Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

Anger and Agony are Better Than Misery

Katelyn’s P.O.V
I had just gotten home from work and Adam came home with me. We were hanging out and he was currently looking through my CDs. He laughed before showing me a CD case with a picture of me, Frankie, Nikki, Gee and Mikey hanging out. Frankie was kissing my cheek with me in his lap as Nikki licked Gee’s cheek and Mikey stared at us as if we had all lost our minds. I laughed before putting that CD in and smiling as Hotel California by The Eagles began to play. “On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair. Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air. Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim, had to stop for the night,” I sang softly and giggled at the look on his face. He had been smiling at the sound of my voice. I looked up as mom walked in after knocking and gave me the horrible news.

“We’re hosting a dinner party. Dress nice. The Haners, Bakers, Sanders and Ieros will be here,” she stated with a warm smile on her face as I tried my best not to groan out loud. Why? Why does this shit always happen to me? I sighed and nodded before looking up at her hopefully.

“Can Adam come if he goes home and changes?” I asked with a pleading smile. She sighed and gave in making me jump up and down and thank her. “Be back around five-ish? And dress nice please,” he smiled and said sure before kissing my cheek and leaving my room. I walked out of my room, closing the door behind me and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I threw a Foreigner CD in the boom box in the bathroom and smiled as Cold as Ice played while I showered. When I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body, as Urgent by Foreigner came on. “You’re not shy. You get around. You wanna fly, don’t want your feet on the ground. You stay up, you won’t come down. You wanna live, you wanna move to the sound. Got fire in your veins, burnin’ hot, but you don’t feel the pain. Your desire is insane. You can’t stop, until you do it again. But sometimes I wonder as I look in your eyes, that maybe you’re thinking of some other guy. But I know, yes I know, how to treat you right. That’s why you call me in the middle of the night,” I sang as I brushed out my hair and then blew it dry. I turned the boom box off and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and saw people had started to arrive. Currently, Brian, Matt and Ashley were staring up at me as Emma waved excitedly. “I’ll be right down Emma,” she giggled and ran to the couch.

I went back into my room and put on my dress and shoes. Along with my favorite necklace, ring and a pair of heart earrings. I sighed in thought…I really never understood why I had to wear shoes in my own home. I walked down leaving my blonde hair down and walked past the guys to Emma who threw her hands up with a giggle. I lifted her up and smiled down at her softly as she ran her fingers over the music notes on my collarbone. “Listen to music?” She asked with a hopeful smile. I laughed before shaking my head no.

“But tell you what. If you give me a couple of minutes. I’ll go grab my iPod and you can listen to it, okay?” I asked as she nodded with a smile. I walked back up and grabbed my old headphones that weren’t ear buds and hooked them into my iPod before walking back down and putting it on her play list for her. Yes, I have an ‘Emma’s Playlist’ on my iPod. She giggled before listening to music as we were all told to sit down so we could talk before dinner. I smiled happily as that was interrupted by the doorbell. I walked to the door and answered it to be greeted by Adam. I smiled happily at his suit. I smiled as I let him in before introducing him to everyone. “this is the Ieros, Matt and his parents, Zacky and his parents, and the Haners…Ashley, Brian and their parents,” He nodded before saying a nice to meet you to them all. “I’m gonna miss you when you leave for tour,” I spoke quietly but they all heard.

Mom then chose to say dinner was ready and we all made our way to the dining room. I smiled as Adam put his fedora on my head. I ended up in the worst seat though, I ended up between Brian and Ashley and across from Zacky. And Matt was to the right of Zacky glaring holes into me. I laughed quietly as Emma made a statement. “He stoled your eye color,” Emma pouted as she gestured to Zacky. I shrugged with a smile as he looked at her confused. Gee chose that moment in time to come through the door. He walked in with a huge smile on his face. He pulled me out of my seat and grinned before speaking.

“We got a gig, that agent people are gonna be at…” I smiled happily before saying that was great. He then spoke up with a glint in his eyes. “I need a favor Lyn,” I sighed but listened up anyways. “We got in touch with a guy who’s interested in being our drummer…but the gig is tomorrow. Please Lyn?” He asked before starting with the pleading. “I’ll do anything,” I laughed before speaking up.

“Please Gee. You’re my brother. I will play drums for you at the show tomorrow night,” I stated with a smile as he cheered and spun me around as Frank grinned before walking over and kissing my cheek. “I still want that piercing,” I stated with a pout as Frank laughed. Mom had said that it was one or the other, I couldn’t get a piercing if I got a tattoo…but I changed the latter to tattoos, and the deal was made.

“Sheesh, guitar, drums and piano. What can’t you do? Neil did mention you were good with rhythm,” Adam told me with a laugh. I smiled and nodded before speaking up.

“Juggle. I can’t juggle,” he laughed and we finished dinner. I avoided talking to everyone by getting up when I was done and beginning to clear the table. I ended up working on washing the dishes, and was soon joined by Matt, Ashley, Brian and Zack. I put in a mix CD to fill the silence. And smiled as Three Days Grace’s demo for ‘I Hate Everything About You,’ began to play.

“Every time we lie awake. After every hit we take. Every feeling that I get but I haven’t missed you yet. Every roommate kept awake, by every sigh and scream we make. All the feelings that I get but I still don’t miss you yet. Only when I stop to think about it,” I sang softly before turning it off and finishing the dishes.

“Who was that singing?” Zacky asked as I shrugged and began to put clean dishes away. Then Matt spoke up.

“Bitch,” I rolled my eyes before speaking up.

“I was having a shitty day. You fucking laughed about it. I enjoyed the sound of your nose breaking…you steroid pushing freak,” I stated angrily as my fists clenched at my sides. I immediately felt Ashley’s fist hit my nose. I stumbled but didn’t fall and held my now bleeding nose. “Bitch. Punching me in my own fucking house. That fucking tears it,” I growled as I walked up stairs and changed before walking back down in a new outfit I walked back down and looked straight at the Bakers as Adam walked in the kitchen.

“Good thing you didn’t want me,” I sneered at the Bakers. “I tend to have a temper problem that ends in blood,” I wiped away some of the blood from my face now that my nose had finally stopped. “I’m gonna miss you Adam,” I said before offering to drive him home and telling my mom I wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠ make up for the short chapter XD. Please read and comment.

Katelyn's Dress for the party \

Adam's suit

Katelyn's outfit when she walks out