heavy. Getting into the room, I sat down Frankie as everyone stripped off their jackets.

"I'll go start the hot chocolate,"I walked towards their kitchen as Frankie got out the board games. Their room was nice, but I guess that's what happens when your parents pay for it and stuff. Whatever, I so could take advantage of this now. As I was turning on the hot water, I was joined in the kitchen my Taylor who went to get a bottle of water.

"Hey,"I smiled lightly at him.
"Hey Ry,"He flashed me a smile.
"Thanks for coming,"I smiled,"I mean here, I think Frankie loves you guys."
"It's cool,"Taylor laughed,"We weren't doing much anyways."
"So how's the family?"I asked not looking at him.
"They're good."
"You didn't bring them?"
"Nah,"He shook his head,"Natalie bitched it would be too cold."
"I don't get that about some girls, it's too cold, too wet,"I rattled on,"It won't hurt you if you're wearing clothes...Not that Natalie doesn't-"
"Ry, it's ok,"Taylor put a hand on my shoulder,"I get it."
"So you guys are for real performing?"I changed the subject.
"Yeah,"He smiled lightly this time,"Plus we thought our favorite boarder might be here?"
"We thought?"
"I thought,"He sighed,"I guess I was right."
"Well thanks for coming out too,"I smiled when there was a pause between the two of us and Taylor backed up me against the counter.

Our lips were centimeters from touching, so much that I could feel his hot breath against my skin and his cologne filled my breathing. It was intoxicating. Our lips almost touched until I heard "Ryan!" from Joe in the other room. Smiling, I snuck out of his arms then headed out to the main room where they had set up some Trivia game as I sat down on the couch next to Joe while Taylor took a seat as well. I smiled lightly at him as he sat in the chair then turned my attention back to the board game.

"Hey, so Hansons,"I directed to them as Nick rolled,"You guys are welcome to come to our poker night tonight if you want to."
"Poker night?"asked Zac.
"Yeah, we do it every year,"I nodded,"It's a lot of us boarders and some friends, it's entertaining."
"How come we can't come?"asked Nick.
"Because,"I smiled,"It's pretty much 21 and over."
"Meaning they'll be drinking,"Joe added.
"Not necessarily,"I glared at him,"Conversations just aren't PG-13"
"We're heard worse,"Nick added.
I sighed with an eye roll,"Maybe next year if you stop bugging me about it."
"Sounds fun,"laughed Issac.
"Cool,"I nodded,"Should be fun."