Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

Hollywood ***

Katelyn’s P.O.V
My name is Katelyn Marie Way, I am the captain of Huntington High’s varsity cheerleading squad. And boy, do I fit the profile. My dyed blond hair, my vibrant green eyes, and my attitude.

I stepped out of my car that I had just pulled up with and walked across the grass just to have a cute brown haired boy from the football team walk up to me. He was talking me up, and I smiled and giggled when appropriate. I also did the little twirl the hair deal. I think he said his name was Derek or something…he kept bringing up that he was the quarterback of the varsity football team. I then excused myself from the conversation to go join my ‘friends’ and practice our routines. I’ve been pulling this stunt off for years, and no one has been the wiser other than my brothers and their friends.

We decided to practice the pyramid and as usual, seven people stuck out. I didn’t really look at or notice them until I was on top of the pyramid. They all had some kind of tattoos, and were all relatively good looking. But then again so is half of the male population at this school. I loved faking people out, especially them, because I knew they would want this. So, I do believe it’s time for the messing with their heads to begin. They hate me so much, I know they wish I would fall…so I decided to act upon that. I acted like I was going to fall face first to the ground. I smirked as I watched the delight on their faces, and then they all frowned as I ‘caught’ my balance and stood tall.

I suppose I should explain who these people are. First things first, they all have some kind of ink on them, so I will not be going over tattoos except on one. Alright, let’s start with the outcast of the group…he is really tall…almost abnormally so, he has bright blue eyes and black hair. His name is James Sullivan, but most people call him Jimmy. He is one crazy mother fucker, let me tell you. The freshman, Johnny Seward…he’s like 5’6 which is a turn off for most girls let me tell you…and he is seemingly chased by Jimmy often. He has brown eyes and dyed blond hair. The overly buff one is Matt Sanders…he thinks he’s all that, he has hazel eyes and black hair he normally keeps short. He has gages and is intimidating to most. Next to Matt, sat Val, she has brown hair and brown eyes and manages their little band thing. Average Something or other. Across from them sat Zacky Baker, he had these mesmerizing green eyes…or at least that’s how his girlfriend and the girls around school say. I’m beyond happy they pay no attention to me. He has black hair and snakebites, and then there’s his girlfriend, Ashley Haner. She has blue-green eyes…no one really knows the real color…but they seem more green because of her red hair. It’s rumored that she has a tat on her ass. Finally, Brian Haner…he has a stud in his nose, and brown eyes and dark brown hair. He’s Ashley’s step brother and he’s pretty built…not as built as Matt. But you can tell her works out. Either way, I still have to put up with him, Zack and Ashley in my first class.

I walked into my class and sat down in my desk. Unfortunately for me, Zacky and Brian sit on either side of me…and Ashley sits in front of me. I wouldn’t mind, but I hear what they have to say about me every day. They always have some rude comment to make…today I’m a Hollywood Whore. But whatever, right now all I care about is getting this homework done so I have time for my honors classes’ homework. Yes, believe it or not, the head cheer bitch is smart. Yeah, I can tell there was a collective gasp out there.

Oh want to know the best part? I can keep up with my classes, seriously, how else do you think I was able to skip a grade and be a senior like the rest of these idiots. I’m sixteen and they’re all seventeen. I smiled in relief as the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room and headed to my next class. Pretty soon, it was lunch time and I sat with Amy and Jenna and the other cheerleaders. I laughed as Ashley glared at me slightly. She’s just pissed because I said she wasn’t good enough to be a varsity cheerleader. I’m a gymnast, so I’m a little picky about my cheerleaders.

I chose now to put my headphones in and listen to music. And I’m guessing you think all I listen to is pop. Nope, contrary to popular belief, my favorite genres of music are rock and alternative. Metal is pretty high up there too. I smiled as Frank and Mikey walked by, they gave me a small smile in return and I pulled out my phone to text them since I couldn’t just walk up to them. I was asking Frank if he would come listen to some of the music I had set up…did I mention I play guitar? Yeah, no one knows that other than my brothers and their friends.

I pulled my hair out of my face and threw it into a ponytail before going to my last couple of classes. I finished the work and the notes before walking out to my car and waiting for Frank. I promised I’d give him a ride home since Mikey had something going on after school. I smiled as Frank slid into the passenger seat.

“So when does everyone get to see the real you?” Frank asked with a smile, which could only be considered sexy. He’s my height, and he has become one of my best friends. I hate that I can’t really talk to him all that much in school. I smiled a real smile, the first real smile all day before answering.

“I’m not sure. I don’t trust our school…and everyone hates me anyways. The only thing that will do, is make everyone thing I’m a punk poser. So you want help in math? And then you can listen to what I’ve got on guitar?” he nodded as I started my car and pulled out. I pulled up next to Gee’s car and walked in and greeted him. Did I mention that all of those guys and the two girls from earlier live really close to me? Like within two blocks distance.
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Alright here's chapter one. And let me know what you think. The next chapter will be by AshleyxSynyster