Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

Tell Me That It's Gonna Be Alright

Katelyn’s P.O.V
It was my brothers’ night to shine…well it was afternoon actually. I had pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a red t-shirt. All in all it was cute. I was currently working on making sure the drums were set up right as Frank walked up and whispered in my ear. “Don’t look now but the assholes are here,” I sighed and nodded before standing up and waiting for the person to introduce us. As soon as My Chemical Romance was introduced, we began to play a list of about five songs that Gee had chosen for the event. I felt eyes on me and when I looked out I saw Jimmy was smirking…probably thinking that I sucked at this. Matt was glaring while holding onto Val, Zacky and Ash were sucking face but had previously looked at me confused, and Brian was looking at me with an unreadable expression.

When we finished I pulled out my cell phone and grabbed a water bottle before walking outside to make a call. I hadn’t noticed the small group who had gone outside to smoke and talk. I called Adam and told him about it before sliding down the wall. “I hate it here so much Adam. I really don’t belong here, the only ones who really know me are you, your band mates, Frank, my brothers, and Ray. I haven’t had a real date in forever, everyone who asks me out is doing it to be able to claim that they ‘tapped that!’ It’s so fucked up, and I can’t stand this…I can’t do this,” I whispered in a hushed broken tone. I wiped at the tears that had started falling down my cheeks. I looked up towards the sky and said the next part softly. “I told my real parents off that night…and it felt good. Oh and Matt Baker is awesome. Then again that could just be because he treats me like a person and not like a preppy cheer leading whore,” I smiled at the stars before saying next thing. “He said he kinda sees me as a sister…though I don’t know why,” I stated in a mumble. My biological twin brother is Matt Baker…maybe he feels that connection?

“I’m gonna have to talk to my brother about that,” Zacky’s voice stated, I looked up and groaned.

“Call ya back later Adam,” I sighed before hanging up. “Don’t start with me. I haven’t done anything to you today,” I stated.

“Why should we?” Matt asked with a sneer as Frank walked out to smoke.

“Because I said so? Because you have no reason to act this way? Because we’re not at school? Or maybe because I can add a black eye to that broken nose. The list really does go on and on,” he growled at me for being a smart ass…and I do know that’s gonna get me in trouble one day. Can’t say I thought it would be soon though.

“Trying to dress out of your style? You poser,” Matt exclaimed as Matt Baker walked up. I love this kid…and not in the incest way so stop thinking that RIGHT now.

“Hey guys. Hey Kate can you help me with my Trig? And wanna study for our AP Psych test?” I nodded before wiping that the remainder of my mascara and eyeliner that had run down my face. “So what’s this I heard about you sexing up Frank Iero in the Haner’s bathroom?”

“Ask Monica. Stupid bitch. She’s lucky I didn’t find her the next day…cause the best plastic surgeon in the world wouldn’t have been able to put her face back together again,” I stated bitterly. “Anyways speaking of Frank…lemme go tell him I’m leaving and to tell my mom and dad,” I said before walking over to him. I told him that I would be with Matt Baker at the Baker household doing homework and that I had my cell if anyone needed me. I kissed him on the cheek and laughed as he kissed my forehead…I still want that lip piercing. I then walked to Matt B’s car and sat in the passenger seat before playing with the radio stations as he drove us to my house to pick up my shit. I ran up to my room and grabbed my HIM messenger bag and my iPod before walking back to the Baker household with Matt B. He had chosen to save gas and just park at home before walking me to my house.

When we got there and walked in the dorks of Avenged were here with their girlfriends if they had one. I rolled my eyes as they all held their fingers up at me in a cross. We walked into the kitchen and I started to help him with his Trig. After a little while, Brian and Zack had come in to grab some snacks and Matt B. was finally starting to get how to prove the trig equations. “So that proves?”

“That sine of the Greek fishy thing equals sine of the Greek fishy thing!” He exclaimed excitedly referring to the Greek letter alpha. I laughed and nodded before he spoke up again. “Thanks for the help Lyn!” I smiled at his grin before he asked me something. “Why did you decide not to graduate early again?”

“I dunno. Can we listen to some music?” I asked as he nodded with a laugh. I walked over to his iHome and sent a questioning glance in his direction. He nodded and I put it on and hit play and smiled as another demo from my pen pal came on. I couldn’t help but sing along. I tried to sing quiet so the people in the next room wouldn’t hear. And I completely forgot about Brian and Zack or I wouldn’t have chosen to sing at all.

“I couldn’t tell you why she felt that way. She felt it every day. I couldn’t help her. I just watched her make the same mistakes again. What’s wrong, what’s wrong now? Too many, too many problems. Don’t know where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody’s home. That’s where she lies broken inside,” I closed my eyes wondering why I seemed to relate to any sad song I listened to. “There’s no place to go. No place to go, to dry her eyes, broken inside,” When I opened my eyes again I noticed Brian, Zacky, Jimmy (who was smirking), and Ashley were staring at me wide eyed. I rolled my eyes and pulled my iPod out of the dock as Zacky’s parents walked in. I bit my lip hard enough, that it began to bleed.

“Kate your roots are showing,” Matt joked trying to lighten the mood. I smiled half heartedly before putting Adam’s fedora from the other night on my head and smiling softly.

“Well that fixes that for now. I should get going…I need to go get ready for work. I really can’t afford to be late again,” I stated with a glare in Ashley’s direction. “So see ya later Matt Baker,” I yawned slightly and walked out the door but groaned as I saw Mark from school. He’s the point guard on the Varsity basketball team. He was hitting on me and my ignoring him finally made him snap I guess. He grabbed my arms and spun me around to face him. The door to the Baker’s home was still wide open and I could see Brian, Zacky, Ashley, Val and Matt watching.

“Come on baby. Let’s go back to my place,” he said with an almost sadistic grin. I struggled to free myself from his hold but couldn’t. He was too strong.

“No. Now let go,” I stated before continuing to struggle. He shook his head no before tightening his grip on my arms. Even though I wasn’t about to admit it to this guy, I was kind of scared. All the guys who wanted this in the past…have almost always been drunk and easier to fend off.

“Come on you’re gonna live up to your rep,” he said with a grin as his eyes glazed over with lust. I couldn’t do much else. The only ones around that would hear my screams were the ones who hated me most. I looked over to the doorway and caught Brian’s eyes before looking to the ground. He then spoke again. “Aw don’t worry baby. You’ll like this from what I heard,” I felt my eyes widen a bit and then returned to struggling against his hold. He started to lead me to his car and I tried to reach for my cell phone which was then knocked out of my hand. I bit my lip again.

I finally spoke up again, but this was a stupid time to smart off to a jock. “Your ego gets in the way of your oh so sparkling personality,” I stated sarcastically before getting backhanded. I glared and then spoke up again. “Is this why you don’t get dates? Because you smack them when they say something you don’t want to hear?” He backhanded me again and this time got my nose to start bleeding. You see…Ashley’s punch the other night had made my nose bleed, so it was much more susceptible to his hit. And the hold he kept on my arms, kept me from trying to stop the bleeding. And of course, my nose chose to be gushing blood right now. He just gave me a sinister smile before starting to lead me back to his car again.
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Uh oh her fate is in Ashley's hands...which means she may be a goner...anyways thanks for reading and please comment.

Katelyn's Outfit