Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

They Can't Break Me, As Long As I Know Who I Am.

Ashley’s P.O.V.

The guys and I were finishing up our photoshoot that I had promised, and I was showing them the prints that I had gotten. They had loved them, especially this photo.

“Hey Ashley, Suzy just called, telling me we’re going to the Way’s house for a dinner party. We have to dress ‘nice’.” Brian told me in finger quotes. “And Matt and Zacky are coming as well. Their parents were invited too.” We all groaned.

It’s not that we didn’t want to, we could always use a free meal, it’s just that it’s with Katelyn and her parents and brothers. Sure, our parents could get along, but us kids never could.

Pulling into our driveway, Brian and I headed into our separate rooms. I pulled this out, and started to get dressed while my hair straightener was getting fired up. For my make-up, I had decided for a smokey black eye effect. After applying my mascara, I started to straighten my long red hair, leaving curls here and there to make it look nicer.

I walked out of my room, seeing Brian walk out of his too, wearing this.

“Jeeze, sis. You look nice.” Brian smiled, giving me his elbow to help me walk down the stairs.

“You don’t look too flashy. It must be the glasses.” I said, reaching up to his face, and taking them, placing them over my eyes.

“Oh yeah, that was the trick.” He winked.

Zacky was driving over with his parents, so both Brian and I were going to meet him there, and all three of us drive back over to our house for movie night with all the guys.

It was so awkward walking into Katelyn house, not only because she was number one on my hit list, but because her house was so much nicer than my family’s. There had to be about more than 1200 square footage more than ours. But I wasn’t too jealous. I loved my house, and I couldn’t vision my parents and us living elsewhere.

Zacky and his parents came in a few minutes after we did, and when he saw me I don’t think his eyes could have gotten any bigger. I returned to him, the same smile he was giving me, as he placed his arms around my hips, and I put mine around his neck.

“You look so sexy. I wish I could see you like this everyday.” He breathed onto my lips.

Zacky was wearing this and it was the first time I had seen him so dressed up, besides for the yearbook photos.

As soon as we were all at the Way house, it was time for dinner. I was next to Katelyn and to the right of me was my mom. Across from me was McKenna. Oh this night was not going to end well….


After dinner was finished, all the kids helped in the cleaning up process. I ended up having to take all the dishes from the table, to Katelyn who was at the sink, washing the dishes.

“Bitch.” I heard Matt grumble as I was walking away again.

“I was having a shitty day. You fucking laughed about it. I enjoyed the sound of your nose breaking…you steroid pushing freak.”

That was it. That’s when I broke.

I punched Katelyn right into his nose. I wanted her to know how badly it felt as well. That’s exactly what she deserved. Didn’t she ever hear, my friends were my family, fuck with them, fuck with me.

“Bitch. Punching me in my own fucking house. That fucking tears it,” She growled as she ran up to her room.

All the guys were looking at me in shock. They knew I could do it, just they thought I’d never have the guts to do so. Katelyn came walking back down with a different set of clothes, and her HIM messenger bag.

“Good thing you didn’t want me, I tend to have a temper problem that ends in blood.” She said directed towards Zacky’s parents. “I’m gonna miss you Adam.” And hugged him.

We were all so confused as to what had just happened. We all just stood around awkwardly for five minutes, waiting for someone to say something.

Finally Adam said that he needed to go, saying something about recording downtown, and left.

“Um… I’m just going to go home. I’m getting tired, and I still have make-up homework to do I guess…” I said as an excuse to get out of the tense situation. Zacky, Brian and McKenna all came back with me to our house in my car.

As soon as we were at our house, I ran up to my room, changed into this. As I was climbing into my bed, Zacky came in the door. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed in as well.

“The guys and McKenna are watching a movie. I decided to come up here. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He said, pulling me close to him.

I kissed him on his lips, and told him I loved him, and he exchanged the same words, just in a different phrasing.

It was silent for the rest of the night, as we both fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually like the way this turned out.

It's my favorite so far, as for what I've written.

Photo from first paragraph

Outfit Ashley is wearing in 4th paragraph



Ashley's outfit at home .

Katie's turn.

PLEASE comment.